Western Kingdom.

1233 Words
(3rd Person) In the state of California, specifically on the western side of the nation, there exists a city that is under the ownership and management of the Sinclair family, a prominent and financially prosperous family. However, the inhabitants of this town, who work, reside, and even reproduce there, are completely oblivious to the reality that the Sinclairs are not just ordinary humans, but also creatures of the night - werewolves. Charles Sinclair, a single Alpha wolf and the most esteemed and accomplished businessman in California, was seated at his desk, engrossed in reviewing the documents for the upcoming meeting that would commence in approximately 20 minutes. Suddenly, his personal assistant contacted him through the speaker system. "Mr. Sinclair, your sons have just arrived. Shall I allow them to enter?" she inquired, awaiting his response. "Yes, please send them in, Carol," Charles replied, still engrossed in his work. A moment later, the door to his office swung open, and one of his sons entered. This son happened to be Devon Sinclair, who was also recognized as Charles's eldest illegitimate child. Charles had taken in Devon, who was born to an Omega, as he had believed at the time that this would be his only heir. However, three years had passed before his Luna was able to conceive. Devon, the half brother of Christian, possessed a commanding presence with his towering height, muscular physique, and striking features of golden locks and vibrant sapphire eyes. His strong jawline was complemented by his impeccable fashion sense, which captivated the attention of numerous admirers. However, despite Devon's appeal, he paled in comparison to the extraordinary allure of Christian. As Charles's designated successor, Christian held the prestigious title of Charles's heir. Charles experienced overwhelming elation when his beloved partner gave birth to their son, but tragically, her delicate constitution succumbed to the arduous delivery, resulting in her untimely demise. "Devon, do you know the whereabouts of Christian?" Charles inquired, his attention fixed on his work. Devon turned his head to catch a glimpse of Christian entering the room. Christian Sinclair, a twenty-five-year-old bachelor from California renowned for his exceptional eligibility, stood tall at 6 feet 2 inches and boasted a solid weight of 215 pounds, composed entirely of sculpted muscles. His ebony black hair was slicked back, revealing enchanting silver eyes that seemed as if they were crafted by a divine goddess herself. "Here I am, dear father," Christian announced, striding forward and settling into a seat across from his paternal figure. Charles glanced up from his task, his gaze fixated on his sons, before exhaling a moment of respite. "As you are aware, the founder's ball is fast approaching, with the presence of the esteemed mayor himself. Now, Devon, I am aware of your hesitance towards engaging with humans, but on this occasion, you must restrain yourself. And Christian, have we received any response from the CEO regarding our investment proposal for the new hotel project?" Charles managed to utter in one breath. "We currently have a scheduled meeting in place, at which we will negotiate a price. If all goes smoothly, we should have the signed documents by the day's end," Christian replied, slightly adjusting himself in the chair. "Excellent, excellent. It pleases me to hear that our business endeavors are heading in the right direction. Devon, I know you will attend the founders ball with your mate, but what about you, Christian? Do you have any intentions of bringing a companion?" Charles inquired, once again focusing on his work. "The day Christian accompanies a date, will be the day I assume your position, Father," Devon cheekily responded, his voice tinged with laughter. Charles abruptly raised his head, his aura unleashed, causing Devon to whimper in pain. "You shall never become my rightful successor! You are but a bastard! I took you in solely due to our shared bloodline. Remember your place!" Charles snapped. "Father, please accept my apologies. My previous remark was not intended to cause any offense. To clarify, I simply meant..." Devon began, but was immediately interrupted. "And what exactly did you mean? Hmm, it seems you fail to understand your place. If you stay in line, you'll continue to live a comfortable life," Charles growled. Charles was an individual who commanded respect, even from his own sons. After all, he was the one in control of everything, including the pack. No one dared to challenge him. He dismissed his boys so that he could attend to his work. Devon was the first to leave, followed by Christian. "Why do you always say things that upset him? You know he doesn't appreciate it," Christian remarked as he walked towards the elevator. "I didn't mean it in that way. It was just a joke, geez," Devon snapped back in response. Christian pressed the elevator button and waited for the doors to open. Once inside, they remained silent. However, the buzzing sound emanating from Devon's pocket indicated that his phone was ringing. "Are you going to answer that or let it keep ringing?" Christian asked, crossing his arms. "It's just Rebecca. I'll call her once I'm in my car," Devon responded bitterly. The elevator doors opened, and the two men went their separate ways to their respective vehicles. Devon got into his car and dialed Rebecca's number, waiting until he saw Christian drive off before answering. "Why did it take you so long to respond?" The anger in Devon's mate's voice was undeniable. "Because I didn't want him to hear your offensive remarks." (Devon) In college, Rebecca Martin and I coincidentally became classmates during my third year. She possessed a timid demeanor, characterized by her fair locks, sky blue eyes, and petite stature. Initially, I strongly believed that the moon goddess had erred in pairing us, but as it turned out, she possessed a similar dark and complex nature as mine. Upon discovering that I was not designated as my father's rightful heir, Rebecca exhibited more fury and animosity than I did. She emphasized that being the firstborn, it was my birthright to assume the role of heir, yet my younger brother, who was my father's second-born, was the chosen one! "Did you manage to speak with the old man? What did he have to say?" questioned Rebecca. "I haven't had the opportunity to do so yet," I responded. "When will you snap out of it? By right of birth, you should be the Alpha, and I, your Luna. Together, we should be leading the pack and overseeing the family business, not your insignificant half-brother," she retorted. I cherished the fiery nature of this remarkable woman, and even in intimate moments, she exhibited all the qualities of a true Luna. If only I had remained an only child. "We can discuss it with your father during the founders' ball. Perhaps then he will recognize that you are better suited for the role," she suggested. "Yes, that is a possibility. But what if it doesn't work? What's our next move?" I inquired. "In that case, we will devise a superior plan. Just leave the strategizing to me, my love. Oh, I must go now. My dress has arrived, and I need to try it on. Hopefully, they haven't made a mess of it like they did with the last one. Kisses, my Alpha." With those words, Rebecca ended our conversation leaving me in a silenced car.
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