
Love story-Fall to Hell

enimies to lovers

Eden Sinclair is a girl in her twenties, studies Finance, is an orphan and has no friends.  She's that normal girl in everyone's class.  The girl who doesn't stand out from the rest.  If other girls struggle to be noticed, Eden likes to be invisible to the rest.  She has more peace and loves the monotony she's used to.  However, one evening she decides to break her rule of not going out after 10:00 PM and goes to the store.  That short "adventure" will later come with consequences.  Witnessing a murder changes you for life, right?  She ends up meeting Christopher Hell, the mob boss.  That devilishly handsome man.  The kind of man she only heard about in books.  Christopher is a man who gets whatever he wants without asking, and when he meets Eden he tries to corrupt her.  Out of hate or because he just wants her for himself?  What if that possessiveness he has for Eden is because of his dead fiancee?  And so that his plans do not bear fruit too soon, another man appears in Eden's life.  The kind of man you want to sin with.  Dante Smith works in the Navy, but he prefers field work.  He needs to find out the truth about the Mafia from Eden, that's why he approaches her.  But what will he do after he unwittingly falls in love with Eden?  What will Eden choose to do with both men loving her?  Are you becoming a traitor just to follow your teachings?  Do you step on your heart knowing it will hurt?

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Eden Pov. **** I usually don't go out after ten o'clock in the evening, but tonight I had to go out because I have no more milk for tomorrow's breakfast. After pulling a thin jacket over my shoulders, I leave the comfort of my home and walk to the nearest store near my house. I guess I look like a weirdo dressed in tights, t-shirt and jacket but... I was getting ready to go to sleep when I remembered the milk. I look at the cloudy sky as I step on the sidewalk and squint my nose. It will rain at night...In less than five minutes I enter the store and go straight to the refrigerator where I get my milk. The store is completely empty except for me and the old cashier with no zest for life. I hand her the card for payment, and she takes it with a frown on her forehead. I decide not to give her much importance and after she hands me the card, I grab the milk from the counter and leave. A few drops of rain start to fall and I increase my pace so as not to get too wet. I hear commotion between the houses I pass by and I stop wanting to figure out what is happening. Maybe someone needs help, right? I see some boys I know from high school and now the curiosity is greater. Those high school boys beat each other mercilessly. I should say something or do something, but I freeze when I see a gun pointed at the beaten man. Only after a few seconds do I manage to move, and after taking three steps, a shot is heard. My heart is racing with me. I'm running away. I don't want to be caught in the middle. I enter the house closing the door behind me and try to calm down. I shouldn't have gone out for milk... Not when my life will change radically because of what I saw. **** A year has passed since I witnessed the killing of an innocent, and nothing happened to me. I finished high school under the watchful eye of the group that I saw mercilessly take the life of that boy, but they didn't approach me. I couldn't wait to finish high school and get rid of them, but I was very surprised that they attended the same college as me. I think they want to keep watching me... If I wanted to report to him, I would do it that evening. But I didn't do it... Because I was afraid for my life. I was taught to survive alone and to adapt to different situations, considering that both my parents were in the Navy. Yes, they were. They died in a mission more than three years ago and left me alone in the world. I say "alone in the world" because I don't even have a friend. I don't like to stand out and that's why I'm invisible among my colleagues. Many still consider me a new student, even though I am already in my second year of college. But I don't mind. I don't want anyone's attention. I get up from the bench after gathering my things and go out into the hall heading towards my closet. After I put the books I don't need at home in the closet, I close it and startle. Next to my closet are the four I saw that evening. I try not to look too panicked, but I feel uncomfortable. No one has been this close to me in a long time. - Did... Did something happen? I say almost in a whisper as I look at the one who is the leader of the group. -Damn...Speak. Says Mark, the leader of the group. I thought you were dumb or something. I wrap my arms around my body and shake my head. - I'm glad to know that you can talk. We should all go out for a drink. I swallow the lump that has settled in my throat and move my gaze from Mark to a specific point. My parents didn't raise a weak girl, but not a bad one either. I would be a fool if I wasn't a little afraid of their intentions. When I make it clear that I am not interested in their desire, he catches my chin between his fingers and forces me to look at him. - You will come with us for a drink because, I guess you know, we have a lot to discuss about what you saw that evening. It would be easy for me to put them all on the ground and not even know what hit them, but I don't want to expose all my cards. I simply nod, then he withdraws his hand from me and smiles widely. I'm sure that with this smile he conquered many stupid girls. I take my bag with the long strap and put it on my shoulder, then I lock the cabinet with the key. The other three friends of Mark do not seem very attentive to what is happening around them. It's as if it doesn't matter to them if I go out with them or not. Well... I'm glad that I'm not the only one who doesn't see any meaning in this meeting or what it will be. I sigh and follow them outside to their car. Mark takes the driver's seat, and another friend of his sits on the right side. The other two look at me as if expecting something from me, and I nod my head disapprovingly but still climb in the back with them on either side of me. The road is traveled in silence and this does not bother me. I don't talk too easily with strangers. ~~~ We sit at a secluded table and Mark is the one who orders for everyone. It surprises me when he orders a hot chocolate for me and I can't help but wonder how he knows what I'm drinking. Was I watched even in my free time? This makes me freeze wondering how much he knows about me. - We should officially get to know each other. I'm Mark. He tells me with a smile on his face and if I didn't know that he killed an innocent person, I would believe his smile full of warmth. - I know who you are. I say looking at the table and playing with my fingers in my lap. -Excuse me? - You are Mark, the leader of the group. He is Jacob, I say, directing my gaze to the blond man-your right "hand man". And they are Luis and Sunny, I say, directing my attention to the brothers sitting next to me - the problem brothers. Everyone frowns simultaneously as if it were an order and Mark places his palms together on the table. -How do you know? My answer is interrupted by the appearance of the waiter with the drinks and Mark respectfully thanks. -We went to the same high school together. And now we are at the same college. I say, after the waiter leaves and I turn my attention to the cup in front of me. - What is he talking about? Jacob asks and I know that they didn't see me until I saw them committing a crime. Who knows how much they have done so far?! - Do you mean that you knew us before you witnessed...? I nod and drink some of the hot chocolate in front of me. In just ten minutes since we've been in the cafe, we've talked more than we've done so far. And when my parents were alive I was quieter, but after they chose to come to the table with the angels, I became even quieter. It's not about any trauma, just loneliness. When I see that no one is saying anything, I muster up the courage to look up. I see Mark staring at me as he rubs his chin thoughtfully, then I look at the others who also seem lost in thought. Ok...Now this whole...situation is starting to get suffocating. -Hm...Interesting. In any case, we came to discuss something. Mark continues in a serious tone and I signal him to continue. I want you to do something for us and I forget the whole thing that concerns you. -Why would I do something for you? - Because... you see... you are beautiful and girls of natural beauty are increasingly sought after on the black market. We wouldn't want to get there, would we? As I said... My parents raised a strong but not stupid girl. I could tell them that they are just bluffing, but then I would just put them in my head and I would have no peace. So, for now, I'm going with their idea. -What the…? - I want you to sell... for us. He says almost in a whisper and I suppress a whimper. -While? -One year. I nod, and they seem shocked that I accepted. -Okay then...Starting tomorrow we will meet every day to give you the goods. Then in the evening we meet again to give me the result of that day. wow… -Good. I leave you my number. I tell him, and he hands me his phone. After typing the number on the phone, I get up from the table but not before leaving the money for the hot chocolate, then I leave without looking back.

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