
As Long As You Love Me

second chance
arranged marriage

Mia was getting married to the most handsome and wealthiest man in Dublin. She was extremely excited as Carlos was her first love whom she had followed everywhere since she was ten years old.

Carlos was devoted to her and was looking forward to his big day. But as Carlos was busy with his bachelor party he received Mia’s call and rushed to meet her only to be left alone in the old outhouse after spending the night together. She did not turn up for the wedding and her plane crashed. He was shattered as he lost everything in one day.

After six years he found her again in a different city and went and hugged her but she refused to recognize him. He was determined to get her back again as he knew that she was his Mia.

Mia on the other hand was on the verge of a breakdown to see Carlos as she had never thought of seeing him again and the whole façade that she had built around came tumbling down. She had promised herself to move on in her life as she did not want her love to die because of her.

But fate had other plans, now they had met again and although she has changed her identity, Carlos was determined that she was his Mia. Mia, on the other hand, was helpless as she had always loved him but the dark memories and bitter truth remained unsolved and she knew if she reveals her identity she will lose him and her family forever.

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Why did you leave me?
Prologue He saw her standing by the fence near the gate of the outhouse. He was stunned and mesmerized by her beauty, she looked so beautiful as the moonlight was shining above her radiantly, he got out of his car and walked towards her. As he moved closer to her, he could see that she was crying and then she turned and when she saw him, she ran towards him and hugged him tightly. He held her tightly and his heartbeat started racing and everything came to a standstill, he started kissing her. Her lips trembled. He could taste her tears falling down her cheeks and held her apart and asked, ‘What’s wrong, why are you crying?’ She just looked at him and said, ‘Nothing I just missed you, kiss me, Honey.’ She started kissing me. He looked at her with concern and said, ‘Are you sure you are okay?" She nodded then started kissing him fiercely.  Carlos tried to control himself and tore away from her and said huskily, “Mia, I want you, but we can wait till tomorrow, I want your first time to be special.” But Mia was not listening she continued kissing him and did not allow him to speak. Carlos lost control over himself he had too much to drink and when Mia started kissing him, he picked her up and carried her inside the outhouse. ‘You do want me don’t you,’ he said it with almost fierce triumph, as though there had been a time when he had doubted her desire. How could that be? She had been so tingly and embarrassingly eager to give herself to him, so much so that she had practically trembled with anticipation every time he came near her. She did not draw her eyes away and suddenly made bold the strength of love for him and then as though to underline her unspoken desire she ran her finger lightly through the dark hair that covered his chest following them down until she came to the barrier of the trouser. Burying his mouth against her throat Carlos groaned, "Mia you little witch you must know I have wanted you to touch me like that, you do things to me that no other woman can." Mia just stared at him lovingly not wanting to end it and love him till she could. ‘Mia,’ Carlos muttered her name in a protest and jerked past her tightly compressed lips warning her that she was pushing him to the very limits of his control, it wasn’t enough to feel the warmth of his body beneath her hands. love and desire mingled inside him.  A harsh cry, somewhere between pain and pleasure filled the room as Carlos writhed against her, his body hot with the desire. Suddenly he was lifting her away holding her immobile slightly above him, his mouth finding her breast and piercing her with sweet pleasure. The most languorous need she had known to show him her love was gone and in its place was a fierce, almost savage, hunger. Somehow they rolled on the bed with their clothes scattered all around them and Carlos finally let go of his restraint as he entered Mia and an explosive c****x gripped his body and Mia cried out his name, letting the mouth steal the sounds from her and repeatedly possessed her till they both were exhausted and he held her in his arms and slept peacefully. After a while, Mia opened her eyes with tears in her eyes looking at the man she loved dearly and making up her mind she silently slid from the bed and got dressed. She stood near the bed and watched him sleep peacefully and said, “forgive me, my love, I have to go away, I cannot be with you but I will remember you every day, you will always be a part of me, farewell my love.’ Then she walked out of the room.   Chapter 1 Why did you leave me? “Ouch” I screamed as I feel someone holding my hand in a firm grip. I turn around and see, very dark, fierce, and breath-taking eyes staring at me angrily and my heart starts pounding. Somehow, I am spellbound and cannot help staring at his extremely charming face. "Sir, please leave my hand." I plead, and he tightens the grip even more. My hand was hurting like hell and I try to take my hand back, but he does not leave my hand. But, suddenly he pulls me into his arms and hugs me. "Oh! Mia, you are alive."He held me away and lifted my chin and started kissing me. I was shocked. He was biting my lips and I struggled to pull away from him, but his strong arms were not ready to leave me. I somehow pulled myself away from him, but he held my hand more firmly.  ‘Sir, my name is Lauren, and not Mia you are mistaking me for someone else’. I try to pacify him, but he is unwilling to listen to me. ‘Mia I know it is you, how can you be merciless? I am Carlos, your Carlos. Wasn’t six years enough for you to escape from me, why did you leave me? And what about the accident?’ He starts questioning me.  I see a lot of people gathering around us as we are in the middle of the crowded shopping complex in San Martin. It is always crowded but today being the last week before Christmas it was fully crowded. I open my mouth to pacify him again, but he closed the gap between us and mercilessly seeks my tongue, and starts kissing me. I am dumbstruck, and I try to open my mouth to protest but he deepens his kisses. It was awkward as people were looking at the scene very interestingly and hooting away. Finally, I broke free and stared at him angrily my heart starts beating fast. I was so embarrassed. Suddenly, I heard someone calling my name and I turned and see my sister rushing towards me and giving me a big hug. "Lauren, thank God I found you I have looking for you all over are you all right?" she speaks to me very lovingly then looks at the man holding my hand. I turned towards her and try to pull my hand away from the man’s grip but he tightens the grip and it became more painful. Myra my sister notices my discomfort and asks me “what is the matter? why is this guy holding your hand do you know him?’ I look and that guy and tell her “He has been holding my hand is not letting me go and he even called me Mia he has mistaken me for someone else.” Again, I tried to pull my hand but the grip grew firmer. Then Lauren intervened and said “Sir, you are mistaken she is Lauren James, you can check her identity card. Please let her go or we will call the police. " You think that since you have changed your name and your hair color I will not recognize you. Mia, I am the only one who knows you in and out so do not try to fool me." He shouted angrily. Enough! I shouted angrily and finally pulled my hand out of his grasp and said “My name is Lauren and not Mia. Please don’t bother us anymore”. Saying this I caught hold of Myra’s hand and ran away out of the shopping mall. Carlos grits his teeth in anger and chases after them but as soon as he reaches the parking lot he sees the taxi disappearing in the corner. He calls his assistant and asks him to bring his car but because of the festive season the parking lot was packed with shoppers, so the car got delayed. Finally, the Bentley arrived, and he got inside. Jacob apologizes for being late. Carlos ignores him and asks him to go through the CCTV footage and find out the details of the girl that he had met at the shopping mall. Carlos then closes his eyes and thinks about the girl he had met, and his heart becomes restless. No, it cannot be it has to be Mia I cannot be mistaken.  "Jacob try to find out the details within twenty-four hours. I just have fifteen days in San Martin." He instructs Jacob. ‘I’ll get you all the information within twenty-four hours.’ Jacob says wondering why his boss is so reluctant to find out about that girl. ‘Now drive to the hotel as I have to finish the pending work." Carlos said thoughtfully. ********************************************************** The car stops at an elite apartment downtown two ladies get out and carry their shopping bags towards the lift as they get inside the lift Lauren sighs and thinks, what is Carlos doing here? I have been trying to start a new life here and never thought that he would come to this part of the world. Her heart was overflowing with hidden emotions.  Myra notices the expression on her face and asks her in a concerned voice “Lauren are you all right, you look disturbed.” I smiled at her and said reassuringly, " Myra I am fine, just a little tired and shaken, that guy came all of sudden and freaked me out" ”Who was that guy,? Do you know him?” Lauren asked. “I don’t know he just came from somewhere and held my hand and wouldn’t let me go,” I told her carelessly. “Anyways must be some freak whose girlfriend left him for some other guy and is trying to find his girlfriend in some random girls.” Myra chuckles. "Maybe let us just forget about it," I said and we both start laughing. "But that psycho looked like a Greek god. Why would any women want to leave him? Truthfully, he is the most handsome guy I have ever laid my eyes on." Myra said thoughtfully and moved towards the kitchen to prepare dinner. "What do you want to have for dinner?" she asked. I grinned and told her anything would be good except for the chicken soup. Myra rolled her eyes and threw the cushion nearest to her and went towards the kitchen.  She always surprised me with her cooking skills, when I had met her for the first time she didn't even know how to boil the water but gradually over the years she has learned to be self-dependent and has become an excellent cook. what amused me the most was she was so fond of chicken soup that we had to have it every day and she made sure we did.

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