Chapter 5 – The Questionable Family…

1272 Words
  Dominic took my hand and led me through a side gate of the house, into the beautiful gardens, where I could see his parents sat at a patio table and chairs out on the decking area of the garden, both enjoying the sunshine while having a mug of coffee talking to one another animatedly.          I know of them, Dominic’s father, of course, was a former Alpha of the pack, and his wife, the former Luna. They were well known locally, and I had met them on occasion when they had come to our pack on business in the past when I was growing up I vaguely recall. Though I cannot remember what for… My father having been our pack Beta we saw many other pack officials so I did not pay great attention to them. These could well be names and faces that had dwindled into my distant memory too. Much like Dominic had.      As we approached I saw them look up at us, then I could not fail to see them both look at one another, and I am certain I saw doubts in their eyes. Did they know of our marriage then? From the look within their eyes I would say they did not agree. Or do they simply not like the choice? A human daughter of the poor dead Beta who killed himself after his pack and business was going under?     “Is this…” Dominic’s Mother, Former Luna Lena began.       Dominic pulled me forward, grabbing my hand to do so. Before gently laying his hands upon my waist, standing behind me now, resting his head  on my shoulder as he does. “Say hello to our Mother, Mom, say hello to my beautiful wife”     As I turn my head to scowl at him, I notice both his Mother and Father are looking at him through narrowed eyes too. Obviously they were not expecting that sort of response from him either. I was almost grinding my teeth in anger, and frustration at him sharing this. I moved my head alongside his before whispering into his ear “Erm, what happened to the agreed-upon hidden marriage oh dear husband?”      He smirks, then plasters a very innocent look across his handsome features before resting his lips against my ear, the warmth of breath of his making me shiver as he spoke “Well, my dear wife, those were outsiders I believed, external parties we spoke about, no? Parents surely do not count as outsiders do they?” and as he moved away he place a soft kiss to my cheek, and winked.     I simply pouted at him and shook my head, unsure how to respond to his statement, and not really wanting to make a scene  in front of his parents. Acutely aware of the fact they were currently sat watching us.     Dominic remained holding my hips, looking down to me with a smile on playing his lips, while I tried to avoid his gaze and that of his parents too. Clearly his mother picked up on the tension and the atmosphere, and smiled kindly in my direction.        “Sorry, what was your name again dear?” she asks. “I am almost certain we have met…”        I frown, unsure if that is true or not. Perhaps we had through the two packs, who knows. But I do my best to be polite. Knowing I need to be. I have made an agreement with her son after all.      “Please, just call me Taylor or Tay.” I say politely offering her my hand.         Dominic moves to the side, where his father grabs his arm to pull him away. Where I cannot fail to hear their conversation, leaving me feeling more than uncomfortable!      “Son, do you think you would be able to fool me and your Mum?”     Dominic simply smiles, with the raise of his eyebrows. “Stop letting your imagination run away with you Dad!”        “Seriously Dominic, I am telling you, do not think for one moment bringing her here means you will be getting out of the plans we have made! You will be present at the date this weekend. This arrangement with them will go ahead!” former Alpha Drew snarls at his son.     Dominic simply shrugs. “I am sure you forget who is Alpha now father. Go right on ahead. If you are not afraid of embarrassment then continue on with the arrangements.”       The two men stood facing one another. The former Alpha looked so angry, his face twisted in fury as he pushed his sleeves up his arms “You traitor!” he hissed at his son before marching away in rage.      I was not one for mixing with many people. Much preferring my own company. Especially once things had got difficult within pack. It became easier to spend time alone. Having less time and money for doing things with friends anyway. I could not lie, I felt uncomfortable under the scrutiny of Dominic’s parents, well his mother. A former Luna, she was quite the socialite, quite the belle of the ball. So far from what I was, so no doubt she was disappointed in what her son had brought home as his apparent wife. Though, they perhaps did not know this was merely a business arrangement.      I stood awkwardly with his Mother while he had argued with his father, and soon after too. Wondering what best to do. While she fired questions on my direction. Dominic quickly looked over from where he was and made his way back to me.       “I hope you are not trying to scare my wife away Mum!” he warns her.        She shakes her head at her son. “I hope you are joking Dom”         “Brother!” I hear a voice from up near the house, and see Dominic turn to look in that direction and follow his gaze. Sitting in a wheelchair at the top of the gardens is his adopted sister Casey. Her skin a sickly pale, and her body thin. Her eyes at that moment were lowered, making her look like a sickly beauty.       “What are you doing out here Case? You have just got out of hospital and should be resting” he makes his way up to her and places a blanket over her legs. “We don’t want you catching a cold, or making yourself ill.”          “It is okay big bro!” she smiled weakly at him, before sliding the wheelchair towards where I was standing. Before staring slightly at me, only going to make me feel more uncomfortable. What is it with this family and making me feel uncomfortable?!        “Is this your new wife?” she said glaring at me before looking to Dominic. I can only assume he had mentioned me to her, or his family had.         “Hello” I say politely. She stretches her hand out to me first. I don’t particularly like touching people so do my best to pretend I haven’t seen it.         But Dominic rested his hands once more on my waist “Sweetness, Casey is saying hello to you. Don’t leave her hanging.”        I raise my eyes to meet his displeased gaze, smile at him, and simply shrug. “What does that have to do with me?” I ask. If his sister wants to play nice, she can play nice with someone else. I do not like the way she is looking at me. She is up to something and I am not about to play her games. 
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