Chapter 7 – When The Past is Haunting…

1466 Words
   When he sees me approach, he simply chuckles.  I was not in the mood for his childish games so simply shake my head and begin to walk around him heading outside. But he pulls me into his embrace. He pulled my face to his. “Did you like him that much?” he asks before kissing me. “Time for a change I think”        As he broke our kiss he stroke the hair back from my face. “Taylor. Just do not forget you are now a married woman.” He winks.       I allowed myself to calm down before returning to the dining room table. I sat quietly and ate my food politely. Not even attempting to make conversation with anyone. Not feeling the need nor the inclination to do so. Plus I did not want to cause any trouble. Though it was fairly evident there were people here who did not like me.       However throughout the meal Luca was forever dropping his gaze to me, and Casey was making comments about me and Luca. I could see this was infuriating Dominic. Until he took hold of my hand, and muttered into my ear “So, it seems you can’t even have a meal with you former lover and not cause issues.”         I simply rolled my eyes in response, not even giving him an answer. Which only seemed to infuriate him further and his grip around my hand tightened, “So what is it? Can’t control yourself with an old lover at the same table? Is that what I should expect of my new wife?” he whispers. “Are you getting ready to make a move? Still thinking about rekindling your old relationship?”         My heart was pounding in my chest with anger at his nerve. At how nasty he was being. But I remained calm and simply said as I walked toward the door “I am tired Dominic. Can you not allow me to be quiet for even a little bit?”        Yet this seemed only to anger him further. “Taylor, I don’t even think you know who you are. He hissed as he followed me, heading toward the car we had arrived in. “Are you even capable of showing temper?”       “Am I allowed emotions? Aren’t I just a toy you brought for half a million Dominic? I can’t feel wronged. I can’t… well.” I begin.     The unfinished words were blocked by the Alpha. By his mouth, his kisses. By this time, I was pressed up against the car door, his lips firmly against mine, his tongue fighting for access to my mouth. ------------- This was what Casey saw as she left the house to say goodbye to her brother. The two of them in a passionate embrace. Leaving her in a confused state. She looked to Luca.     “Luca, I recall that she was yours not too long ago, so why does she have her tongue stuck down the throat of my brother? I have seen the two of them kissing just now. And I don’t just mean casually either…” Casey said slyly.    Luca looked down, saying nothing, feeling very down. --------------  Dominic took me to what he told me would be my home within the pack, he had an air of arrogance about him as he drove which only went to irritate me further. As he stopped the car by the house I looked to him and simply said “Asshole, I hate you.”  I gulped before continuing. “I will pay back that money. The 5 hundred thousand, one way or another, I will do it.”      As I went to step from the car I realised Dominic was laughing. He didn’t seem angry like I expected, as he slowly leant across to kiss me. He took me by surprise. His kiss was gentle “You don’t believe me that you are stupid?  How much is your backbone worth?” He ran his hand down my hair, a small smile on his face. “You are sold baby. Quite simply.” He kissed me once more before continuing. “If you are obedient, I will give you whatever you want”         His words sink into my mind, I am stunned by them. When did he become so gentle? So kind?       I walked into the house only for him to follow.        “I think I will stay here with you tonight” he says with a small smile.        I pause, wanting to tell him that is not what I want, but going back to his earlier words, I stop myself and simply nod. I will make this as easy as I can for now, until I find a way to pay him back the money. Or as much of it as I can.      “Come, let’s go to bed, sweetness” Dominic offers me his hand.        I ignored his hand but went to the bathroom to get myself ready for bed. Only when I come out of the bathroom in my pyjamas  and into what I assume was the main bedroom do I find Dominic waiting for me in the bed.          “Ah I thought you were avoiding coming to bed with me Tay” he smiles sweetly.         I frown, confused by this man’s actions. But climb into the bed, laying on my side, hoping to avoid any interaction with him. He may have forced himself into my bed, but it does not mean I had to interact with him. I closed my eyes, hoping to force myself to go to sleep, that way he may leave me alone. The next second, I felt myself being pulled against his body. The heat from his body radiating into mine. The muscles of his manly, Alpha body pressed up against the curves of my back.        I felt as he played with the hem of my pyjama top. I stiffened slightly at his touch. Why does he think this is ok? Then he raised my top slightly, and I could now feel his fingers gently stroking my stomach. Until I could feel his breath on my ears as his curious voice reached my ears “What is this scar on your belly?”      I was a little shocked at his question and unsure how best to answer, but he kept questioning. “Have you ever given birth to a child?” he asks, moving me slightly so we were now looking at each other.    I did my best to avoid his gaze, but his eyes did not leave mine. “If I am not mistaken this is the scar left by a caesarean section, is it not?”       My heart was racing at that statement. I pushed him away slightly. “What does that have to do with you?” I demand. “Does it have anything to do with you whether I gave birth to someone else’s child?”      Dominic has a strange temper and I expected him to get angry. I hoped he would, possibly even to the point of storming out because of the words I had said but instead he shrugged. Simply shrugged!    Then simply smiled sadly at me before saying “It does matter” as if he didn’t care in the slightest. “After all, you are my woman now. If I find out that you have children outside…”      He chose not to continue, but I don’t think he needed to, everything he wanted to say was implied. I knew what he meant. Exactly what he meant. I narrow my eyes at him. I have no children. Not now. My child had died a long time ago.       I closed my eyes, bringing  back the scenes of the hospital, the cries, hysterical cries, my own I think. When the nurse came to tell me as I came around from the surgery that they could not save my baby. That nurse’s cruel voice forever lingered in my mind. Haunted my dreams.      I closed my eyes tighter. I should not have allowed myself to think of this. It always breaks me. Feeling tears begin to fall from the corners of my eyes. This was how I fell asleep.      Dominic looked down upon his sleeping wife. Wiping the tears from her eyes. He gently kissed her cheek. “Oh sweetness. It still hurts? If you were so reluctant to let go, why abandon him in the first place?”     While Taylor slept Dominic left the room, walking downstairs to make a video call. Feeling the need to see the child. Make sure he was ok. As the call connected and elderly lady came onto the camera, a young boy within her arms.      “Hi Auntie, how is my boy?” Dominic asks. 
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