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TRISTAN'S POV Leaving the house to the airport to pick up my dad was one of the annoying things I had hoped to not engage in. I was angry and Joel, my cousin and partner, knew that, he just always knew. Could be he had stayed with me so long that he now knows me like a book cover or he was just a good observer no matter how I tried to hide it. Father was going to be staying at my place till the wedding day which was in two days though I wished otherwise. I had advised him to stay at a hotel, I even offered to foot the hotel bills but he bluntly refused saying there was no place like home. How was my house a home to him? I'm still wondering. All of this was just a plot to get me upset but no I wasn't going to fall for it. My wedding day was approaching and I had to stay positive for it. Talking about a wedding day, I have a little pity for the woman sentenced to spend the rest of her life with a heartless creature like me. But who am I to say otherwise if that's what she wants? On arriving at the LAX, I ordered Joel to stay in the car which he did without questions, that was really unlike him. His bantering and nonsense blabbing are what keeps me going, the numerous arguments and no similar view of things makes us the perfect partners. This was just one of those days where he chose to listen to me and not add to my troubles. Two hours had passed. Two hours and I was still seated here in this airport awaiting my dad's supposed flight to arrive of which I saw no sign and the information department also had no useful information for me. The flight has been postponed due to the weather in the US where he has been for a business deal. He shouldn't have come but Dad was dad, I mean. I was impatient but I had to wait. If this was another human being I should have been working by now and not sitting and expecting a flight I knew nothing about. Flight 105 is due for takeoff from the United States, San Francisco, and will be arriving in a couple of hours. Please be patient as your families and friends will be arriving shortly. That lady needs to be taught a lesson for announcing that I have another couple of hours to wait. How long exactly is a couple of hours? I soliloquized, I was becoming crazy, talking to myself. I stood up and began walking to where I didn't even know as I regretted not letting it leak to the paparazzi where I was. At the very least I would've been occupied by their frenzy attempt to make me talk about my latest business proposal or my upcoming wedding ceremony. But to the media, I was a faceless creature because they just never put my face in my pictures as per my command. I can't even believe I've come this far without being known as Arlo Rhyde's son, heir to Rhydes Limited. I got a newspaper on my way there and glanced through it. Looks like my marriage was a hit story, these humans were much more interested in me than I was in myself. I smiled. That was an achievement I had to give myself credit for. In passed by a mirror and I was still smiling or at the very least I thought I was not until I looked well. I looked like a miniature with a fake smile. It's been years since I last had a real smile at least since I lost Jane and….. I didn't deserve to smile. I felt a vibration in me and thanked the heavens for the distraction. My phone was ringing. I pulled it out to find Joel on my screen. The most patient human being I've ever encountered as well, Joel Rhyde. He waited two hours to call me. "Hey Cuz," he said on the other end. "Joel" was the only word I replied to him. "You good out there? What's wrong? " he asked, concerned I guess. "Flight was delayed due to weather conditions, no estimated time before his arrival. That damned woman said "A couple of hours". I mimicked. And Joel began laughing. "You know she is just doing her job" he defended her. "I sure as hell know that, man" I replied, probably raising one eyebrow in the process. "I'm coming out to meet you at the reception," he said and I just shrugged. "Okay". I hung up and got down to the men's business before heading back out to the reception. *** She was beautiful. Dark Sunglasses, a neatly ironed yellow penciled gown that showed perfect curves in the right places, and black heels that clicked with confidence as she walked toward me. Her long black hair swung and flowed without obstruction behind her. She reeked of money, I knew that because I was a businessman, you know. I stared. Oh yes, I was indeed mesmerized by her. I knew I had never seen her before though she looked vaguely familiar. I shrugged it off, as I didn't get to see her eyes which were covered with her sunglasses, and confirm. It was this Deja Vu feeling. Then suddenly she looked towards the left and smiled. That was one of the most fascinating things I've seen in a while. It was contagious and perfect and pure, like she meant it and it struck my chest. Like jilted me real hard. She was walking towards me but not looking my way. I should've dodged and let her pass freely but something in me was pulling me towards her and I recovered immediately we bumped into each other. "You should watch your way and not a security guard ma'am, a candid advice for you and I'm giving it free of charge" I heard myself say meanwhile my eyes were doing another job. Watching, staring, figuring out what was holding me captive with this woman I had just met. The rest of the conversation was an inaudible dialogue in my head as my eyes were just roaming and having thoughts of their own. I recovered within a second and began walking away from her not even conscious of what I was voicing out at least not until I heard her say. "Heaven forbid I run into you again. All these daddies boys that will… ". That was when I was brought back to reality as I countered her prayers. I was not a daddies boys and Heaven would make me see you again, because I was definitely going to proof to her that I had a business of my own. "I will definitely see you again" I mouthed very distracted and pissed that she had thought that of me. I met Joel seated at the reception and joined him while we waited. He was good company and a distraction from my swirled thoughts, one I could use till Dad got to Los Angeles. *** A couple of hours later. Flight 105 is arriving finally, and friends and family can now expect their loved ones as the plane will be landing soon. "Finally" I heaved and Joel laughed which made me glare at him. We both stood and nodded to each other as I buttoned my suit at the same time as he did his; with one hand I brushed my hair backward and we began walking to the welcome area. Joel caught sight of him first and tapped me in his direction and we both began walking towards him. "Welcome Dad" I greeted bowing and my father smiled and patted my back. "Hope you had a safe trip, sir" "Yes I did, Joel," he said, all smiles. "Hello, Los Angeles' ' he muttered looking around. "Take me home, son" he finally said to me and I scoffed. 'Home indeed, this man was unbelievable '. "Sure, Dad" I responded with a bit of mockery in my voice and acknowledged Dad's secretary, a woman in her mid-50s I had grown up to know with a nod of my head and she gave me her most beautiful and genuine smile. Then I led my house hosts out of the airport towards my car parked outside, my never-complaining driver in it, as I hoped for a successful wedding ceremony to have peace with my father. “How about we go visit the brides family instead.” My dad suddenly said and I turned in shock. “Dad! You haven't even arrived yet!” “I have. You don't have to come. Take my load back home, Joel will take me there, right?” He asked turning to Joel who nodded smilingly. “Seriously! I'm out of this plan. Drop me in the office.” I said to my driver who nodded.
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