Meeting Grandma Lia

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At the Lang ford Villa, Carlos was sitting and discussing business matters with his grandfather when grandmother Lia and grandmother Adele walked in. they were both dressed extravagantly and it was mesmerizing to see both the sisters dressing alike and even their jewelries were same. Carlos smiled and got up and gave them both a big hug. Grandma Lia was shocked because its been a while since his grandson showed such affection to her. She hugged him tightly and said, “ What is it honey? Are you thinking that I might run away with someone? “She smiled and pinched him.   Carlos and his grandfather started laughing and he said teasingly, ‘Grandma if you dress up like that and go out I will have to become your bodyguard or people might kidnap you.” Stop teasing me! Anyways we are getting late so off we go. Common Adele lets hurry. She turned towards her sister as they walked out. Wait a minute grandma, where are you two going? Carlos enquired.  We are going to Mystic boutique to settle down the bills for yesterday’s party and we need to do some Christmas shopping as. Since you and Lia are going to celebrate Christmas we need to be more festive. Grandma Adele smiled and replied. In that case I can settle down your business at Mystic Boutique and you can enjoy your shopping, Carlos insisted. Carlos thank you for being considerate but I really like going to that place as I get to meet those two beautiful ladies , during these past few years after  Dan’s death,  I have become very close to them as they were always there making me jovial and I want your grandmother to meet both of them.  So, you continue with your work and we will get going. Grandma Adele replied. Carlos on the other hand insisted on driving them himself. So, without any delay they got into the car and drove towards Mystic Boutique. As they were driving Grandma Adele observed Carlos and asked, “ By the way Carlos have you taken a fancy of Miss. Myra, she is very beautiful and the most eligible women in town so if you are interested you can pursue her.” Both the grandma started teasing him and laughed away. Are you trying to set me up grandma and no I am not interested in her it is just I have some business proposal for their boutique? So, do not think too much. Carlos said smilingly. Whatever you say hon. Grandma Adele said wickedly and started discussing the Christmas shopping list with her sister. Carlos on the other hand was worried about grandma Lia as she will be meeting Mia and for some reason Mia does not want to be recognized as Mia, so he wanted to see her reaction when she meets grandma Lia. As she had always been close to his grandmother and they had their own secrets. He sighed and drove on.  Grandma Lia was listening to her sister while she chatted away but was thinking, the reason she wanted to come along to Mystic boutique was to meet the baker who had baked her birthday cake.     Myra was busy preparing for designs of the layout for a wedding reception. She was deeply engrossed in it when her cell phone rang, she checked the called and immediately responded, Lauren where are you have still not reached the boutique? She enquired.  I am stuck in the market the flower that we had ordered had not yet arrived so I thought I will personally wait for it and then come back as we cannot delay it or we will have to be answerable to the client. Its her favorite orchids. It will take another hour or two just try to manage there. Lauren said hurriedly as she  was busy browsing around the shops for materials for the wedding.   All right take your time as there’s no rush here but you won't be able to meet Mrs. Lang ford as she will drive by anytime. Just apologize to her from my side. Lauren said  and hung up.   She really liked Mrs. Lang ford but the current developed situations were warning her not get close to her as she was Carlos’ grandmother and  grandma Lia was also in town and if she met her she will definitely recognize her and she was not ready for the confrontation yet. God who would have known that Carlos would show himself in this part of the world.    Emily who was updating the orders in the computer noticed Carlos entering the boutique and started having butterflies in her stomach why is this man so distracting. She thought and stared at him but did not notice the two ladies following him in. Suddenly Carlos cleared his throat and said, ‘Hello! We are here to meet your boss can you inform them.” Emily who was in trance failed to listen to what they were saying. Following her gaze both the ladies saw that she was staring at Carlos and they smiled.  Their grandson always gained female attention very easily. Grandma Adele cleared her throat and said, ‘Emily where is Myra?’ Emily woke up from her dreams and saw the two ladies staring at her smilingly and she blushed, then she ran towards Myra’s office to inform her. Myra upon hearing her news went out to welcome them and once they were seated Myra told Emily to get tea for them as Mrs. Lang ford was very fond of tea.   “Myra where is Lauren? I wanted to meet both of you so I came down but I don’t see her here.” Grandma Adele questioned her.   Adele , Lauren has told me apologize to you as she is stuck in the market.  But I promise we will come to meet you whenever we are free. Carlos who was observing and listening to everything wondered  is she deliberately trying to avoid us but now he was getting more and more confirmed about his suspicion. He took out his phone and immediately messaged Jacob to hurry up with the search as he did not want Mia to be suspicious about his motives.       
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