Family Get Together

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When we came inside the house kai was jumping around the room and soon he was unpacking his bag. Lauren shouted, ‘Honey you have your breakfast first then you can unpack your bag the whole day.”   But kai was not listening he finally found what he was looking for and went ahead to show off his trophy which he had won. Myra and Lauren were stunned and went and gave him a big hug again and he ran away to the other side of the room.   Both shook their heads then Myra said, ‘Why didn’t you tell us that you had won? ‘ Marian who was watching all the fun looked at both of us and said, ‘I wanted to tell you but Kai wanted to surprise you.” I smiled and exclaimed,’ Yayyyy! This calls for a celebration. How about we go out for dinner. Then suddenly I remembered that Carlos was in the city and changed my mind and said, to think about it why not we celebrate at home, mom will cook Kai’s favorite dishes and we can also watch a movie. It sounded like a good idea to everyone and so they agreed. “Can I have chicken wings and cola?’ Kia asked a little hesitantly. Trust Kai to always present his preferences whenever it comes to food. I rolled my eyes and finally smiled and agreed. Yayyy! Kai exclaimed and started running around. Seeing his happy face, we all smiled at each other. ‘I better go home and take some rest,” Marian said. Oh, yes mom have your breakfast and then go, I will go along with you. We all sat together and finished our meal which was prepared by Myra. Then I volunteered to wash the dishes while Myra went with her mother to her apartment. Marian lived just below our floor, so we were at our ease that she is nearby. We could drop by anytime and visit her and so could she. We all had our own personal space. Though Myra is always at my place she has her own apartment close to mine. After I finished cleaning I went and picked up Myra’s phone which was ringing continuously. As soon as I said “hello”, I heard a deep and familiar voice and smiled. ‘Hi, Myra it’s me Adele at what time will you be available at your boutique. I will come down and settle down the bills.’ She explained.   Hearing her familiar voice, I said, “, This is Lauren here, Myra is not here I will pass on the message and we open by 9 :00 am so you can come anytime. Lauren honey, how are you?  Anyways I will come down and meet you two toady, its been a long time since I have met you saying this she hung up. After giving bath to Kai who insisted that he had grown now and can take bath himself but finally gave in when I refused to let him take bath himself. I did not know what to do, my son was growing too fast. Kai feel asleep as I went ahead and got dressed. morning has been to eventful, so she was prepared for the battle ahead for the day. As she came out of her room she saw Myra lazily lying on the sofa.   I went and gave her phone and told her about the conversation with Mrs. Lang ford's. Then asked about the party. Myra looked at me for a long time and then finally said. ‘I met Carlos at the party. he behaved quite differently from the way he behaved last time. Mrs. Lang ford is very fond of him and his grandmother told me to compliment the baker as the cake was unbelievably delicious.” She paused and enquired “ Were you the one who prepared the cake as no other cake shop would have taken this order at such a short notice and you were the only one available and who has the expertise to make such a delicious cake perfectly.” I could not deny as Myra knew her well. She sighed and said, “Could you please keep this secret between the two of us. When the right time comes I will tell you everything.” ‘Only if you prepare my favorite cake for me and Kai on our birthday,’ Myra said with a grin. I smiled and promised and then headed out as I had to go and check the venue of the birthday party which is to happen tomorrow. Myra looked at her retreating back and went to her apartment after checking on Kai who was sleeping peacefully. Once she was back in her apartment she started surfing the internet and typed Carlos Vincent’s name and searched and searched till she found the man she was looking for. Carlos Vincent a self-made man and the most good-looking businessman in Dublin was single but rumored to be dating a socialite named Petra Wilson. He was the founder and CEO of Citadel international which had a lot of companies working under him. He is a very wealthy man and is wanted by all the females around the world. Reading through it Myra wondered what is his and Lauren's connection. Since the past six years a lot of things had changed since the time Lauren walked into her family, but she never knew her past. But had always respected her privacy but was just a little curious. Now that Carlos has given them a chance to work with him it was great opportunity for them to be involved with such a big company but will Lauren agree, thinking it over she went to get dressed then she went and picked up Kai and took him over to her mother’s house. As she rang the doorbell her mother opened the door and she went inside and laid him down in the bed. Once she was done she went out into the living room. Myra is everything all right with Lauren and you, I think Lauren is a little disturbed, I hope the business is going on well? Mom everything is fine, and business is also going good you need not worry. Myra explained. Just so you remember I had promised your dad that I will take care of her always , so I  expect you to treat her well and don’t forget because of her your dad could finally come back home.  Marian had tears in her eyes as she said this. Yes, mom I will never forget that she is my sister and I will never abandon her do not worry. I will take care good care of her. She came forward and hugged her mother and both of them started thinking about the time six years back when their father had arrived back home with Lauren supporting him as he was walking slowly, smilingly towards them and he had tears in his eyes.                            
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