Chapter 4

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I wake up because last night I forgot to draw the curtains, and now the sun has made its way into my room. I sit up and run my fingers through my hair, then take my phone from the bedside table. I find a message from Christopher and he is the last person I thought would write to me. Hell: Good morning. I look forward to working together. I smile because of the simple message and see that he sent it an hour ago. The clock now shows seven o'clock and I sigh, knowing that again he didn't sleep as much as he should. Me: Good morning to you too. (Although I have the impression that you didn't sleep much at all). I will reach you in an hour. I send the message and sit with the phone in my hand for a few seconds, biting my lip, waiting for the answer. I don't get to lock the screen because I already receive an answer that makes me put the phone aside and start my morning routine. Hell: You seem braver behind the screen... Are you teasing me or is it just me? Oh God...I'm blushing and glad that he's not here to see me. I leave the phone on the bed and go to the bathroom. After finishing my morning routine, I take a t-shirt that falls off one shoulder, loose, and a pair of jeans from the closet. I put my hair in a ponytail and put my glasses on my eyes. Perfect! I put on my tennis shoes and then go to the kitchen to have breakfast. Milk and cereal. Classical… I take my bag with my study materials and leave for the bus station as soon as I lock the door with the key. It will be a half-hour bus ride to Hell's mansion, but at least I know I have the books with me and I can study for months. Lost among the lines of the book and among some mathematical equations, I didn't even realize that I had arrived at the station where I had to get off until the old woman next to me drew my attention. I get off the bus before the doors close and walk to the mansion. I don't know this part of the city very well...Who am I kidding, I don't know this part of the city at all. I only remember the way I was with the boys for the first time. Compared to the neighborhood where I live, it is much quieter here. It's as if no one lives around. If I hadn't seen a man mowing his yard, I would have dared to say it was a dead zone. I look again at the welcome message on the gate and take a deep breath. "Welcome to Hell"...I don't know what to say about this. If he called me that... But I'm sure that no one dares to comment in front of Hell. He just looks at you and you have the feeling that he is killing you without moving a finger. The guards at the gate don't let me pass and I almost shout at them. Yeah...Almost. I don't want to lose my voice. -Hell is waiting for me. I say simply and I see them grinning at me after they have analyzed me from head to toe. -Ahem...I'm sure, but first I have to search you. That's great. I remain calm because if I were the head of the mafia, I too would have such requests from my employees. -There's no need. She's Hell's girl. Another voice is heard and the two guards turn towards him. Nobody says anything anymore and I shift my weight from one leg to the other. I don't like the way "Hell's girl" sounded, but I don't really care about the opinion of those around me either. I pass by the guards clutching the strap of the bag on my shoulder and avoid the eyes of everyone around the mansion and quickly enter the building. - Miss Sinclair, Mr. Hell will be waiting for you in his office. Says the woman dressed in modest clothes and a fortune, and I nod my head and go to his office. I don't knock on the door anymore, I don't know why, and Hell puts out his cigarette as soon as he sees me. He looks tired... I don't know how long he will be able to stand if he doesn't rest more. -You should rest, Chris. I tell him approaching the desk. -And you should mind your own business. He answers me without amusement. If he rested, it wouldn't be so difficult. I try not to seem intimidated by his attitude and leave my bag on the nearest chair. -What is the problem? You are more difficult than usual... I'm really looking for it with the candle. -The problem is that I lose money. I'm being robbed right under my roof. I swear that when I find the guilty person, he will beg me to spare his life, but I won't. I'll laugh at the weakness he shows, and then I'll blow his brains out. He tells me in such a cold tone that my whole body is gripped by a shiver caused by fear. I know he's serious and it's strange to me that sometimes I forget what kind of man he is. - Calm down, please. I am here to help you. You'll catch it soon, okay? He nods and motions for me to take a seat at the desk, then hands me some files that we are going to go through letter by letter and number by number. *** It's 11:15 p.m. and we're still in the office looking through files. If I had known that there were hundreds of files and thousands of files analyzed, I think I would have thought better before offering my help. It's like when I went out for milk and ended up doing illegal business. Okay, not that bad, but I can't say I'm jumping for joy. In fact, my eyes are already watering. I reach for the bottle of water on the desk to pour into my glass, while my gaze is fixed on the numbers in the file in my hand, but I don't touch the bottle. Not. No way. I touch something cold, but which manages to light a strange fire on my skin. And not only. I immediately move my gaze and see that I placed my palm over Hell's palm. Then I look at him only to see that he is already looking at me. Damn...And why didn't I withdraw my hand? -It's late. I should go. I say quickly withdrawing my hand. - Mmm... I don't understand his reaction because he is a difficult man to read. In fact, I think it's impossible to read. Maybe he feels disturbed by my touch... That's for sure. But I don't understand what's wrong with me. Why can't I take my eyes off him since the day I met him? I take my glasses off my eyes and massage my temples, being exhausted. I spent the whole day calculating, I don't want to spend the night thinking about me and him. Because there is no such thing. He's way out of my league, plus maybe he doesn't want to spend too much time with someone who reminds him of his dead fiancee. -Well then. See you tomorrow? I ask after putting my bag on my shoulder. He simply nods his head, lost in thought, and I head out of the office. I don't know what's wrong with him. Everything went well between us until we touched our hands. Stop it, Eden...Don't get involved. It's better if you keep your distance. -Stay. He says when I want to open the door and my body stops automatically. I turn to face him and am surprised to see him already next to me. How the hell can a man who moves with the help of a cane move so fast? Sometimes I have the impression that it's only for the facade... That is if I hadn't seen him limping. -...Yes? My voice is just a whisper and I think he didn't even hear me, but I can't concentrate on much considering that the distance between us is only one step. - I drive you. It was an order. -There's no need. It's quite late. You should rest… -Eden. He says, interrupting my monologue. It's quite late, as you said, and I want to lead you. There's no point in resisting because I wouldn't win. I know that Hell is unshakable and will do what he set out to do anyway. I nod my head and leave the office with him on my trail. Neither of us say anything. Not even when I got into the car and started on the road. What could I say? Everything I say seems unimportant to him. - What happened, Eden? He breaks the silence in the car and I gasp at the sound of my name coming from his lips. -You tell me. Everything was fine wasn't. I see how he tightens his fingers on the steering wheel, but I'm not afraid. I know that maybe I would look like a fool if someone heard me say this, but that's how it is. Somehow I know Hell would never hit me. Maybe he would hurt me emotionally, but never physically. - I'm not the man you're looking for. He tells me simply, and I frown. - How do you know that I am looking for a man? I ask him, raising his voice a little. - Because, Eden, it's normal to search. Look what it is... You are a smart, beautiful, brave, determined girl... You are a fatal combination. Many men want a woman like this by their side, but they are afraid. So they become crazy. You have every right in the world not to take them into account and to look for the right man for you. Why do I have the impression that I won't like what I hear? -And...who is the right man for me? I analyze it in detail so that I can't escape the snapping of my jaw. Why is he torturing himself? Why does he want to say words that he does not believe? I'm not saying that he should ask me to be his girlfriend because it would be too sudden and I don't know if I would accept, but he can be a little more open. If not with the rest, at least with me. It's not like I'm a danger to him or don't know how to respect him. -A man who loves you more than he loves his life. A man ready to sacrifice himself for your good, not his. A man who makes you feel safe. A man who doesn't drag you down. Okay... It's more than I expected. -A destroyed man would only destroy you because he has long forgotten what love means. He continued and this time I know he was referring to him. - How did we get to this discussion? It's not like I want you. You're way above my league and I'm sure you'll never be attracted to a girl like me... He suddenly pulls the steering wheel, forcing the car to leave its normal route, then brakes, and I almost hit the door window with my head. -You're crazy? Do you want to kill us? Type to him being a little scared by his exit. He suddenly takes off his seat belt and leans dangerously towards me, making me stick to the seat. - Never think so little of yourself. No one is above your league, Eden. You're the kind of girl who can have anyone...even me, but I won't allow that. You understand? It's too close to me. I see how his lips move but I swear I only heard half of what he said. I nod instinctively, and he withdraws, letting me breathe. -I have arrived. He tells me, and I look out the window seeing my house. I unbuckle my seat belt, take my bag which is now lying by my feet and get out of the car without looking at him. The more time I spend with Hell, the more I realize that he is suffering. He imposes his suffering on himself only because he does not want to be happy. I think the death of his fiancee left too many painful traces behind...
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