Business Proposition

902 Words
When they reached the parking area Carlos finally spoke, ‘Myra I have a business proposal for you, I am opening a small editorial office in San Martin so the opening  will be on coming Monday, I want you to do the decoration for the opening and also arrange for the catering as I have been told that  your boutique is very good in this business and today’s party was a hit so I don’t have any doubt about it. I know it is a very short notice as today is Thursday but I am here only for fifteen days and need to finish off my work and fly back to Dublin don’t worry  I will pay you well.” Myra was taken aback and said that she will have to talk about it with her sister and then she will let him know. You can give your number and I will get in touch with you as soon as we decide.  They exchanged each other’s number and Carlos gave Myra his business card. Then she got into the car and left. Carlos stood there and had a faraway expression in his face and finally he went inside after he was called by his grandfather. Myra returned home and saw the dark hallway and realized that Lauren must have slept. she went and peeked inside her room and saw her sleeping peacefully and thought not to disturb her. She closed the door and went towards her room.   At San Martin airport a graceful body wearing a khaki French coat was pushing a cute little guy, his cheeks were pink like strawberry and had beautiful smile. He was the most adorable kid and people started noticing hem and clicked his pictures. The girls who passed by were exclaiming in admiration when they saw the little boy. He was just beautiful, and some wanted to kidnap him.  ‘Granny, mommy is here to fetch us.’ He shouted excitedly as soon as he saw Lauren standing at the entrance of the terminal. As soon as Lauren saw them she ran, when she reached them she swooped down and lifted the little guy up in her embrace and held him tightly in her bosom. The little guy was very happy to see his mother so he hugged her back but as soon as Lauren kissed his cheeks he fretted away and said, ‘mommy it’s too embarrassing, I am five years old stop kissing me in public, everyone is watching. My image will be ruined, please put me down.” Both the women stated laughing. Kai, I am your mother. Why do you always feel embarrassed, whenever I kiss you? You are my only son and you have been away from me for the whole one week. she complained. I missed you too mom but I am the only man in your life and I need to protect you and if you hug me like this in public people will think you are weak, I don’t my mom to look weak. You are my strong mother.’ Saying this he smiled haughtily. Listening to their conversation Grandma Marian smiled and looked at both of them affectionately and said, ‘ all right, all right, both of you stop making a fuss and lets go home you don’t want to be late for work Lauren.” I turned and walked toward Marian and gave her a big hug and told her that I missed her too. Then picked up the luggage and headed towards the parking area.  kai was running around and finally we drove towards our apartment. I was incredibly happy that finally my son is back and watched him lovingly enjoying the view outside. Owe how I missed him. from the rear view mirror, I could see Marian seated at the back. Marian is Myra’s mother and my foster parent who has taken care of me for the past 6 years, treating me just like her own daughter and also treated Kai as her own grandson. No wonder Kai was so attached to his grandma Marian. While I and Myra were busy with the boutique business. Marian always took care of Kai. Kai my son had an extraordinary talent for taekwondo and had been selected by his school to represent it at Madrid. He is excellent in whatever he does and everyone at his school admires him. He has a rare talent at this age the principal had said and decided to send him for the meet. Though I was reluctant as this was the first time I had parted away from him for a week. I could not forbid him as Kai really loves taekwondo and even if I had denied him he would have eventually coaxed me out of it. He was highly intelligent and a charmer like his father. Wait a minute! Why am I thinking about him? I shrugged and came back to my senses. Sensing my discomfort Marian enquired if I was alright. I just smiled and nodded my head. Finally, we reached the apartment and kai rushed out to greet the guard standing near the lift. He was famous everywhere. We got inside the lift and reached our floor and saw Myra standing at the door. Kai rushed and ran towards his aunt and gave her a big hug but as soon as Myra started kissing him he wriggled free and went inside. Kai would do anything to avoid being kissed. We all laughed, and Myra saw her mom and went and hugged her and welcomed her back.                        
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