I’m Not Perfect

1636 Words
(Anna) We finally headed off to the grand ballroom where Alec’s Alpha ceremonial party was being held. Little did my parents know, I took proactive measures by spiking the fruit punch for us younger underaged kids, as I anticipated the ceremony was extremely boring. However, to my delight, the party afterwards was promised to be an unforgettable experience. Engaging in graceful movements on the dance floor, I engaged in brief small talk with a few close classmates. During one of the conversations, I couldn't help but notice the discomforting and uneasy looks coming from certain male acquaintances from my school. Jake, it was Jake who was looking at me, the class clown, that's the title I assigned to him. That nickname was earned when he made the decision to play pranks on every teacher who entered the room. The way he was looking at me made me uncomfortable, as if his eyes were undressing me. I trembled, turning away from him and attempting to engage in the ongoing conversation. "Do you believe Macy would make a great Luna?" inquired one girl. "Perhaps, but I honestly feel like I would be a better fit. Just look at me," responded another girl. I rolled my eyes and came to the realization that I didn't belong in this group. I took a step back, separating myself from the girls, and set off in search of Ella. She was the only one who truly understood me. Don't get me wrong, my father understands me too, but not like Ella. I scanned the surroundings for Ella, and when I couldn't spot her, I made my way over to Alec instead. As I approached him, someone grabbed hold of my wrist. I turned to see Jake, tightly gripping my arm as if I were his possession. "Can I help you with something?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "Oh, don't be like that, doll face," Jake replied. I could smell the alcohol on his breath, and it certainly wasn't from the punch bowl. I tried to pull my hand away, but he only tightened his grip. Don't do it, Anna. Don't do it! Stella's voice echoed in my head. "Jake, considering it's my brother's alpha ceremony, I'm going to kindly ask you to let go, just this once. Otherwise..." I pleaded insincerely. "Otherwise what? Come on, I noticed the way you teased me earlier. Let's go back to my place, I'll show you a good time," Jake suggested, pulling me closer. That was the final straw, now he did it, he really hit my nerve, flipped my switch, and f****d up. He really pushed my buttons, and messed up big time. I balled my fist and struck him with all my might. I watched as he released my wrist and was sent flying into the punch bowl, causing the food and beverages to spill onto his lap. "This is what happens! I warned you." I growled at him. As the music abruptly stopped and the room fell into an eerie silence, all heads turned in unison to gaze upon the source of the commotion. It was as if time had frozen, and I found myself at the center of attention. *Gulp* The weight of every eye fixated on me was torture, and I could feel a mixture of curiosity, concern, and even judgment emanating from the crowd. In that moment, I couldn't help but feel a pang of unease and dread, as if I had inadvertently ignited a spark of disapproval. 1… The room seemed to hold its breath, waiting for an explanation, for something to fill the void left by the sudden cessation of music. It was a disconcerting experience, and I found myself grappling with a range of emotions - embarrassment, self-doubt, and a desperate longing to disappear into the anonymity of the surrounding walls. 2… It certainly wasn't the kind of attention I had anticipated or desired, and I yearned for a chance to mend the situation, to prove that the spotlight that had unexpectedly been cast upon me wasn't indicative of who I truly was. 3… “ANNA HASLEY HALE RICHMOND!” I turned to face my mother, who clearly had the look of disapproval on her face. “Let me explain, please…” I said, but was cut off as the kitchen staff came out with a birthday cake and began to sing ‘Happy birthday’ Fuck! I really did it now. “We will discuss this when we get back inside, young lady!” My mother whispered, motioning for the guards to help Jake up. I rolled my eyes, how could she be mad at me? All I did was defend myself and I’m being treated like the bad guy. *Uggggggg* “Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday Alec and Anna, Happy birthday to you!” The crowd sang. I gave a look of ‘please save me this torture’ to my brother, but all he did was chuckle under his breath. With the excitement of the night's festivities behind us, Alec and I found ourselves back in our own private rooms, reflecting on the memorable evening. As we closed the doors behind us, the quietness of the house settled in, creating a quiet and easy atmosphere. The flickering glow of the remaining candle on the dining table added a touch of warmth to the room, casting dancing shadows on the walls. We took a moment to appreciate the thoughtful gifts we had received, Alec received a sword engraved with the words: Loyal, Brave and honor. I received items I wasn't interested in including a dress (barf), a necklace (more barf), and makeup (kill me). The laughter and joy from the celebration still lingered in the air, and I was ready to sleep and be done with the day. When I turned to face my bed I noticed a very large box laying on my bed. Before I could open it, or see who it was from, my mother came barging into my room. "Anna, what the hell has gotten into you?" She yelled. “Mom, hear me out, it wasn’t even my fault, Jake tried to…” I was interrupted before I could finish, “Jake is a good kid, his father was fuming at your little stunt.” I rolled my eyes and that caught her attention. I didn’t like the look that she was giving, and all I could do was stand there and take whatever punishment she had for me. “Anna, you are a princess, and as such you should act like one! Starting tomorrow no more training grounds, n more combat, and no more weapons! You will start taking classes to teach you how to be a proper lady and be a good luna for the match we have found for you.” My heart stopped at that moment. Did she say a match, as in she chose a mate for me? My eyes snapped up and stared into her, the color from my face drained and suddenly I felt sick to my stomach. “No… you, you can’t do that.” I muttered, but my mother didn’t budge. “Anna, I’m tired of you picking fights and acting like ‘one of the guys’ . It's time you grew up, settled down and helped run your own pack.” My mother said, tears ran down my cheek and my fists balled up at my sides. How could she do this to me? Why does she expect so much out of me but little of Alec? Mother means well, she just wants what's best for us. Stella said in my head. I pushed up my walls blocking her, I couldn’t believe my own wolf was taking her side. “You know, I’ve never been one to complain, but I refuse to be someone's puppet. I’m not perfect, mother, and I sure as hell know you weren’t either!” The words left my mouth before I could even realize it, that was all I said before I felt my mother’s hand hit my cheek in a slap. I wouldn’t show emotion, I simply walked to my door, opened it and motioned for my mother to leave. “Anna, I’m sorry. I… it was a reaction.” My mother said, “no, mom. It’s like you said, I’m done with the fighting, time to be trained into the perfect lady. Now if you’ll excuse me I’m tired after tonight's events.” I held the door open and slammed it shut after she left. I could still feel the sting from the slap, and a few tears had finally escaped my eyes. Wiping them away, I walked over to my bed where the box was placed. I found a card in my dad’s writing: Anna, No matter what you choose in life, I will stand behind your decision. You are just as brave, and loyal as your brother, be true to yourself as well. With love, Dad. Opening the box and pulling the tissue paper out, I found a tunic in pale blue. Not too girly and not too manly, a leather vest, and a bow engraved with: Thorne Princess. That was enough to set my mind at ease, my father would stand behind me no matter what I choose. I quickly changed into the outfit, adorning it with a pair of leggings and my riding boots. I strapped my knife to my leg and set my bow in place over my shoulder. I packed a bag of essentials, some clothes, food and the money I had been saving. I wrote a note explaining that I needed to find myself and be my own person, and that no one had the right to choose my path except for me.
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