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LAUREEN'S POV As I got on the plane at San Diego International Airport (SAN), I felt this familiar feeling of dread wash over me but I ignored it. I had deliberately refused to buy a first-class ticket and sat with the coach class instead. I didn't have the vibes to go with the economy class. It seemed people there always wanted to make friends and I was in no mood for such. I had just an hour before I got back to my father's mansion. One hour of reasoning if I made the right choice. This would be the longest one-hour I've had in a while. I found my seat number, relaxed into my seat and my headset found its way to its place on my head. I tried to drown out the screaming voices in my head that I was going to regret this trip. I mean, what was the harm in gracing my sister's not-so-holy matrimony? I was so immersed in the Korean love song that I almost missed my airline snacks. I took out Steve Harvey's "Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man" and began flipping through the pages. And just like that one hour was gone, I saw others trying to fasten back their seat belts and I knew we had arrived, so I turned off my headset, stuck it in the bag I was with, and fastened my loosened seat belts. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath as the doors to the plane opened and I breathed in the scent of Los Angeles, a city I must admit I have missed. With my belongings, I strolled into the Los Angeles International Airport (LAX). I didn't want to rush home, just take my time and inhale the air I had missed for years. Things had barely changed from the last time I was here, there was just a little improvement though and I noticed all of them. Laura had offered to pick me up but I had politely declined. I didn't want to begin feeling uncomfortable at the airport. With Laura came a convoy, along with the paparazzi, Invited or not they would always show up and the last thing I needed right now was cameras snapping and blinking lights on my face. I needed my own private space, you know. Usually, I visit the women's convenience of an airport first whenever I'm off a flight and today wasn't an exception. This ritual was something I did to rejuvenate myself. I would stand in the mirror, take a long look at myself, and mentally remind myself how great I am and how I could do anything I set my mind to. Just as I was approaching the convenience, my thoughts were intercepted when I bumped into a strong masculine figure and I couldn't help but gasp a little "Ouch" as I held onto my handbag to keep it from falling. I took a step back to regain my composure and practically had to lift my head before I could meet the face of the human brick I just bumped into because my arms were practically aching already. Before I could form an apology I heard the most prideful masculine voice in my history of men. "You should watch your way and not a security guard ma'am, a candid advice for you and I'm giving it free of charge". I could hear the pride and humor in his voice which pissed me off more. "What? Do you think I was admiring a security guard? " I had to ask in disbelief. "What else were you watching that caught your attention so much that you forgot to watch your path, or is it your first time in LAX? " he asked with an eyebrow c****d up. I already knew his type from the first appearance. All these proud daddies' boys feel they can look down on anyone because they walk around in luxurious cars and fancy suits, with bodyguards attached sometimes. This one wasn't with his though, not like it changed the fact that he had this annoying smirk on his face. I so much wanted to wipe it off with a chunk of my mind. "Unbelievable." I scoffed. "To think that I was about to tender a heartfelt apology to you as I am at fault here, I take that back with all my heart, sire, you aren't worth it.". I concluded getting pissed, obviously. "Wondering what your apology will add to my life, just watch your way to avoid bumping into me again". He concluded and began to walk away. “Why don't you just hit me and soil daddy's image, so we'll know who has the most power here.” I suddenly said and he stopped and looked back, his eyebrows raised in surprise. “What? How did that even come into this?” He asked bewildered. "Ask me again. Heaven forbid I run into you again, All these daddies boys that won't let the human race rest.” I hissed and walked away. "Such pride in one human a**hole" I mumbled and immediately cursed myself for using a swear word. I rearranged my sunglasses and looked around to make sure not too many people saw me being reprimanded by that proud jerk. It's his guts for me. I hurried my way to the women's convenience, obviously aware of the fact that I was wearing high-heeled shoes, and for the first time since my flight, I regretted it because I could now hear the clicking of my heels and it felt like everyone was staring at me. I met a flushed and slightly angry face when I got to the mirror. Who was he to make me feel like this? Is it because I am a woman? I began thinking all sorts of thoughts but when I remembered what I came to this mirror for I lifted my head and stared at my reflection. I am a woman, an epitome of pride, one of full potential, and no man can look down on me, no matter who he is. I encouraged myself with this and after a few minutes, I walked out stronger than I was when I walked in. Ready to face whatever was waiting for me at the place I called home. I hailed the next taxi and gave my address. As I climbed into the taxi I knew I had to be strong for myself as no one would do that for me. Then I began the ride back home, a place I had not set foot on in five years. Ready and fully armored for the disasters to come, because deep down in my guts I knew something was off. There was something Laura was not telling me, I could sense it in her voice the day she called and also in the email that was sent to me. I knew because she was my sister and I knew almost everything about her, the last five years excluded.
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