First mission: Get through Alec’s ceremony.

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(Anna) BEEP…BEEP… BEEP… BEEP… I slammed my hand down on my alarm clock, nearly knocking it off my bedside table. Today was Alec’s big day, he would become our new alpha as our father stepped down to pass the torch, it was also our eighteenth birthday. I rolled out of bed, stretching my arms and legs. Today was going to be a great day, at least for Alec. Anna, are you up yet sleepy head? My mother’s voice rang in my head. Yes mom, I’m going to take a shower, and I’ll be down shortly. I responded via link. I swear you have your father’s stubbornness. I placed a mental wall to block out any more of her snide comments, and made my way towards my bathroom. I turned the faucet on in my shower, allowing nothing but the scorching hot water to run from the shower head onto my body. Yes, nothing like a hot shower to wake the beast up within me. I’m sure I’ll get an earful later for using up all the hot water…again. I stepped out of the shower, draping a towel around my body, and wiping the condensation off of the mirror. Unlike most girls, I knew I could shower, dress, and finish my hair in under twenty minutes. I was very proud of that, I didn’t need make-up to look pretty, I was pretty. I had long oak hair, mesmerizing emerald green eyes and lashes so long that if I bat them the right way, I could probably fly off into the unknown. I had an athletic body with curves in all the right places. I knew that it drove all the young and older wolves crazy, but I didn’t give any of them the time nor the day. I finished up in my bathroom, adding the finishing touches to my hair, since it had to be perfect for the ceremony. I walked out of my bathroom, heading for the closet to dig out that dreadful dress mom and dad had made for me. Goddess knows how much I hate dresses. It was navy blue in color, with crystal embroidery around the hem of the dress. The dress itself was long enough that I could get away wearing my combat boots that I normally wear for training, because heaven forbid, if I had to wear uncomfortable heels for this event. I slid into the dress, zipping it up and stepping into my boots, tying them tight. I carefully took the diamond earrings that grandma Hope gave me on my sixteenth birthday, and placed them securely in my ears. I took one last glance at my reflection in the mirror before strapping my knife to my leg. A girl can never be too safe in any situation. I quietly made my way down the grand staircase into the breakfast hall of my family's castle. My mother sat on the loveseat, wearing an exquisite dark green gown, with sleeves that sparkled like millions of tiny stars. My father stood by the fireplace, sipping a golden amber-colored liquid that I can only imagine is the finest of whiskey’s from his private collection. “Anna, you look beautiful hunny.” My father said, kissing my cheek. “Thank you, you don’t look too bad yourself there old man.” I said, giving my father one of those playful punches to the arm. “Anna, those better not be what I think they are on your feet.” My body went stiff, as I turned to face my mother. “Mom, no one is going to see my feet, plus those shoes you want me to wear hurt, and I’d rather have comfort than bleeding toes!” I pleaded. “Karson, talk some sense into your daughter.” My mother said, looking at my father. I stared at him with a pleading look on my face. My father was always on my side when it came to my mother. “Ruby, my love, if she's comfortable I don’t see what the problem is. We don’t want our princess with bleeding toes now, do we?” My father scrunched up his nose, as he said those words. My mother, on the other hand, turned her nose up and rolled her eyes. “So… Where is the man of the hour anyway?” I asked, crossing my arms over my chest. My mother got up, walked over to stand beside my father and smiled. “Right behind you.” The voice said from behind me, in almost a low growl. I turned slowly to see my brother, his eyes the same as mine, wearing a black tux, hair slicked back, looking dashing as ever. Bun-head (Macy) stood on his left, arm in arm, wearing a thin-strapped floor-length powder blue gown. And on his right stood my cute and adorable little brother Eli, wearing the same tux only smaller. “Is my little sister being impatient?” Alec asked, while provoking me. Out of nowhere, my wolf decided to show up our brother by releasing a low growl. Alec growled louder, until we were both standing there ready to rip each other’s heads off. “Does everything need to be a competition between you two?” Our mother asked. “YES!” Alec and I said at the same time. We both looked at each other before bursting out in laughter. “Easy there Anna, I actually thought you were going to rip my head off there for a moment.” Alec said, wiping the back of his neck. “Ya, we wouldn’t want that.” Macy pipped in. “Why’s that Macy, afraid I might actually be better at something Alec isn’t?” My tongue clicked at the end of my sentence. “No, if anything happens to Alec, you automatically become alpha.” Macy said, hanging her head low. “OH hell no! I’ll be the first to say that I don’t want it and I will gladly pass it down to this cutie here.” I said, pinching my cute brother’s cheeks. And that’s where I f****d up. It never dawned on me til that moment that I never told my family I didn’t want that responsibility. I wanted to be a protector, a savior, a guard. I was the ‘Throne princess’ for a reason. I turned to look at my parents, who had their mouths wide open. I quickly walked over, shutting their mouths and brushed it off as a joke. “Anna, why didn’t you tell us you didn’t want this responsibility?” My mother asked. I rolled my eyes and pushed out my chest. “Because you didn’t bother to ask. I don’t want to lead a pack, I want to protect it.” I said flatly. “Sweetheart, that’s what an alpha does: they lead and protect their people. And besides, you, by birth right, are next in line should anything happen to Alec.” My father said, “look, I appreciate what you’re saying. But what I’m saying is I don’t want it. I want to go out beyond the kingdom’s territory and find my own way.” I said, bluntly. “Anna, we will discuss this later after the ceremony. Until then, put on a smile and put on the right shoes for goodness sake.” My mother said, as her heels clacked out towards the corridor. “Anna, I know your heart is pure. Just for tonight, listen to your mother and go put on those awful shoes. I’ll try to reason with her later about your decision. I have your back no matter what you choose.” Hearing those words from my father made my heart melt. I hugged my father so tight, thanking him, but there was still no way even in hell that I was going to put those shoes on. I finally made my way out on the stage with the rest of my family, looking out at all the pack members. Each so eager to celebrate their new leading alpha. Oh my goddess, standing here is booooring! I thought to myself. I could hear my wolf chuckling to herself, great even my own wolf is having more fun than me. Only when you have to endure this torture, do I have fun. Stella said. “It is time again, when our brave alpha passes the role on to another. His son, Alec Jacob Hale Richmond. Step forward, young alpha.” The elder said, ushering my brother forward to stand beside our father. “I alpha Karson Richmond, pass on my leadership and role of alpha to my son Alec Richmond. Do you swear to lead our pack into greatness, to protect them and stand by them.” Our father asked my brother. “I swear on my life as alpha to uphold, lead and protect the pack.” Those were the final words my brother chose before everyone in our pack roared in cheers. After Alec’s ceremony, Macy took her vows as his luna, promising to stand by him, comfort him, and give him heirs to pass on the family legacy. I was happy for my brother, jealous of his love, but still happy for him. I made my choice. After tonight, I was going to go find my own happiness whether my mother approved or not.
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