A Sealed Deal

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Anna sent a text to Shayne, informing her that she was heading to Tristian’s office, to which Shayne immediately replied, wishing her luck and warning her not to miss this God-sent opportunity. "Thanks, boss,” Anna murmured with a relaxed grin as she read Shayne’s message. When she got out of the house, a black Range Rover was waiting outside, and a man who was dressed in black stood beside it. As she stepped out of the house, a black Range Rover was parked outside, and a well-dressed man in black stood next to it. “Miss Anastasia Wellington?” he asked in a professional tone, his expression as stern as stone. “Yes, that’s me,” Anna replied, clearing her throat and standing tall. “Mr. Reyes sent me to drive you to his office,” he said calmly, a striking contrast to his severe appearance. “Mr Reyes has informed me. Thank you.” She replied with a polite smile. The man nodded and opened the passenger door for her, to which Anna thanked him and got in. She couldn’t help but notice how clean and new the car smelled. If she were materialistic, she would have been fawning over the beauty of the beastly vehicle, but she had learned her lesson. Jacob was also a wealthy man with beautiful cars, and he turned out to be a monster. Fifteen minutes later, the car pulled up in front of a towering building, one of the tallest in Australia: Reyes Estate Group, a real estate company owned by Tristian Reyes. Anna thanked the driver and left the car, drinking in the sight before her. She could only imagine how much money must have gone into building a structure as big as the one before her. “This way, Miss Wellington.” A different man at the door said and led her into the building. Anna had never been more happy about her decision to dress elegantly as she was right now. She would have felt out of place if she didn’t make that decision. All the workers were dressed as though they worked in heaven. The elevator took them to the last floor, emptier than the first floor, and Anna concluded that it was exclusively reserved for Tristian. “A visitor for Mr Reyes. He’s already expecting her.” The same man said to a striking blonde lady who Anna understood to be Tristian’s secretary, and she nodded before clicking on her telephone. As she did so, Anna’s eyes wandered through the room, and a strange thought came to her. In an extensive and empty space, she could only wonder what went down between Tristian and his female secretary. “Mr Tristian is ready for you. You may go in.” The secretary said with a polite smile, and Anna nodded before going into the office. “Miss Anastasia. Please, come in.” Tristian’s voice echoed across the large office. Anna looked around and wondered if he needed an office that big. She was sure it could fit in six offices and still have an extra space. “Thank you.” Anna smiled and made herself comfortable on one of the sofas, waiting for Tristian to join her. His work attire presented a striking contrast to his earlier appearance at the club– a black shirt with rolled-up sleeves and a pair of glasses perched on his nose. He looked different from the man she met at the club. When Tristian joined her on the visitor’s sofa, an envelope was in his hand. “I have already drafted out a contract. All you need to do is go through it.” He said, and Anna stared at him with confusion spread across her face. “A contract? Why do I need to sign a contract?” She asked, already feeling nervous. “You see, Miss Wellington. I take my business very seriously, and like I said earlier, we have a partnership. Nothing more. We both have a common goal and will help each other achieve that. I figured a contract would ensure clarity and alignment of our shared goals.” He said confidently. Unconvinced, Anna responded firmly, “If we must have a contract, shouldn’t I have a say in its terms? I am uncomfortable with unilateral clauses, Mr. Reyes.” Tristian only smiled at her. “You can go through the document, Miss Wellington, and if there is anything you do not like or understand, feel free to talk about it and adjust it to whatever you want,” Tristian said and pushed the envelope to her. After much hesitation, Anna decided it wouldn’t be a bad idea to go through the document, so she opened it as he instructed. Anna didn’t know why, but she was expecting a bulky document, but it spanned only two pages, already bearing Tristian’s signature. Anna cleared her throat and began going through the clauses one after another. She had barely made it to the second clause when her eyes widened. ‘The two parties involved will be legally married for the contract period, whenever their goal is achieved.’ “Excuse me?” Her eyes flew open, and her heartbeat increased as both anger and confusion filled her. “Legally married? What does this mean?” Anna was shocked by her calm voice, which starkly contrasted with how she felt then. “I figured you’d be surprised, but you must know that every clause there is advantageous to each of us. I’ll explain.” He said when he realised that Anna was getting more furious by the second. “If you want to get back at Jacob, you need money, which is exactly what I have, but you cannot have complete access to it unless we are married. Then, whatever I have becomes yours. If you take your time to read the rest of the contract, you’ll understand that I have no plan of falling in love with you, and you shouldn’t either. This is strictly business, and we should keep it professional.” He said, and Anna’s eyes went through the contract and saw what he was talking about. ‘There would be no romantic feelings during the contract as both parties should keep things professional. Failure to keep to this would result in terminating the contract.’ It read, and Anna breathed out. She didn’t know how that clause made her feel, but she was happy that he had no intentions of getting her to fall in love with him. She didn’t either. After Jacob, the last thing she wanted was a relationship with a billionaire. Even if she were to fall in love, it would have to be with someone on an equal footing. Anna went through the rest of the clauses in the contract and nodded in approval. She must have judged him wrongly because every clause in the agreement favoured her. “So, Mr Reyes. When do we start? Do I have to get packing for Canada already?” She inquired, picking up a pen and signing where necessary. “Of course not. We cannot leave for Canada with you still…like this.” He said, trying his best to pick his words. But he didn’t try enough because Anna immediately flared at his words. “Excuse me? What is wrong with me?” She asked, a frown forming on her face. “I apologise if my words offended you, but it has nothing to do with your appearance. You look lovely, Miss Wellington. You always have.” He said sincerely. “What I mean is, for someone who wants revenge on her ex, you certainly do not look like you have been trying enough. You seem almost resigned. That is what I have to fix.” He said, and Anna lowered her head. She knew he was right. All she did was talk about how she wanted to get revenge on Jacob, but she made no effort. All she did was stay in her room and cry. “I am going to make you into the perfect woman, Anastasia. I’ll shape your heart into one seeking revenge, and all that will matter to you will be revenge on the Wade family and getting your son back, of course.” Tristian stood from his seat and walked to Anna, his eyes glowing with determination. He stopped in front of her and gently lifted her chin with his hand, prompting her to look at him. “Tell me, Miss Wellington. Will you let me turn you into the woman you need to be to carry out your revenge?” He asked, gazing into her eyes, and at that moment, Anna knew that Tristian Reyes was God-sent. He was the man for the Job. “Yes. What do I have to do?” Anna replied and raised her eyes, determined to make Jacob suffer. But was she ready for what was to come? That was a question only time could answer….
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