4: Meet my husband

1770 Words
Gwax followed the scent of the man that had come into the princess' room, using his dragon senses. He wasn't that far off. Gwax hastened his steps, not wanting to be seen in the illuminated hallways. Gwax found Fellon in the Royal garden. He was soliloquizing and lamenting to himself. His anger was still high from what he had heard. Gwax didn't want him to see his face and so grabbing him by the neck from behind, a frown etched on his face in disgust, he wanted to choke him to death until his dragon cautioned him. 'You fool. You keep forgetting where we are.' His dragon snapped. "What am I supposed to do with him? Kiss him?" Gwax grunted, increasing his force. That was when he got a brilliant idea. He let go of the man's neck and held him in a chokehold. Fellon's wails died down and he fell to his knees before hitting the ground unconscious. Gwax looked around to see if anyone was watching him. He went on one knee after confirming he was good to go. He started from Fellon's knees and started with dislocation of his bones. This was a skill he had learned in his childhood training as a means of defence. He twisted the dislocated bones and held Fellon up in a way that made snapping the bones in half possible. Even in his unconsciousness, Fellon let out a wail of pain. Gwax stood to his feet, "the next time you hurt the pri.. any woman, it will be the last time you live on earth." He said and turned around, heading back to Gae's bedroom, leaving Fellon for whoever was the gardener. Gae rushed to his side when he returned to the room. "Where on earth did you go? I thought someone might have killed you!" She cried in astonishment. Gwax went back in character, scratching the back of his neck nervously and looking down at his feet. "I'm sorry, I was too shy to use the bathroom while you were in here so I tried to find one outside." He confessed. Gae's gloomy face cheered. "You know I've never met a man as shy as you. Is that how every man from your kingdom behaves?" She folded her arms across her chest, closing the distance between them. "What's your kingdom called anyways, Alex?" Gwax froze in his steps. "F..Fundat." He lied. "Hm, interesting. Very well, it's late and we should go to bed. I'm sure we have to be up early for the gathering of the kingdom. The official announcement of father's ill state is tomorrow. I need to look my best!" She beamed. Gae hopped in bed. She furrowed her eyebrows at him where he remained standing. "Aren't you going to come lay beside me?" "O..on the same bed?" Gwax raised one eyebrow. He was starting to worry about her trustworthiness. She was too careless. "You have no intentions to hurt me do you?" She chuckled. "No man can take advantage of me. I'm well trained and one s***h of my sword to the neck is all you need." He wondered why she let Fellon maltreat her then. So many loose ends but what did he care? He was here for the throne anyways. He took his place beside her on the bed, losing himself in his thoughts. By the third day, a messenger crow would be here, waiting to hear news of how many people he had killed by now. So far so good, he hadn't gone with the plan. What would Millie say? His deep thoughts were cut when Gae rolled over to his side, resting her back against his chest, slight snore sounds coming from her. With a sigh, he placed his arm around her and let his muscles relax. This was a better plan, he tried to convince himself that not following through months of training was not such a bad idea. Sleep drew him into its abode a few minutes later. * Gae's eyes snapped open at the loud jamming of the door. "So it's true!" A high pitched voice screeched. Gae winced at the bright light from the red curtains across from her. She sat up in bed, moving Gwax's arm away from her waist. "Merida?" Gae blinked a few times, yawning and then stretching. "What are you doing here so early?" Gae scratched her eyes, still drowned in her sleepiness. "So early?" Merida mocked in her English accent. "b***h, it's ten minutes to the start of the announcement!" "f**k!" Gae sprung to her feet, I slept in so late. How could I forget the announcement. Oh no, oh no!" She ran to her wardrobe. "Quick, dress my hair while I pat some makeup on. There's no time to bathe." She said to Merida. Her dark skinned best friend only looked at the sleeping man. "So it is true. Gae, when I heard you were getting married, I thought it was a joke but there's a whole grown man on your bed right now!" Merida grinned from ear to ear, walking towards her friend to provide assistance. "Oh goodness, I've forgotten all about Alex. What will he wear? Ah!" Gae had a pink fluffy dress hanging on her shoulder as she raced to the emergency bell. Every royalty had one in their room. It was a call for the servants, or palace guards. "Quick, send me an expensive outfit for a man the size of Prince Philip." She ordered without waiting for a response. Philip was the second prince and he had a build that was similar to Gwax's except he was much less handsome. "Gae, come on tell me how you met this man!" Merida impatiently bugged as she rushed to get Merida's dress over her head. Merida was the only one that could be excited in such a situation. She loved men more than she loved her life. "We will talk about that later, please wake him up. I'll do my hair on my own." Gae sat in front of her dressing mirror and forced her hair into a tight, neat bun so it appeared presentable. She groaned at her own reflection. She still had swollen eye bags even after washing her face. She pat her skin with extra powder and applied too much red lipstick to serve as distraction from any flaw she might have. Gwax sat up confused. He eyed the woman with huge hair in front of him. She was staring at him like he was a whole meal she wanted to eat. "Alex, get up! I need you to get dressed for the public announcement. The entire kingdom will be there." Gae said, looking over her shoulder at him. When she saw who he was staring at, she added, "this is Merida, my best friend." Shortly after, a knock came on the door. It was the messenger that had come to deliver Gwax's outfit. Coincidentally, it matched the exact shade of green Gae had chosen to wear and that made Merida go insane. Gwax was irritated by the cheerful spirit but when Gae announced that she was ready, looking like a whole full course meal. His heart melted and he remembered how beautiful she look. The women waited outside for him to change his ragged looking clothes. When the women were out, he shifted into his dragon. "Ah, free at last." He stared at his reflection in the mirror, red eyes glaring back. He exhaled with a scoff and smoke left his nostrils. He formed a circle mid air and sniffed around the room, not knowing what his dragon was looking for. He followed the strange scent under the bed and was about to peak when his ears picked footsteps in the distance. Quickly shifting back to his human form, he changed into the outfit Gae had left for him. She came back into the room only a minute later and poked her head in. When she saw that he wasn't naked, she came in fully. "I'm sorry, I left my crown on the drawer." "You look so beautiful princess." Gwax complimented, running his fingers through his hair. "So do you." She winked at him. "Come on." She held his hand and yanked him out of the room, holding her gown up with her free gown. Gwax would have sworn he felt an electric feeling running through his veins at the contact of their hands. On fast steps, he followed her out to the Royal main balcony where the announcement of the King's condition, would take place. The royal guards blocked their path with spears at first but one scornful glare from Gae set their heads right. Gwax was blown away at the sight of the crowd downstairs. Someone was already talking to the crowd and he assumed it was one if the princes. The younger queens were crying in a corner of the balcony. Everyone was looking dressed to kill, not mournful in any way. The third queen hurried to Gae's side upon their entrance. "This man is still with you?" She sounded shattered. Gae was about to respond but halted when she heard the first Prince, Kel address the situation. "And so that is why as the eldest son, I will temporarily be in charge until father is back to his conscious state of mind." Gae gasped, frowning as she hurried to his side, rudely taking the speakerphone from him. "Citizens of Belria Kingdom. We are grateful for your gathering. I'm sure we are all sad and heart broken concerning his majesty's case." She began, "but I'm also sorry for the misinformation." She placed her hand on her chest. "Prince Kel will not be representing father in his absence, I will." She said with a mischievous smile and instant murmuring crowded the scene. "He isn't even married!" She chuckled in mockery. "But neither are you!" A man yelled from the crowd, "we won't sit back and let a woman rule us!" "I am in fact, getting married today." She snapped, clenching her free fist by her side. It took everything she had not to strike him with the little magic she had left. She disliked men who thought women were not worthy of leadership. "You have no proof of that!" Another man retorted. Gwax knew it was his cue. He stepped right next to her and she held his hand. "This is the man I…" she began but was cut short by the kiss Gwax planted on his lips. He took her upper lip and sucked passionately while she stood still in shock.
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