6: Call the guards

1822 Words
Gwax flew towards the bathroom, successfully unlocking the door with his giant mouth. The bedroom door came open only a second after he managed to jam the bathroom door locked. “Gwax?” Gae called when she came into the room. Gwax on the other hand was pushing his weight against the bathroom door on the inside. He was internally panicking, this had not happened to him before. He tried to communicate with his dragon from within but he had no connection. “Where has he gone now?” He heard Gae ask aloud. Her voice was followed by the sound of a tray on the table in the room. “That man is mysterious Gae, I really can’t believe you met him at a rose garden, are you kidding me right now?” Merida seemed to have lost her cheery tone all because she had gained this information now. “Did you even scan him to see if he had weapons? Did you go through his luggage while he was sleeping, for goodness sake, he could want to kill you honey. I just don’t see how you… hold up, what is that on your wrist?” Merida glared at Gae’s hand. Gae gasped and held the affected area, a sad frown appearing on her face. Merida stood to her feet sharply. “Was it that son of a b***h again huh? Fellon?” She sounded upset. “Gae, why do you keep letting that man treat you this way? You are one of the toughest women I know except when it comes to that monster! I am so glad you ended things with him but tell me why it feels like you two are still in a relationship?” "You don't understand." Gae sighed, sitting on the bed. "Where is Alex though?" She genuinely wondered. Gwax stopped at the silence that followed. He could hear Gae approaching the bathroom and right after, it was accompanied by a knock on the door. He creased his features into a disapproving expression. "Alex?" She called once and tried to make her way in when there was no response. Of course, his weight pushed against the door made her entrance impossible. He held his dragon breath, knowing even a small exhalation would make a lot of noise. "What's wrong?" Merida called, walking to the door as well. "I don't know, the door won't budge." She said. "What?" Gwax closed his eyes tight and tried to find his human body. The women were not helping his concentration with the way they were knocking hard and he swore they would have broken into the bathroom if they had not been distracted. "Fellon?" Gae frowned, "what are you doing here? You can't just keep barging into my room without informing me beforehand, what if I was naked?!" She scolded, still upset from her encounter with him earlier. "It's nothing I haven't seen." He scoffed. "What do you want?!" Merida interfered. "Shut up prostitute, I'm not here for you." Fellon wheeled himself to where Gae was standing. "I heard about your announcement and that you kissed that demon." He frowned. "Excuse me?" Gae began but he took a hold of her hand and pulled her down to his height in his wheelchair state. "You aren't really going on with this, are you?" He asked through gritted teeth. "Let her go!" Merida tried to separate her friend from the disgusting man's grip but even in his state, he was powerful enough to push her off with his other hand, earning a shriek from her. "You son of a b***h!" Gae cried, struggling to get out of his hold, "You're f*****g hurting me." She snapped at him, a frown earned on her face. In reflex, she raised her hand to hit him across the face. Fellon wasted no time to retort. He gave her a deafening slap with his free hand. "Are you insane?!" He had not expected her reaction it seemed. Like it was a connection, Gwax instantly shifted into his human form, even without realization. He stormed out of that bathroom, shocking the three of them but that wasn't his problem. He went straight to where Fellon was on the wheel chair and lifted him with a fistful of his shirt. When Fellon was high above Gwax's head, he threw him out like a bag of trash, crashing him against Gae's wardrobe. Both women shrieked, standing to their feet in horror at the sight before them. Gwax strolled to where Fellon had landed and without further ado, settled on top of him, punching his face like it was a training bag. Blood spewed from his victim's mouth and Gae rushed to his side yelling for his name but he didn't listen, he just kept going as Fellon cried in pain, taking the blows helplessly. "Alex, stop!" Gae cried but he didn't. "Quick Merida, call the guards!" She said to her friend that was glued to the ground. Even that was not enough to stop Gwax from torturing this man. Until the guards showed up and four of them lifted him with a struggle, holding tightly to him as he attempted to escape their grip. "Alex!" Gae cried when she had gotten his attention. "What is wrong with you? Why would you beat a helpless man up? That's such an unfair fight. You could have killed him!" She wailed, going on her knees beside Fellon to check for a pulse. Gwax stared blankly. Why would she still care about such a dangerous man? "He hit you! I had to do something." "Like kill him? I don't need anyone's help in my life, I am able to handle what I choose to, remember your place in this castle." She waved an index finger in his face as she spoke, creasing her face into a frown. "I'm sorry." Gwax bowed his head, still out of breath from his engagement with Fellon. "Are you going to imprison me?" He looked up at her with a blank face, a deadly tone in his voice that made Gae shiver a little. She couldn't take her eyes off his glare. Who was this man? "Let him go." She ordered the guards, still staring at Gwax. "Get Fellon to the royal family doctor for immediate treatment." "Yes, your highness." One guard said as they all bowed their heads out of respect. They left the room, carrying Fellon who was wincing in pain the entire time, out of the room. Merida came up to Gae and Gwax, and while maintaining a direct gaze with Gwax, she whispered into Gae's ear, "should I leave you two alone?" "In fact, yes." Gae simply nodded. Merida nodded and made moves to leave the room. Gwax caught an approving wink from her before she left. She must have been pleased with him beating Fellon up. When Merida was gone, Gae shook her head, "what got into you? You didn't respond when we knocked on the bathroom door, and you just burst out of there to act all saviour?" She frowned. "I'm not acting all saviour, okay?" He had no business explaining himself and if this was where his act was going to end, then so be it. Gae closed her eyes, "you and I need to talk, alone. There's so much to know about each other and I'm going to need you to tell me everything. Nothing but the truth. I brought you in here, and I can end you in less than a minute. Doesn't look like it but trust me, I could and I won't hesitate. Are we clear?" She asked through gritted teeth. Gwax nodded in response, slowly restoring his normal breathing pace. "Good, tonight, same rose garden." She said and pointed at the tray on the table, "your food is over there. I'll go see if Fellon is doing well. If he will ever do well." She glared at him and took her leave with arms folded over her chest. Gwax stared at his hands and the blood on them. It just dawned on him that his mission was more than a little blood. For the first time, he thought things through, was he mentally prepared for his mission? * Gae had given Gwax a new cloak for some reason. This time around, she had her sword with her as they made their way out of the palace gates. "The guards will be there this time, I need a distraction." She said, not really expecting him to respond. Since the incident from earlier on, he had not said a word to her or anybody. Gwax had only eaten, cleaned himself up and waited for them to leave. "We can't go through the gates." Gae stopped walking and crouched low, concealing herself from view behind a huge bush on the path. She yanked the hem of his cloak and got him to hide with her. She clicked her tongue and shook her head, "I have to think of a better way out of here." "Come on." She nodded in a different direction and like a dummy, he just followed her. * "Okay, start talking." Gae took the hood of her cloak off and sat on the bench, "who are you really? Nothing but the truth." Gwax shrugged, "I'm actually a shoe polisher. I've always had strength but I'm a very calm man. My family tried to force me to join the soldiers but I'd rather be who I am. That's why I left. I wanted to go somewhere I could be more of who I am." He was so good at lying. "Wow." Gae srood to her feet, pacing back and forth. "I know how it feels. All my life, I've watched women in my life grow from determined to women who just sit back and listen to what the men have to say." A sad frown sat on her face and in that moment, Gwax wanted nothing more than to wipe it away but he stood still anyway. "I'm the seventh princess, I know." She stopped pacing to look at him. "When I was younger, my father used to teach me sword fighting techniques and how to use the arrow correctly." She smiled at the memory but then that was gone just as quickly as it had come. "But then I grew older, and now I'm expected to sit back and learn to make tea or crap and watch the men do all the fun stuff? Excuse me?! That's why I want to rule, there needs to be new laws around here. Things need to change, I'm so upset, I just need to... I need so much." She stopped talking and turned to him.0 "I need a distraction." She cupped his face and kissed him for a second, pulled away and nodded, "just tonight?" "What do you want to do?" Gwax stared at her in confusion. "f**k you."
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