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Main Characters: *Charlotte Revilla (17) - an ordinary high school girl, and her school's hardworking Student Council's Vice President. She was having some 'trust issues' about men because of being left by her beloved father at a very young age. Despite that, she grew up strong, smart, and a loving daughter to her mother. One simple day, while staying at their school library, she saw a red butterfly flying around and out of curiosity about the butterfly, she decided to follow it that lead her at the library's storage room. There she discovered the antique body mirror, that without her awareness, was a portal that brought her to the 'other world', where it seems like the time was stuck at Victorian era. The place was called the country of Aglaia, and she was at the Empire of Stavron. On her first night, an incident happened to her, that leads her to meet a white masked guy that called himself, Ali, that happens to be the Empire's prince. *Prince Alexeus (18) - the only prince of the Empire of Stavron, that made him as the 'crowned prince'. He was famous for being a 'close-to-perfect' prince, and also the one with the 'blue eyes'. Many girls were dreaming to be his princess someday. But this prince doesn't have any plans of getting married at his age even it was on their tradition. And that became the reason of escaping at the palace, and lead him in meeting Charlotte, because of saving her from a danger one night. He used to distrust Charlotte at first, but that was changed all of a sudden after being enlightened of who Charlotte really is. He ended up helping her for getting back at her world, because of his curiosity of what kind of world where Charlotte belongs. Alexeus decided to make a deal with Charlotte to continue her disguise as a princess for them to disguise as fiances, but when the Emperor discovered about it, he decided to exile Charlotte outside their empire as her punishment. Not until the empire's shaman came and announced that Charlotte was the girl who told at the prophecy that could save their empire's downfall. And from there, Charlotte agreed to be the priestess of their god, Mulciber, the dragon god of fire of Stavron or called as 'Magissa', because its the only way that could bring her back to her world. -- As a Magissa, Charlotte has a mission to find the six gems (kosmima) of elements - fire, water, wind, earth, lightning, and psychic. It is needed for her to summon Mulciber, and grant her three wishes. Despite that, the prophecy also defined Alexeus as the 'knight of Magissa', and the blessed one that could be able to summon and use, Flago, or the 'sword of flame'. This tandem would experience a magical and action-filled adventure in finding the six gems, and as their adventure goes by, a romance would blossom within each other. Will these two be able to succeed at their mission of saving the Empire of Stavron? Could these two people end up together as lovers despite the differences of the worlds where they belong?
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