3: First kill

1002 Words
"Have you gone mad? Has this man spelled you?" It was second princess Mita, she was the second daughter of the first queen. She stood to her feet, lifting her gown in her hand, walking towards her sister. "If it isn't the puppet who curls at her husband's toes every night waiting to fetch a ball." Gae folded her arms across her chest, moving ckoser to Mita. "You are in no place to question my activities." She shunned her. Mita gasped in reaction, "how dare you? This is no time to make sick jokes. Father is in a drastic condition!" Mita said the words as though Gae was unaware. There was evident hurt in her voice and eyes. "Anyways, while you all mourn your king, I only came here to let you know the face of the man I'm engaged to, to prevent inappropriate attacks in case you run into him in the hallway." Gae said to the rest of her family present. It would be news all over the kingdom in no time. "Gae!" The third queen had tears sitting in her eyes at her daughter's attitude but then, it was nothing new. Gae Ferri was the most feared child of the king. She did what she wanted and no one could force her otherwise. Her mother constantly got backlash for being such a terrible mother for raising an embarrassing daughter. But that was what bother the third queen the most. If Gae said she would take the throne, then she would. "Come on Alex, sadness fills this room." Gae turned on her heels to leave the room, hoping Gwax would follow behind her. Gwax felt the burning stares from the royal family scar his skin. He had tried to record all the faces he possibly could. "Why are you in a cloak? What spell has been cast on you!" The queen's voice trailed off as Gae jammed the door shut behind her. The rest of the family hadn't even intervened and that showed that they were used to her behaviour. "Princess Gae?" Gwax found it difficult to maintain the shy creak in his voice. He had a deep, gentle voice and said his syllables almost one at a time. "It wasn't in our agreement to get married so soon." Gwax reminded her. "We haven't made an agreement seal yet." She said, not looking back at him. She walked down the hallway, heading for her bedroom. "It's too soon regardless. People will find it strange-" Gwax was more concerned about the dragon clan finding out he had mutated the plan. "Lucky for us, I don't care about people." She chuckled, stepping out of the cloak and hanging it around one arm. "At least give it a week." Gwax kept a blank face. He wasn't going to marry a woman he had only met a few minutes ago. It was taking every ounce of self control not to grab her by the neck and choke her to death. They deserved to die, after all they had done to his family, ruined his childhood and more importantly, for making him an orphan. Gae stopped in front of another door after a few more minutes of walking. It was her bedroom and it lacked any life. He cared less about decorativeness but he knew the room sucked for someone who had it all under her feet. You could still tell the room belonged to someone of a high class. From the satin dressed round bed In the center of the room, to rose petals and exclusive arts displayed on the walls. The door swung open, evident force used. A man almost as tall as Gwax walked in. His black shirt was tucked into his pants and his hair was sleeked all the way to the back. Too much gel, Gwax thought. He had a pale skin and his sleeves were rolled halfway up his arms, revealing hairy arms and he had his first button undone to show off his hairy chest. "Gae, what is this madness I just heard?" The man snapped in anger, stepping forward to grab a hold of her hand. She was clearly astonished to see him here. "Fellon, what are you doing here?" Gae wondered, speaking in a gentle voice and that made Gwax wonder what these two had with each other, not that he cared or anything like that. "Come with me." Fellon barked, holding her arm firm. It caused Gwax to hold his breath. It looked like he was causing her pain. "Fellon, let go!" Gae cried as he pulled her out of the room. "He better not hurt her." Gwax said aloud when the room was empty. 'Why would you care?' His dragon retorted internally. "She's my only ticket around here, I'll penetrate the family if I have her by my side." He convinced himself that was the only reason he was bothered. * Gae returned with red eyes and a gloomy face after ten minutes. Gwax watched her warily where he sat on the edge of the bed. "What happened?" He asked in a sharp voice, forgetting he was supposed to be shy in character. "It's nothing." Gae sniffed, "are you hungry?" She was trying to change the topic and that wasn't helping. Gwax stood to his feet and went to stand beside her. "Did that man hurt you?" He searched her eyes for answers but she was avoiding his gaze. "N..no, it's fine." She faked a smile. Gwax caught a glance of the small scratches on her wrist that were not there before. He could feel himself internally heating up, "Can I use the bathroom?" "Um, yeah, there's one in here..." she began but he didn't let her finish. He was out of the bedroom, cracking his knuckles as he followed the scent of the strange man that had walked into the room with no context. 'What are you doing?' His dragon inquired. "Off to make my first kill." Gwax said without care or remorse.
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