Chapter 5

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Sunday was not much different from yesterday. Apart from some short discussions and some bad jokes made by Hell while checking other files. It was strange to hear Hell joking, or rather trying to, knowing that he is not that kind of man. Plus I was even more confused because it seemed like nothing happened between us yesterday on the way to my house. Christopher Hell is a mystery and the more you try to figure it out, the more you realize that you know nothing. Today is Monday and I have to get back to work selling drugs. As soon as I took them over from Mark, I left for college, but when I get to work I see the agents from Narcotics. I don't think I've ever panicked more than at this moment. I take out my phone from the back pocket of my jeans and text Mark immediately. Then I go out the gates of the faculty to the corner where I find Mark. -What happens? He asks me, putting his hands on my shoulders. - Those from Narcotics are at my college. -Here you go? -Most likely, someone spoke. I say in a whisper even if it's just the two of us. I know that no one knows that I am the one who sells them but... -And what are you going to do?! Do you scoop? Damn it...I've never farted in my life. Will I do it now? Just because I'm too shaken by the fact that I saw the agents? -Yes. I say and take it as far as possible from the college. I hear Mark laughing and muttering an amused "super" and he comes in step with me. - My car is over there. I'm going to get her. Wait for me here and we'll go together. I nod and stop, running my hand through my hair, trying to gather myself. Damn it... I'm also shaken by the fact that I'm knocking. what the hell am i doing I look at the way I came and see two agents coming towards me... And I have prohibited substances in my bag. I quickly rummage through the package I received from Mark and take out a bag of white powder that I put in my pocket, and I throw the bag into the bin next to me. I see Mark approaching and I try to signal him as subtly as possible to leave, but he stops the car. - Is he waiting for you? I hear a foreign voice and turn my head to see the two agents. -Not. Why? I ask, sure of myself, even if inside I'm shaking more than a scared chicken. -What are you doing here? Shouldn't he be in class or something? -I decided to knock. -Today? - It's a day like any other, why not? The two agents exchange glances and know that what follows is not good. I am taken by surprise when one of them suddenly approaches me and then starts to search me. My eyes immediately go to Mark who is pretending to be absorbed in the phone but I know he is paying attention to everything that is happening to me. -What is this? Asks the agent, taking out of my pocket the packet hidden from me. -Cocaine. I say simply and the other chuckles. - Let me see if you are still as smart at the ward. He cuffs my hands behind my back and I'm led away from Mark's gaze. where are we going Shouldn't he have a car or something? I get an answer to my questions when we reach a medium-sized van and I'm basically thrown inside. Very professional. - I can't wait to find out what you have to say... He continued as soon as his partner got into the car. We walk for a few minutes in silence. Silence that I use to tell a story when I will be interrogated. -What the hell…? The agent's voice is heard and before I can blink the car we are in is hit from the side in such a way that we overturn. I feel a terrible pain in my head and when I open my eyes I try to figure out how to get out of the car. In vain. I wake up suddenly grabbed by two arms and thrown into another car. I groan in pain and try to get up, but someone hits me so hard on the head that I feel myself sinking into the darkness.
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