
Fated To Love You


Anna grew up with loving parents, siblings, and everything she could imagine. Her nickname as a warrior - Thorn Princess, she's the highest class warrior, and she's better than the strongest of wolves out there. But she isn't your typical wolf princess. She's eager to find the one thing that everyone else has that she doesn't, a mate of her own.

Before Christian was cast out as a rogue for the murder of his father, he was the strongest and worthy alpha of the western pack in California. He doesn't listen to anyone and trusts no one. He's been beaten and broken down into nothing.

When Anna chooses to go on her own, she crosses paths with Christian. She immediately guards herself and places her walls up. Christian can't seem to understand how this tiny she-wolf keeps dragging his sorry behind out of trouble. Who is she, and why does his heart jump at the sight of her?

Anna feels and senses something for him, but will she allow her heart to accept a man who can't even trust himself?

Can Anna and Christian work together to find his father's true killer and clear his name?

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(Anna) Every morning is the same routine, the alarm goes off at 4:00 a.m. I’m up and in my work-out clothes by 4:15 I down a cup of coffee along with my protein bar, and I’m out the door by 4:30. I’m in the training grounds before anyone else, including my father Alpha Karson Richmond. I’m stronger than most of the average warriors we have in our pack. No one ever wishes to be paired with me when it comes to training. They call me ‘the thorn princess’ because of my speed and strength. I don’t care what name they give me because in the end I am their princess. My name is Anna Hasley Hale Richmond. I have a twin brother, Alec Jacob Hale Richmond, and I’m the daughter of Ruby Hale Richmond. My entire life has been a crazy rollercoaster ride, from events like almost being kidnapped as a child or finding out I'm half witch and have supernatural powers gifted by the goddess Selene herself. I’m a water bearer, I have total control over water, which I was told was the goddess’s own personal gift. I can also move items with my mind, my mother never liked that when I was younger. I didn’t understand how to use my magic when I was younger, always causing trouble then again I was always pranking anyone who decided to cross me. My twin brother Alec, always so smart and witty. He was the one who came home from school with straight A’s whereas I came home with just above a C average. Ya I know, I didn't have brains when it came to school, but damn I knew how to throw a punch! I was ten when I decided I wanted to join the ranks in my mother’s guard, however I was far too young and petite for my age. My father trained me in secret alongside his gamma Nate, who I call uncle Nate. Mom wasn’t happy with dad when she found out he taught me to fight. I was suspended for punching another wolf in the face in middle school for calling me a prissy princess. I didn’t like him anyways, he would pick on Ella too. Ella is my half sister, her mother Luna Heather was my biological father’s chosen mate from my mom’s old pack Emerald Forest Pack. When I was eight my mom decided to merge our pack with Aunt Heather’s and we became one united pack in the southern kingdom. Ruled with two alpha’s: Ella, who becomes alpha to Emerald when she reaches maturity and of course my brother Alec, who takes up his role as Alpha this weekend for Sunset Crest when our dad steps down. Alec and I turn eighteen soon, we both finished school and have a very vivid and bright future ahead of us, of course that’s what mom tells us anyways. But I know there is always someone out there plotting to use us for their own gain. Am I mad that my brother is taking over as Alpha? Absolutely not, what upsets me more than anything is everyone but me has a damn mate! Yes you heard me right. Alec met his mate in high school, I call her bun-head, because she always wears her hair in a tight ass bun. Her actual name is Macy Cookshaw. Ella, who is four years younger than me and my brother, has also found her mate. She’s the youngest Alpha to get imprinted on. She hasn’t felt the bond yet, since she's only fourteen, but she will on her sixteenth birthday. I want someone to look at me like dad looks at mom, or the way Alec looks at bun-head. It isn’t fair that everyone is so… lovey dovey all the time and here I am standing with my thumb up my ass. Mom says my mate will either find me or I will find him. I just had hoped being twins and all that Alec and I would find our mate at the same time. We used to do everything together, and now we couldn’t be any different. “Good morning Princess, how are you this fine early morning?” I turned to face Uncle Nate with a smile. “Oh you know, ready to take you down on the training mat.” I said sarcastically. Nate knew that no one could take me down, I was untouchable when it came to self defense. I had my dad and Uncle Luke to thank for that. We started with a few laps followed by push-ups. This peaceful warm-up was about to become a thrilling family competition. Just as we were getting into the rhythm, my dad appeared on the training grounds with a mischievous grin. He couldn’t resist the temptation to join in on the fun and challenge me. “There’s my little warrior.” My father said, walking up to us. “Good morning sir. Are you ready to join our warm up?” Uncle Nate had asked dad. “Only if my daughter agrees to spar with me later.” I gave my father a mischievous smirk. “You’re on, old man!” I said, as I shifted and gave control over to my wolf Stella. The atmosphere transformed leisurely to fiercely competitive as we all brought on our A-game. My bones cracked, and my limbs stretched as my body torqued into my wolf, Stella was as dark as the night sky and beautiful too. The one other thing that Alec and I shared, our wolves were identical too. “Stella, it’s good to see the other half of my daughter.” My father said, walking up to pet my wolf behind the ear. In an instant, my dad shifted allowing Leo to emerge… so this is how daddy wanted to play. OK, game on I’ve got the advantage here and he doesn’t even know it. What’s wrong daddy, afraid your little girl may leave you in the dust? I intentionally sent a mind link to my dad, provoking him. The race is only the beginning as we run laps around the training grounds, and yet neither men can keep up with me. I kick this challenge up a notch, jumping the fence and sprinting off into the woods, only looking back to see if they can keep up. I’m shocked when both my uncle and father jump the fence and pick up speed. I love a good challenge. I run faster and faster as the wind brushes through my fur. This feeling of freedom, to be my own person, is a savory moment all on it’s own, and I know exactly what I want in life. There’s a feeling deep down in my gut, that something more adventurous waits for me beyond these castle walls, and I’m going to find out what it is soon enough.

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