Tristian Reyes

1250 Words
Anna took a deep breath and began recounting her past to Tristian. “Jacob Wades was my boyfriend. He’s with my child. The current heir to the Wades Empire is my son, stolen from me by that evil family.” Anna continued, oblivious to the look on Tristian’s face. The mere utterance of the name ‘Wades’ filled her with anger. Tristian, taken aback, clarified, “Jacob Wades?” “I know it might be unbelievable, but it is true. I might not look like it, but the current heir to the Wades Empire is my son. He was stolen from me by that evil family.” Anna gritted her teeth in anger as the name she hated the most left her lips. When she looked up, Tristian had a mischievous smile on his face. She couldn’t help but wonder if he knew them personally. Not that she would be surprised. He looked like a wealthy man, and rich people always know themselves. “Do you know the Wade family? Not vague knowledge like everyone. You look like you have a personal relationship with them.” She asked with the hope that he wasn’t friends with Jacob. That would ruin everything for her. “I wouldn’t call what we have a ‘ friendship ’. I have a personal grudge against the Wades family, and seeing you, someone who also wants revenge…I cannot help but think that God is on my side.” He said with a smirk. The waiter from before returned with a bottle of wine and a glass of water. Anna waited until the young man was gone before she spoke up. “You are enemies with Jacob? This just got interesting.” Anna’s lip curled in a smirk that was similar to Tristian’s. He was right. God was on his side, but he was on Anna’s side too. Maybe even more on her side. “Something like that. Like you, I want to destroy that family.” He said and took a sip from the wine. “What do you say, Miss Anastasia? Since we have the same goal, we should team up. With me as your partner, you wouldn’t be so handicapped, and with you as my partner, this will be a fun revenge.” He said and held out his hands. “Partners?” He asked with both his brows raised. Anna leaned back into her seat. She wasn’t just going to join hands with him because he was asking. Yes, she needed help with her plan, and this man probably had as much money as the Wade family, but he was still a stranger. She knew nothing about him. What if he was lying and just wanted to dupe her? No, she needed to be careful. So, Anna smiled and pulled her hand out like she was going to take his handshake, but she reached out for her glass of wine instead, taking Tristian by surprise. “I’ll think about it, Mr. Tristian.” She said and got up to leave. “That reminds me. I didn’t get your last name.” She said, and Tristian smiled before retracting his hand. “Reyes. Tristian Reyes.” He said, and Anna nodded. “Goodbye, Mr. Tristian Reyes. I’ll give you a call when I come to a decision.” She said and walked out of the private room. In all of Tristian’s years as a billionaire, he had never met anyone who didn’t recognise him. When she entered the private room, he expected her to be shocked after seeing him in daylight. He thought that the reason she didn’t recognise him at the club was because she was drunk, so he expected her to be shocked when she saw him seated in the private room, but she was either good at hiding her emotions or she didn’t recognise him. After asking for his last name, he was sure she would recognise him, but he was again wrong. He concluded that she had been living under a rock. For some reason, that made him more interested in her and after hearing that the person who had ruined her life was Jacob Wades, he decided to help her out no matter what. Jacob was someone he would kill if he had the chance, but he had held himself back for years. Now that Anastasia was in the picture, it was finally time to get his revenge. * * “You’re back already? Why are you here when you only left thirty minutes ago?” Shayne attacked her sister the second she stepped into the house. “Did you not meet with him?” Shayne asked, following Anna around. “Jesus Christ, Shayne. Can you let me breathe first?” Anna sighed and crashed on the bed. She lay on the bed briefly before sitting up to meet her sister. “I did meet up with him, and…he’s offering to help. Turns out he has some scores to settle with that family, too.” She explained. “So, when are you guys kicking off with the plan?” The excitement on Shayne’s made Anna hesitant to tell her that she had not accepted his help yet. “I asked him to give me some time.” “Some time to do what? Every day you waste without doing something, your child grows up without you. Time is one thing you do not have, Anna.” Shayne said, her face filled with frustration. “I do not know the man, Shayne. We only met at a club. All I know about him is his grudge against against the Wade family. That’s all. How do you expect me to trust him when I do not know him? What if…What if he turns out to be a liar, just like Jacob?” Anna finally voiced out her worries. After what Jacob did to her, she vowed never to trust men, especially the wealthy and good-looking ones. “Oh, Anna.” Shayne held her hands and caressed it softly. “Not every man is like Jacob. Take Dylan as an example. He took us in when we had nowhere to go and has been a sweetheart. If you haven’t noticed, Dylan is a man too.” Shayne said, and Anna laughed lightly. “I know that.” She whispered with her head bowed. “Besides, what harm could he cause? Huh? It’s not like you’re going to date him or something. He’s just there to help you get your revenge on Jacob.” Shayne said, and Anna nodded. “You’re right. I shouldn’t be worried. It’s not like I’m going to fall in love with him. Tristian Reyes might be a bad man for all I care. Once he’s done helping me, he can get out of my life.” She said, and Shayne froze. “What did you just say?” She asked, and Anna was about to repeat the last line, but Shayne shook her head. “Not that. What did you say his name was?” Shayne took a deep breath and stared at her sister. “Who? Tristian? Tristian Reyes? Do you know him?” Anna said calmly, and Shayne’s jaw dropped to the ground. “You are trying to tell me you just met with Tristian Reyes…The Tristian Reyes. The richest and most eligible bachelor in Australia. The heartthrob of all the ladies in Australia and beyond, and you dare ask if I know him? Anna!”
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