8. Make Her Cheer Up

1072 Words
Logan Maxwell I didn't heed Aiden's warning. I just walked into the house while Aiden chased after me. I'd rarely gotten so emotional over another person, especially over a human. This was a completely awkward feeling to me. The desire to kill was overwhelming, but I knew the rules. Werewolves can't hurt or even kill humans. This is really annoying. When I entered the living room. I saw Hooman sitting while looking at the snacks on the table. So many snacks were there, but she wasn't eating any of them. I instantly stopped. "Alpha..." Aiden came in and almost made a scene. I quickly warned him by putting my finger to my lips to signal him to be quiet. I managed to get Aiden to shut up, and then I looked at Hooman. "Why aren't you eating your snack, Hooman?" I asked. Aiden approached me, whispering something in my ear. "Speak more softly, Alpha." I squinted at Aiden, who was always bothering me. "I know what to do. You better do your job. Don't bother me." Aiden's expression turned annoyed, but he wouldn't refuse my order. He immediately turned around. I refocused on Hooman. I sat next to her, watching her pensively. I looked at the chocolates on the table and took one. "Is this good?" I asked. Hooman didn't respond. Was I a rock? Why was she ignoring me? I was trying to cheer her up. I waved my hand in front of her face. "Hooman, I'm talking to you." This time, Hooman glanced at me. She looked at me like a cat ready to strike with its claws. "Can you stop calling me Hooman?" "Nope. I like Hooman." "My name is Gianna! "I know. You are Hooman as human." Hooman sighed, not because she was relieved but more likely because she was annoyed. I have no experience with women before. My life is very lonely. I just focused on myself. Hooman's presence in my packhouse made me think hard. I prepared many things for Hooman to make her feel at home here. “Uncle Harold and his family are already so annoying. Why do you have to be annoying too!" Hooman grumbled. I like it when she grumbles. I don't know why seeing her like this is like entertainment for me. I opened the chocolate I was holding, and then I ate it. Hem, it's so sweet. I've never eaten food like this before. "That's my chocolate," Hooman snatched it from me. "This was bought with my money. So, this is mine. I have the right to eat it!" "A werewolf is eating chocolate?” "Why? I eat whatever I want." I looked at Hooman. I wondered what was on her mind. This month has made me uneasy. When we first met, she thought that I would prey on her. She thought of me as a predator. I'm just like any other werewolf. I want to mate, but our relationship is really complicated. Hooman suddenly closed her chest with her hands forming an X. She backed up further to avoid me. "What the hell are you doing!" I screeched. I was really offended by her attitude. "You want to eat me, right?" "Oh!" I approached her. I hugged her waist, and I pressed my lips against her neck. Hooman was screaming. She was scared, and I was doing this on purpose. She was even more frightened when I opened my mouth and pressed my teeth against her skin. "Please, please. Don't kill me. You promise that you will not kill me if I agree with your agreement about mate. I already did what you wanted. Don't eat me. I'm only eighteen. I've never had a boyfriend before!" What the hell is this? Why is she using that ridiculous excuse? I looked at Hooman's skin, which was so clean, soft and smooth. I actually smelled a powerful human scent from her. Oh, Moon Goddess, why are you torturing me like this? I want to mate, but my mate is a human. How do I explain this to Hooman! I never wanted to prey on this girl. She is my mate. Although I don't know my feelings, my instincts tell me that I should protect and keep her by my side. I kissed Hooman's neck until Hooman's screams instantly stopped. I saw her body get goosebumps. Hooman looked at me in surprise. Her face even lit up after I kissed her neck. "What did you do?" Hooman asked. "Just made you calm down," I replied. Hooman touched her neck where I had kissed her earlier. Suddenly, the atmosphere became strange. "Do you want to date someone?" I asked. "That I can't do. Isn't the agreement that I can only be with you? You forbid me from seeing other men." Apparently, Hooman knew what she had to do. I thought she was a stubborn teenager who didn't want to commit to what we agreed upon. I rubbed Hooman's head. I couldn't fully understand the Moon Goddess’ decision, but I was already so possessive of Hooman. "Remember, whatever you do now is in the spotlight. Ever since I showed you as my fiancée, you'll probably be a trending topic in the news..." Hooman sighed again. She ate the chocolate she had snatched from me. As her lips chewed, I continued to watch. "Don't worry about meeting your uncle. I'll handle it," I said. "What if he doesn't agree, Logan? My uncle has a unique character." I smiled as I looked intensely at Hooman. Hooman also tried to listen to my words carefully. "Everything will be fine. There's no need to worry. I will protect you from anything." Hooman and I looked at each other. The atmosphere became more romantic. I don't know why I feel attracted to Hooman right now. I slowly touched Hooman's hand, then slipped into his waist. Our faces became very close. Hooman didn't say anything. She even focused on looking at me. Her brown eyes were clear. I pulled her chin slowly and kissed her lips. Ah, this is amazing. I felt like I was being doused by very refreshing water. Hooman didn't put up any resistance. I could hear the sound of his heartbeat clearly. "Logan." Hooman's voice seemed to call me to go further than just kissing. I held Hooman tighter. I stuck my tongue into Hooman's mouth. Shit, I can't stop this. I want more than this.
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