Chapter 3

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-What do you mean "behaved strangely"? Jacob asks me, leading me to classes. I didn't want to talk to anyone about it and maybe it just seemed to me, but it still made me feel unknown things in my stomach. Hell, when I arrived two days ago at Hellgate... I have no idea when, maybe when he opened the door for me to get off, but for a few moments I had the impression that he wanted to kiss me. I mean, he got a little too close to my face. The moment was interrupted by Mark's appearance and I didn't have time to find out what was going to happen. I only know that even after two days, the tingling on my skin has not disappeared. - I mean, I don't know... Friendly? I answer him vaguely because I don't want to date all his events. It would be too embarrassing. And maybe it just seemed to me. I wouldn't want to leave a bad image of Hell. - Oh, Eden... The boss had a fiancee until five years ago. They met when they were 17 and both were the same age. Layla was the first love of the boss and at the age of 22 he decided to ask her to be his wife. They were, in my opinion, a perfect couple. They loved each other so much that it seemed that no one would separate them. But, Hell did not take into account the enemies he has. One evening...a trap was set for him. He had to take all his security and leave on a fake track, while Layla stayed home alone. I don't know much about what happened, but I know that Layla was killed in cold blood. Hell is the one who found his body when he returned home. I didn't even know I was crying until I felt the salty taste of tears on my lips. - God, Jacob... -What I told you now... You don't know from me. As far as I know, you look a bit like Layla. I gasp in shock, and Jacob's look doesn't calm me down at all. -God...I think it's frustrating for Hell. I say more for myself, but the fact that Jacob makes a face tells me that he heard it too. - Yes... It can also make him confused. -How was he before? Why am I interested? - I don't know... But, I know that after the death of his fiancee, he didn't love anyone anymore and became colder than a glacier. I'm not even surprised. Maybe I would be the same if someone took the love of my life away from me. I feel like throwing up... Which love of my life? I promise myself that I won't fall in love easily and with whom I shouldn't. - See you after classes. I tell him when I get in front of the building where I have classes, and he just shifts his weight from one leg to the other. What? He puts his hand to the back of his head, scratching himself and avoids looking at me. - I thought friends were hugging...or something. He says almost in a whisper, and my lips curve into a smile. Mafia and their lack of affection... I approach him and run my arms along his torso. Why the hell does everyone have to be so tall? He strokes my head as if I were a pet and I refrain from bursting into laughter. I withdraw from the hug and then go to college. ~~~ I've been tossing and turning in bed for more than two hours and I still can't fall asleep. I look at the digital clock on the bedside table that indicates a little past midnight and sigh, feeling more awake than I have been during the day. What keeps me awake is the story Jacob told me about Hell. I don't even want to imagine the pains he had to go through every day knowing that he is alive but his fiancee is no longer on this earth. I know the feeling. Maybe losing my parents doesn't compare to losing his love, but I know the feeling. From a certain age, after we get to know good and bad, our parents warn us at a certain point, telling us that they will not be with us one day, and we probably get used to this thought. But what do you do when the one you promised to protect for the rest of your life is forcibly torn from this world? How do you get over the death of your soulmate? I sit up and turn on the lamp, then I run my hands over my face. I never had any problems sleeping. What the hell should I do now? I take my phone from the bedside table and open the phonebook. I'm thinking about whether I want to do this or not, but I've come to the conclusion that I have nothing to lose. I open the message and write to Mark. Me: What are you doing? I twist a strand of hair on my finger waiting for the answer, but I didn't even blink and received a message. I put my glasses on my eyes to make sure I can see well. Mark: Why aren't you sleeping at this hour? Me: I have no sleep. Luckily I don't have classes tomorrow. Mark: In this case... We are at Hellclub. Come. Normally I wouldn't go anywhere, but I want to take my mind from Hell's dramatic story. Mark: Am I coming after you? Me: Yes, please. Mark: I'll be with you in 20 minutes. I don't answer the message anymore and jump to my feet, starting to look through my closet for some clothes for the club. I've never been to a club, but I think that's where the sexiest dressed girls go, right? Well, I'm not exactly sexy and I've never bought sexy clothes because I didn't have to, but I find something to wear. My eyes run to a black, short tank top, showing a little of my abdomen and a pair of gray jeans and I get dressed immediately. I look in the mirror and I'm happy with what I see, but I feel like I'm too undressed, so I take a thin jacket that I leave unbuttoned. I put on my tennis shoes and run my fingers through my hair a few times, leaving it loose on the back. I arrange my glasses better on my nose, and after I take my phone, which I put in my back pocket, I leave the house, seeing Mark stopping the car near the gate at that very moment. After locking the door, I leave the keys under the entrance mat and go to Mark. -Wow... You are... You look good, angel. He says, and I look at the ground in shame. I don't know how to receive compliments. - You said that there are more of you... Who is in the club? I ask, changing the subject. I get into the passenger seat, and he gets behind the wheel. - Almost everyone you know. The boss also came... I have no idea why. He doesn't really go after clubs. -Even if he owns one? - Ahem... I don't know if all those who own a club like to have fun, but I know that Hell is not the type to have fun in a club. The road is covered in silence and I find myself looking out the window at the sleeping landscape of the city. When we arrive in front of the club, Mark takes my hand so that we don't lose each other through the hyperactive crowd because of the music. My eyes travel all over the club and I feel out of place. Some men don't have their t-shirts on, some girls have a little left and get rid of their clothes. Others kiss like there's no tomorrow, and the flashing blue lights bother my eyes a little because they reflect through the lenses of my glasses, but it would be the best to cry. I knew where I was coming from... We arrive in a compartment with glass walls, where the music is not so harmful to the ears and my eyes immediately fall on Hell. He has something that makes him stand out in a room full of people. His eyes go down to my hand along with Mark's and I find myself suddenly pulling my hand away. Perhaps too suddenly, but Mark doesn't seem suspicious at all. I break visual contact with Hell when two arms pull me into a bear hug and I see that it's Luis. I hug him in turn, then I pass to Sunny and Jacob. -She is Rogue. Specialist in computers. Mark says and only now do I notice the girl sitting next to Hell. -I am pleased. She said, extending her hand towards me. -Me too. I am Eden. I answer her in turn by shaking hands with her and I am proud that my voice has remained unchanged. Usually, with new people, somewhere in the middle of the sentence my voice becomes just a whisper. I'm glad that didn't happen now. I immediately turn my attention to Hell, as if I've been commanded not to look away from him for more than thirty seconds. - Mr. Hell... I say as a form of greeting, and he sends me half a smile. All the air in the room disappears because of the image in front of me. Jesus…Newer, my kind of man is Hell? How can he look so good when he's serious, but when he smiles, even a little, he's able to make you see galaxies? I raise my voice, and he hits the free seat next to him with his palm as a sign for me to sit next to him. Again, I feel hypnotized by his gaze and I go to him without commenting. -Don't call me "Mr. Hell" anymore. You have earned the right to speak to me personally. He says it's too close to my ear and my skin starts to tingle. I nod my head because I don't trust that I will be able to say something right, then he signals the bartender to come to us. -What do you like to drink? Apart from cheap wine... He also tells me... Wait. Does it look like me or is he flirting with me? -No. I do not know. It's the first time I come to a club. He looks at me as if surprised by what I tell him, then gives me another half smile. - This changes many things. He tells me then turns to the bartender who is sitting next to him and whispers something in his ear. I have no idea what he meant by that, but I don't want to find out. I don't know if I'm ready to find out. The bartender hands me a glass with ice and a reddish liquid, and I give him a weak smile as a sign of thanks. Chris urges me to taste and I take small sips using a straw. I make a strange sound drawing attention to myself and leave the glass on the table in front of us. -You like? Chris asks me and I nod my head vehemently affirming. It has an intense taste of cherries, and I love anything with cherries as an ingredient. I wonder how she knew what I like... I just hope that the late fiancee didn't like the same things as me. - We are going to dance. Angel, if you want to join us, we'll be there, okay? Mark says and I wake up feeling uncomfortable, even if it's not the first time he's said that to me. - Okay. I answer simply and everyone goes to the dance floor, leaving me alone with Hell. The silence dominates us and I thank the gods in my thoughts that the music can also be heard in the room, filling the silence between us. Ok...It's getting annoying already. - It's like you don't really go out to clubs... Why are you here tonight? I break the silence. He looks at me for a long time as if he wants to know the reason why I'm interested in him, but he quickly moves his gaze as if he shouldn't have done that. -Besides that I have a deal to close... I had too many thoughts in my head. He answers me nonchalantly, and I run my tongue over my lips after taking another sip of my drink. - You should have rested... This time I get a full smile and find myself swallowing hard. When I said that he is like a modern-day Lucifer, I did not exaggerate at all. God, he looks so good... - I could say the same about you. What are you doing here? Did you want to see me? I can tell from his playful tone that he's just teasing me, but that doesn't mean I'm unaffected. My skin was tingling, my stomach turned upside down, my palms were sweating... - I just...Actually...I couldn't sleep. He just nods his head and doesn't say anything. Damn it...Could I laugh any harder? I finish the drink from the glass and then wipe my palms on my jeans. Okay, it's more of a tic, but… - I think I will go home. I tell him and get up from the armchair. He quickly grabs my wrist and I gasp. -Do you want to help me with those files tomorrow? He asks me and hope glimmers in his eyes. I would like to say "no" but I would feel stupid that I crushed his expectations, and then in the end I would still go. His thumb caresses my wrist sending a wave of peace through my body, and I become bewitched by everything Christopher Hell means. -Y...Yes. He raises his voice and withdraws his hand from my wrist, I already feel his absence. -See you tomorrow, Eden. My driver is already out. He will take you home.
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