5: Stuck

1068 Words
Gae soon allowed her body to relax and she received his kiss. She put her hands around his neck and returned the gesture, closing her eyes in reaction. The silence was deafening. "We will not sit back and watch this madness." Kel disconnected their intimacy. "How can we sit back and watch a princess take over?" "You know well I will slit your throat if you don't watch your mouth!" Gae walked towards him with a frown. "Mara, come caution your daughter before I hit her face." Kel raised his voice while the crowd watched them go off, in silence. "Is this who you want as your king? Someone who can't keep his hands to himself?" Gae laughed mockingly. "When has Mara ever been able to control her daughter?" Philip interfered from behind them. "Everyone just shut up!" The third Prince spoke for the first time. His blue robe was crafted beautifully and drew attention to him. "Clearly, everyone is stressed about the king's state, and has barely had enough rest." He said into the speakerphone. "Everyone can go back to their homes. This is a personal matter we need to deal on our own." Ajay said. Gwax thought it was so much better how royalty was divided and it would be easy to penetrate this way. "Thank you for coming…" Ajay was still saying but Gae didn't care. She had made her point known and wouldn't sit around and listen to her family rant about her attitude non stop. She took Gwax and left the balcony while Merida trailed behind them. "What just happened back there?!" Merida screeched. Maybe Gwax was starting to dislike her now. Even Gae had no idea why she was kissed but she had felt a weird spark and this wasn't her first kiss. Three of them stopped walking at the sight in front of them. "Fellon?" Gae gasped, hurrying to his side where he sat in a wooden chair with wheels. She looked up at the guard that was wheeling him around. Fellon was in simple clothes, his hair was still gelled, his traditional hairstyle. "What happened to you?!" She frowned, "why are you in a wheelchair?" Fellon was glaring at Gwax the whole time. Gwax 'could not look up at him.' "I don't know, why don't you ask your new groom to be?!" New? Gwax wondered. "Me?" He blurted out, pointing a finger at his chest in confusion. "What are you talking about?" Gae frowned, staring between both men. "After I- after our encounter, someone tried to kill me in the garden!" Fellon was yelling on top of his voice and it was only a matter of time before he attracted people to them. "What?!" Gae was lost. "And I know it was none other than him!" He snapped, pointing an accusing finger at Gwax. "W.. what?" Gwax had worried eyes. "I'd never hurt a fly." He sounded so scared, it hurt Gae's feelings. She stood beside him and wrapped her arms around him in an assuring hug, "it's okay." She whispered to him. "Have you gone mad Fellon? How dare you accuse him?" She frowned at Fellon. "You know you are only in this palace because I let you!" She warned. "Don't cross your boundary." "My legs are limp, my bones have been shattered. No one has anything against me in here except this man." He retorted. "What would Gwax have against you? He only came here last night, you mad man. Fellon, I'm sorry for your pain but I have better things to attend to." She sighed. "Merida, talk to someone so they send food to the bedroom for me, can you?" Merida understood Gae wanted privacy and so she nodded with understanding. "You got it." Fellon watched in amusement as Gae exited his presence, Gwax tagging along. He would have sworn he caught a smirk on Gwax's face when he looked back at him. * "I'm sorry for whatever that was. He isn't normally like that." She lied when she was alone in her bedroom with Gwax. "It's fine really." He nodded, sitting back on the bed, slowly undressing. "I'm really sorry for kissing you back there, I just wanted to prove your point for you." He told her. He looked up and caught her stare unconsciously, looking away slightly before locking her gaze. "What's wrong?" He drew his eyebrows together in askance. Her eyes were widened as she stared at him. He realized she was looking at his bare chest. At first he thought his packed abdomen had her captivated and was almost proud of it when he realized she was wondering why he was undressing. "Oh no no," he shook his head fast, "I was uncomfortable in those clothes, I'm not used to such fanciness." He cleared things up. Gae sighed in relief and laughed embarrassingly, "it's okay, I thought-" she cleared her throat, "the kiss, yeah I didn't mind at all. I would have done it anyways. At least I've made my first point." She smiled, "you didn't have your bathe in the morning. I'll go find Merida and bring us some breakfast. In the meantime, you can clean up and change." She shrugged and walked out of the room in hastened steps. It was clear she was trying to hide her shyness from him. "I'll see you later." She smiled a little and bowed her head in courtesy before leaving. Gwax's emotionless face didn't take his eyes off her until she disappeared from sight. He ran his fingers through his hair and sighed. By now, he should have had three dead bodies if he followed through with the plan. He jerked to his feet and shifted into his dragon. He flew around the wide room without context for a while. He needed a sky, he needed the clouds, just somewhere he could feel free, somewhere that would clear his mind up. He stared at his bag from the ceiling. It was placed on the bedside desk. He flew back to it. Maybe a little look into his photo album would calm things for him. Landing, he attempted to shift into his human form. His dragon gave a snort. He stared down at his claws, why was he still a dragon? He couldn't shift. As if things couldn't get any worse, he could hear Merida and Gae approaching the bedroom. "Fuck." He thought.
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