
1963 Words
Aren:     We have been sitting here at the edge of the pier right in front of our parent's cabin across the Tellico Reservoir. It's been an hour and Aaron hasn't said a single word. Once in a while, he would glance at me with anger, but that had been also going on since we got in my car to drive here.     I remember when dad brought us here. We were both eight. Mom hadn't wanted to bring Aaron here because he didn't know how to swim. She was always worried about us both but fussed a lot more over Aaron because he was always sick. Always in the hospital for different reasons. Dad had always had to carry me around with him because mom was always with Aaron in some kind of medical emergency.     "Alright, you two. How would you like to get this house for vacations?" My dad asked. His big green eyes looking down at both of us. His big smile. I was definitely a daddy's girl in every sense of the meaning.     "Why can't we always live here daddy? We have a big big big pool in the backyard," I asked.     "Russel, I don't know if we should buy it. Aaron can't swim. The air is thick..." My mom began to protest.     "Alissa, he won't always be this sick once his wolf comes in he'll be as strong as Aren. He's our son. You're over protecting him," he said rolling his eyes. It was almost comical.     "I like it, mommy, it's pretty like Aren," Aaron smiled he stretched his arm out to me and pulled me close to him. He felt warm. A little too warm.     "Mommy, Aaron is really warm. Maybe we should go home," mom picked him up and began to make her way towards the car. My dad sighed shaking his head.     "Yes or no, Squirt," he asked me excitedly.     "Yes daddy," I whispered before I ran after my mom and Aaron.     Sitting here now remembering all the fun he had here the following two years made my guilt bubble up and that's the reason why I can't get a single word out. Aaron and I would sit here as kids, making up stories of Lucy the giant evil lake monster. I created the monster and Aaron, of course, named her and together we would pretend to go on secret voyages to capture the great lake monster, Lucy.     "How did all of this happen to us?" He finally asked. "Why would you keep all this s**t from me Aren? You're a rogue? What did shifting at that age do to you? What happened?"     "I promised dad," I said.     "That you would lie to me?" he asked in disbelief. I had never made him angry like this. He'd never raised his voice before.     "That I would tell you when you were ready. That I would protect you,"     "So, now tell me everything. Not just a briefing, Aren. I want to know everything you know," I looked over at him determination plastered all over his hurt angry face.     "Aaron, I didn't turn when I was fifteen like you did. A lot of what you remember about mom and dad isn't how I remember it. A lot of what happened when we grew up is a little different for me,"     "How is that even possible?" he asked frustrated before rubbing his face until his skin turned pink.      "The night after our tenth birthday party dad received a call. Mom answered it and she was beyond angry with him. Dad argued with her and whoever was on the line for a while. They were talking about the kids.     "Dad announced he was going to whoever he was on the line with. I snuck into dad's car before he left. We crossed two territories and stopped in Sol Del Cielo territory. A man and a woman came out. She began to shout at dad. A boy about three years older than us came out and ran towards dad.     "I was holding myself up close to the wind and my arm slipped. I hit my head on the glass and got everybody's attention. The boy, I didn't know what he was doing, but he came towards me and submitted. The man came over and hit him. He grabbed me and began to drag me towards the house before dad could react. That's when my wolf came. She charged. Dad stopped me. My wolf was tiny in his arms then.     "The alpha of Sol Del Cielo showed up and banned me and my dad from his territory without letting dad try to explain. As the days went by, I kept getting these visions. I learned that the boy was our older brother he has a sister. Anthony and Anabel.     "Their parents abused them and through the link, I could see it. I could feel it. My wolf became angry and I couldn't control her. I didn't want to control her. I hid it from them for as long as I could. Dad didn't want to start a war the fact that they wouldn't let dad see his pups. Mom tried to reason with him. Tried to tell him to get them out of there that she wouldn't mind taking care of them as her own. Dad would put it off.     "The more I fought it the more it hurt. I had really bad headaches. I woke up one night sweating and crying. His link blinded me from how strong his emotional distress was. The images... The images. A man was in their room. Anabel was asleep. Anthony had tried to stop him, but the man knocked him back. His skull had smashed against the wall. He kept crying out for help. I couldn't take it anymore. I shifted and ran all the way there. Dad went after me, but when he caught up I had killed the man trying to touch her.      "The man turned out to be Sol Del Cielo's beta. When my dad showed up he killed their stepfather. Dad's ex-wife ran out with both Anthony and Anabel. She told Alpha Fredrick that dad had killed her husband, the beta, and the pups. The alpha and the Luna came into our home killed mom and dad. Dad hid me in the foyer. He made me swear that no matter what, I wouldn't come out. I felt it when he died. I felt all his alpha power channel into me. I felt them rip dad's connection from me.     "I killed everyone that was there. All of them. It didn't matter if they were friend or foe. Everyone died. Cali hid those memories from me. When I came too, I was back in the foyer. I walked out to see what I had done without knowing that it was me who had done it. I saw them. What those wolves had done to mom and dad.      "Over the years, my wolf became stronger and protective. I was the one that killed Gary's parents. Remember that first gig we had in Marina's pub. How she had a black eye? After we played she stormed out leaving her drum set behind. I packed it all in the van and went to drop it off.     "Mr. Morgan had Gary pinned on the floor trying to rip her shorts off. She kept crying out to her mother for help, but she stood there shouting back at her calling her a slut. That she had brought it upon herself for wearing such provocative clothing. My wolf took over and I didn't even try to stop her from doing what she did to them.      "Same thing with Marie's parents. They were selling her out. She had three abortions by the time she was seventeen. I made sure Charlie and Harley were alright and we hit the road. Lambie was different. She was dating Jerry. I made him disappear for beating her. She had been expecting a pup and he beat it out of her. It's hard to explain this. I don't know what pushes her, why she's all instinct.     "That's when we made up the story of Ry. A cover up for all the s**t I had done. As we went from state to state, continent to continent. I made friends and enemies. Yeah, a lot of my money comes from the music and the clothing lines, but the real money comes from the executions.     "I used My Glass Rocket as a cover-up. No one would ever suspect that the most famous werewolf is secretly a killer rogue. It was the perfect set up for the four of us. I didn't want to tell you because you've always looked at me a certain way and I didn't want you to see me any different. I was scared. I should have told you a long time ago, I know. I should have told you since before I left. I tried a few times but it just never came out,"     I had nothing more to say after that. Saying it out loud gave me a sense of peace but the hurt still ached in my chest. He sat there staring at me tears running down his face. I looked away started to get up to give him room to let it all sink in. He grabbed my arm and pulled me down to him I almost fell off the edge of the pier.     "I'm sorry," he said. I didn't expect that. He had nothing to be sorry for. All of this is my fault. "I'm sorry for being so weak and blind,"     "What?" I asked pulling away. "None of this is your fault, Aaron. It's mine,"     "No, it's not. Aren your protective instincts have helped so many people. You are an alpha. That's what alphas do. You went rogue because you didn't realize that. There was no one there to teach you any of that. I'm sorry I never understood you. I never even tried. All of this suppressed anger is there because I didn't offer to stand by your side as your beta. I'm so sorry you had to go through this all on your own. There is so much for you to learn here. How to control this inside of you,"     I looked him over confused. He pulled me in and as everything that he said sank in it sort of made sense. I had never told anyone the truth I locked all away thinking that no one would understand. I've always known what I am. I just never understood the merits of it.      It feels like the world is no longer hanging over my shoulders. I buried my face in my twin brother's chest and all I could do is let the tears finally come. I never allowed myself to mourn. I never let myself get hurt or hurt those I love. In the process I allowed everything to go unspoken. The warmth that my brother brought me feels like more than just relief. It brought me comfort and an urge to be forgiven for the loss of both my parents. I need his forgiveness.     "I'm sorry I got mom and dad killed," I said his grip tightened on me.     "Mom and dad would be proud to see that you've helped so many wolves without them being part of your pack, Aren. You single handily made wolves continue to have faith,"     "I also brought the first world wolf war upon us,"     "Well, Shane has a saying for that. You lose some you win some," I couldn't help but laugh.     "I have a mate," I stated.     "I know I feel bad for the guy," we both laughed.     "Honestly so do I," I admitted. "He seems like a really good person,"
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