I'll take your offer

1265 Words
Anna’s eyes widened in shock, and her jaw almost dropped to the ground…almost. “I…He’s Tristian Reyes?” She stammered, her eyes still showing disbelief. “Are you kidding me right now? The man told you his name, for heaven’s sake!” Shayne screamed, gripping her hair out of frustration. “It didn’t occur to me then, Shayne. I had no idea.” Anna said, still unable to comprehend that the man she had just met was a renowned billionaire. “Well, call him back and tell him you’re interested.” Shayne suggested, prompting a baffled look from Anna. “I just left there an hour ago. I don’t want to look desperate. I’ll call him at night and ask to meet up tomorrow.” She said, and after giving it much thought, Shayne agreed. They sat silently for a few minutes, thinking about how things would change if they took Tristian’s help. Then, Anna suddenly remembered that it was still early in the afternoon, but Shayne was still home. “Why aren’t you at work? The last I checked, I am the unemployed one.” Anna asked, prompting Shayne to groan and sit on the bed. “I resigned.” “What? Why?” Anna inquired with a concerned expression. She knew how much Shayne cherished her Job, and to learn that she had resigned could only mean that something unpleasant had occurred at her office. “What happened?” Anna pushed, caressing her hair softly. “That bastard I told you about last week, the one who has been trying to sleep with me...” She started, and Anna nodded, encouraging her to carry on. “Apparently, his uncle owns the company, and now, he has been made the managing director. He told me to kiss my job goodbye if I wasn’t going to accept his advances, and you already know that I won’t do that, so I resigned yesterday.” Shayne said nonchalantly, acting like she wasn’t sad about her loss because she didn’t want Anna to worry about her. “Oh, Shayne. I’m so sorry you had to go through that, but I’m glad you resigned before things got out of hand.” Anna praised her sister, hugging her tightly. “You’re smart, skilled and hardworking. I’m sure you’ll get a better job soon. Once I finalise my discussion with Tristian, I’ll also get a job. It’s high time I stop sulking and do something tangible with my life. If I’m going to have my revenge, I must first put my life in order.” Anna said, and Shayne immediately pulled out of the hug and stared at her sister with wide eyes. “Are you being serious, Anna?” She held her shoulders and looked into her eyes to ensure she wasn’t just hearing things. She knew how defeated Anna was after the incident with Jacob. It had affected her mental health greatly, so much that she could hardly focus, so Anna gave up working. “Yes, Shayne. I’m being serious.” Anna said. “Talking about my past with someone else made me eager to win against Jacob. I am going to destroy that man and his family, but to do that, I need to be strong. My son is waiting for me, Shayne. I need to woman up and go get him.” Anna said, and a happy scream left Shayne’s throat as she wrapped her hands around her sister in a tight hug. * * Later that night, Anna sat on her bed, fumbling with her phone. She knew what she wanted to do, but for some reason, she was nervous. Maybe it was because she now knew that Tristian wasn’t an ordinary man. But she gave Shayne her word, so she dialled his number. After four rings, he picked up. “You took your time, Miss Anastasia. So, tell me. Have you made up your mind?” He said without exchanging any pleasantry. Anna was glad he didn’t make the call awkward and uncomfortable because she was sure she would throw the phone in a corner and go to bed. Anna cleared her throat and replied. “Yes, I have. I will take your offer, Mr Tristian.” She said, and she heard him hum. “I knew you’d take it. You’ve made the right decision, Miss Anastasia. We’ll meet up tomorrow then.” He said in a casual tone, and Anna nodded even though she knew that he couldn’t see her. “Same place?” Anna asked, referring to where they would be having their meeting. “No. I have a lot to do tomorrow, so I won’t be able to step out for too long. We’ll have the meeting at my office. Text me your address, and I’ll have someone pick you up.” He said, and Anna clicked her tongue in disapproval. She didn’t need anyone to tell her that Tristian was the type that loved to be in control. He was already making plans and ordering her around when they barely knew each other. “I can come there on my own. Text me your office address.” She said with a stern tone, and Tristian had to pause to be sure that he heard her correctly. After he clarified that he wasn’t hearing things, he gave her a reply. “No, Miss Anastasia. I’ll send someone. Either you send your address, or I look for other ways to get it.” He said, and even though something in Anna wanted to challenge him, she decided it would be best to give in. He didn’t look like the kind of man to accept a defeat, especially from a woman. “Fine. I’ll send you a text.” She said, and Tristian smirked, rejoicing in his victory. “Be ready at 10 am. Goodnight, Miss Anastasia.” He said and ended the call before she could return his greeting. “Calm, Anna. You only need him until you get your son. You can tolerate this.” Anna said to herself and took a deep breath. Before sleeping, she texted her address to Tristian and turned off her phone before the message was delivered. She didn’t want him to give her another order. The last thing she wanted was for her mood to be ruined before going to bed. Not that it hadn’t been ruined by the same person already. The following day, Anna had an early breakfast and shower so that she could have a few hours before Tristian’s driver arrived. Shayne also had an early breakfast and left the house searching for a job. At twenty-two, she felt responsible for your sister and devoted her life to caring for her until she was better. She knew how much Anna sacrificed for her until the incident, so that was nothing for her. At 9:25 am, Anna decided to get dressed. She changed into a blue dress and a black heel to go with it. Now that she knew who Tristian was, she didn’t want to look like a pauper when seated beside him. Besides, she would be going to his company, which was one of the largest in Australia. She needed to be appropriately dressed. She looked in the mirror and smiled at herself. This was the best she had looked in a long time. Her hair was let down in loose curls, and her eyes weren’t as sad as they had been. As she took her phone to look at the time, a text came in from Tristian. -The driver has arrived.
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