Chapter 6 – A Face from the Past…

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 Dominic’s gaze darkened for a moment and he looked about to say something just as his Mother spoke “Food is ready, do come and sit down.” Suddenly breaking the awkward atmosphere that had formed.      “Oh Mum, I invited a friend for food, hope that is ok?” Casey says sweetly, though I am certain she glanced in my direction as she spoke, as Dominic began to push her chair into the large dining room of the family home.       Their mother nodded in agreement with their adopted daughter while I simply observed the two siblings as they moved toward the house. It was clear they were close. I knew they were not siblings by birth. Casey had been adopted by the former Alpha when, as a young child, she had been found on the packlands, an abandoned child, with no apparent family, and despite their many attempts to find them, and the assistance of other packs too, including ours, there had been no success in finding her family. So The Gillespie family had chosen to take the “sweet young girl” in as part of their family. Looking at her now, I struggled to believe she was so sweet, more manipulative if you asked me. She certainly seemed able to have my new husband wrapped around her finger.       There was a knock at the front door, and Casey suddenly spoke, disturbing my thoughts. “That will be him, I asked him to bring my medicine from the hospital.”        Dominic walked out of the dining room, down the corridor, I assume to the front door, while I was directed to a seat at the dining table. Casey was sat watching me, a smirk playing on her full lips. As there were footsteps along the corridor.      “Casey, I would say you have some explaining to do wouldn’t you?” Dominic says as he reaches the door.       I look up to see an extremely pissed off expression across his face. As another tall man walks in behind him. No. I did not expect to see him here. Not today. Not this soon. I look to Casey. She had to have planned this. Luca. My boyfriend. Well, now ex-boyfriend going off the agreement I had made with Dominic. Standing looking uncomfortable in the doorway. His eyes lit up when he saw me. That was not a good thing, especially not in front of Dominic!     “Hi Luca, thanks so much for collecting those things for me. Come sit down”  Casey smiles at him, her eyes twinkling in delight as she does. She sure seems to be getting her kicks from this.      I see Dominic’s fists clenching by his side, as his eyes darken once more. He knows who Luca is. Who he is to me. There is no way he would not. He had made that clear at the hospital.       “Luca please come and sit down, silly. Dominic won’t get you. He is just a little grumpy today.” Casey giggles as she pulls a chair out beside her for Luca to come and sit down. “And as for an explanation big brother, I simply asked Luca if he minded collecting my medication I had left at the hospital for me. We went to college together. Old friends. I know he works near the hospital now. No need for drama, is there?” she smiles almost sarcastically as she looks around the table, her gaze lingering at mine.      “Hmmm” Dominic growled, pulling me close to him.       Food was being served and many times I saw Luca watching me, as well as trying numerous times to begin conversation with me.     “Tay” he began again, and again I ignored him, seeing the veins across Dominic’s hands tense, knowing he too was noticing the attempts Luca was making to begin conversation with me.          I had had enough of the awkward tension around the table and decided to leave for the bathroom. While in there, looking into the mirror I was thinking, I have yet to properly explain to Luca we were over. Had not been given an opportunity to do so. Maybe I could take this manipulated meeting, and use it to my advantage, Casey had clearly planned for this to cause drama. But perhaps instead I could use the fact that Luca was here to explain that things were finished. Explain we would not work out and that I was now Dominic’s wife.       That would be for the best. It was only as I was thinking this that there was a knock at the bathroom door bringing me back from my thoughts. “Tay!” a voice I recognised only too well broke the silence – Luca. Seemed he had followed me to the bathroom.      I took a deep breath and opened the door. Before I even had chance to speak Luca grabbed me in his arms and pulled me into a tight embrace. His voice full of hurt “Why were you ignoring me?”      I closed my eyes and pushed him away. I need to prepare for this.     Luca suddenly became anxious. “Are you angry that I am here? Seemingly running around after Casey? I can explain my love.” He says almost pleadingly, reaching for my hand.      He then proceeded to tell a long drawn out story of how the two of them had indeed attended college together, as she had mentioned to her brother. But that Luca had carelessly knocked Casey down when she ran out in front of his car after a few too many drinks, and the injuries sustained in that accident were the reason she was now in the wheelchair. Luca, seemingly had never forgiven himself. And Casey, being Casey, and the way she so clearly seemed to be, had manipulated him, like she seemed to manipulate most people in her life to get what she wanted from them. To get the best of things for her. Because from how I understood the explanation, she had been drinking, and had ran out in front of the car, Luca stood no chance of stopping in time, nobody would have. The accident was not his fault. But yet Casey had played on it, as Casey would. And used him as much as possible to her benefit. More fool him for letting her, quite frankly. How could I have been dating this man for that long and never known of this?!    I shake my head in disbelief.     “I feel guilty. After all, she was injured because of me. If she hadn’t insisted on me delivering her medicine I wouldn’t be here, I promise Tay.” Luca looks to me guiltily. “Say you believe me?”       I felt a little sorry for him, I cannot lie. But I controlled myself. Keeping my composure as my voice was cold “Why are you explaining? I don’t need an explanation Luca. I had been planning to break up with you anyway. Had you not seen that?” I said with a small smile. “I simply climbed a branch, I suppose you could say. He can cover my mother’s medical bills. So I sold myself. A simple business transaction so to speak.”      I look away, tears in my eyes at having to describe what I have done so coldly. I hate that I had to sink so low. Before quickly moving away as he looks shocked at me        “Tay!” he shrieks in shock. “I am deeply in love with you…” he stutters.      I continue to move away. To find Dominic stood watching from the doorway at the entrance to the corridor. Seems he had been watching us. And the look upon his face said a thousand words…
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