
1989 Words
Shane:     I was about to leave the house after seven hours of waiting for Aren and Aaron to return when they both walked in laughing. A sense of relief came over me as well as a whole lot of anger. I had been worried and they were just prancing in here like they hadn't been gone as long as they were while we are at the brink of going to war.     "Where the f**k have you been?" I growled. Aaron straightened up bowing his head in submission. Aren just lifted her left eyebrow and smirked.     "I apologize for not checking in with you Alpha," he spoke up without meeting my gaze.     "What the hell? He knew we were going to talk. However long that took us you knew you needed to give us some space so that what needed to be said was said," she growled at me pushing Aaron behind her. Her wolf shining brightly in her now blue and green eyes.     "I am his alpha," I growled.     "I am his sister. The oldest and I'm an alpha as well, don't you forget that Shane,"     "You are also my mate and my Luna. Don't you forget that Sweetheart," she growled at me the hostility of her anger transcending in the aura around her.     "I am no f*****g Luna," she spat the word out as if it burned her to even think it. "You better remember that Sweetheart or I'll be forced to remind you of that every time I get the opportunity. You treat me as an equal, not one of your submissive little bitches are we understood?"     An alpha's warning growl ripped through her chest roaring with strength. The alpha strength in her sent chills down my spine. She's strong. Stronger than I care to admit. I growled back at her not liking the disrespectful demeanor she challenged me in. My growl easily overpowered hers, that's when she growled back full force shoving me back.      People standing around us bowed down to all the power she just shoved emitted freely. The power that came from her is equally as sought out as my own. Which is impossible. She's only twenty. My power should have over powered hers easily.     "Aren, calm down," Lambie shouted running down the stairs. She placed her hands on both sides of my mate's face blocking her from my view. Gary came in after her.     "Aren, baby, calm down," Gary appeared stroking her arm up and down both of them very alarmed.     "Aaron, get her some water," Lambie said without looking away. Aren stood there taking in deep breaths and growling them out. Her entire body practically vibrating with anger.     "What happened? Who challenged her?" Gary growled. I finally gathered myself and stood up after having fallen back.      "Move," I demanded.     "Don't you dare talk to them like that," Aren growled. Both girls flinched away from her tone.     "This is something between the two of us. You will not come into my pack house and speak to me that way Aren,"     "This is why I didn't want to find a f*****g mate," she growled looking at Gary. "You both can stay here, but I rather go out and get killed on my own than have some macho ass hole tell me what the f**k it is I should and shouldn't be doing. If that's what you expected from a mate then go out and find yourself another dumb b***h who will willingly bow down at your feet alpha cause I sure as hell am not," she turned around and started to leave. I followed her not knowing what to say next.     "Aren, stop," I shouted trying to catch up to her before she reached her car.     "f**k you," she growled and reached for the handle of her car.      I reached for her hand and turned her around pinning her against the car. I pressed my body against her so she wouldn't have room to move away from me. She didn't struggle, something told me she didn't have to.     "You're not leaving," I stated.      I could feel the adrenaline rushing through my veins. My wolf urging me to fix this. Both of us afraid that she's seriously going to leave.     "You're not going to stop me, Shane. Now let me go," she said calmly.     "I can't let you go. Do you know how long I've waited for you? How long you made me wait to have you in my arms? Do you actually think I'm going to let you go?"     "I didn't wait for you, ass hole. I went looking for you. Only to be so f*****g disappointed by how demanding and possessive you are," she shouted.     "What about you, Aren? Huh? Do you hear yourself? You are here with me demanding I give you respect and keep all other girls away from me. You're no different than me, baby. Yeah, you're an alpha and so am I. If you expected me to submit to you sweetheart you've got another thing coming. I've worked my ass off to get what I have and I submit to no one even if you are my mate," she laughed. Laughed in the most sarcastic way I've ever seen anyone laugh.     "You wouldn't have none of this if I hadn't killed my way through the  Alphas and betas of the packs you took. You would have none of this if I wouldn't have gotten my hands dirty like I did. You, Shane Blake, are an opportunist. That's admiring and all, but you didn't challenge anyone for all that you have. You saw opportunities to expand and took them. That's admirable and all baby, but I opened up all those opportunities for you," I released her and stepped back.     "What the f**k?" I asked dumbstruck.     "That's right Alpha I chose you. Four years ago. I was supposed to kill you, but I saw potential and a good mind to keep the wolves that I had sought out to protect, safe from some other power hungry sons of bitches. I chose you to be what I couldn't be when I was sixteen. The alpha our people needed. So don't try and spit your self-righteous success in my face,"     "Get out off my land Aren," she laughed.     "No, baby, this isn't your land this is my father's land. I'm leaving out of respect of my father and all I have worked for, for him. I'm not your enemy, Shane. I'm your f*****g maker," she got in her car leaving me speechless.     I watched as Aren drove off with all of my dignity and pride tucked away with every word that just came out of her mouth. She didn't even seem remorseful for what she had said. She smiled at me right before she got in her car. "Alpha Shane she didn't mean any of that. Aren just says things when she loses control," Gary pleaded once I got inside.     "Was she telling the truth? Was she supposed to kill me?" I asked she looked away once her eyes met mine telling all that I needed to know.     "I'll be in my office. Don't bother me unless it's important," I said.     "Aren is sending Marie back. She took her place and is headed to New Orleans herself," Lambie said. Gary cursed under her breath.     "I'll call Taylor. He'll keep an eye on her while she cools off,"     I closed the door to my office and sat on the visiting side of my desk. My wolf just as I did had nothing to say. Nothing to think. We both feel useless and unworthy to be seated in that chair. She was right I had seen all those opportunities and took them. It had been so easy.  Aren:     My wolf wouldn't shut the hell up, growling and cursing the day the goddess made her my wolf for what I had just said to Shane. It was her fault I said all those things she wanted me to put him in his place. I shouldn't have done that. I shouldn't have let her instincts guide me. With her temper and my overly plotting mind, we're one f****d up being wrapped in this pretty little vessel. The anxiety in my bone is tearing me apart.     Aren, Shane locked himself in his office since you left two days ago. He hasn't come out or eaten. Gary sent through our link.     Has anything happened over there since I've left? I asked wanting to tear something apart.     No, his parents are here. His mom wants to kill you, but his dad insists that you might be just perfect for him if you managed to crush his ego that fast. I can hear the amusement in her tone and it made me smile.     Things are bad here, Gary. Jeremiah has wolves training double time. His beta doesn't have a clue why. His Omega is trying to persuade Taylor into taking over the pack. Taylor can't do that without challenging Shane.     What do you want to do?     Get Marie over here. I'll see you in a few hours. Speaking to Shanes father is my next move. I'll get Shane out of his room.     Why did you tell him all of those things, Aren? her tone implies her disappointment in me. There has only been a few time when she's used that tone with me and I have deserved them all.     I don't know. Gar. It was the truth. I never expected Shane Blake to be my mate. I had never even seen the guy. I read his and his families records. They seemed like good people. You remember the day we chose them to lead. We planned to join his pack once we were done. This is all happening too fast for me.      You hurt him, Aren. You could have told him the truth, but not like that. You did it to hurt him. Deliberately.     I know.     You need him. You need to stop acting like a rogue. Like it or not you are his Luna. Your place is by his side, baby girl. You need to come back and fix this and start acting like the respectable woman Alpha Russel raised and adored.      She blocked me out before I could argue. That was a cheap shot bringing my dad up like that. A Luna? Me? That thought made me laugh as a began to pack my stuff up. I really do like to f**k things up every time the opportunity comes up and I had called him an opportunist. I'm f*****g pathetic.     "So, the great Aren Glass mastermind plotter is fessing up to her mate and becoming the Luna he deserves," Taylor laughed as I told him my next move. I shook my head. The more people said it the more it made me want to kill one of them. I'm no Luna. I don't have the discipline for it.      "In a week, I'm going to need you to come down to Tennessee. If I need you there sooner, I'll call. Marie is going to be here in a few hours. She does things differently. She going to go inside. She will keep you and me informed. Keep Nathaniel from going to another Alpha and please be nice to my girl. She's something else," he nodded and wished me luck.     The eight-hour drive did nothing to help me come up with a f*****g apology. I never had to apologize for s**t. I did, however, came up with a way to sneak into the territory because according to Lambie I'm not allowed to step foot on the land. Former Luna's orders.      Former Luna's orders my ass. Nothing is going to stop me from seeing Shane or saving all of our asses from her mate's crazy psycho power-hungry brother who couldn't just be happy with what he has. Hopefully, I didn't dig my grave deeper with what comes out of my mouth next.
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