7. Angers For Hooman

1052 Words
Logan Maxwell I sat in the back seat watching the gadgets while Aiden drove in the front and Hooman also sat in the front. Sometimes, I looked forward to seeing what was happening. I saw Aiden's gaze. He was cursing in his mind. Only I could hear Aiden's voice. While I was having trouble to know Hooman's mind. I called Gianna Hooman. I don't know why I feel more comfortable calling her that. And I think it's cuter. "Are you crazy!" Suddenly, Hooman looked back and got angry at me. "Why do we have to go to Uncle Harold's house? I don't want to go back there. Ada and Vienna hate me so much. Do you like seeing me being made fun of?" Huh, this girl is so angry. Even though I was kind enough to save her life. What's wrong with me? I held back all this time because I realized she was still too young. "I'm not asking you to go back there. I have to show them good faith. Your uncle suspects I did something inappropriate to you. We have a big age difference." Hooman looked at me intently. She pursed her lips. I closed my eyes. This really made me uneasy. Every time I look at those tiny lips. I always want to touch them. But there wasn't any progress in our relationship. It's been a month since I've lived with her, but I've never had the chance to do anything. "Don't be like that!" I chastised Hooman. "What's wrong?" Hooman grumbled. "I was protesting to you. Why are you scolding me instead?" "Your lips!" "What's wrong with my lips?" Hooman played with his lips. My chest was pounding. I was uncomfortable with this condition. I wanted to grab this girl and suck on her lips. But that was always in my fantasies. I did accept Hooman as my mate. I did not reject her. There was no choice for me but her. I had waited for her for so long. She is my only chance. Aiden chuckled in his mind. He said that I should having s*x with Hooman immediately. How could I possibly do s*x with Gianna? We never even got along at all. "Why does your family hate you?" I'd better find another topic to talk about. "Aren't families supposed to protect each other?" Hooman didn't want to answer. She immediately turned to face the front. I felt guilty. It seemed like my question had made her sad. "Do you have a family?" She asked me. I felt like a knife was stuck in my chest. I couldn't answer that question either. I hadn't lived with my parents for a long time. I don't even have any siblings. My pack and Aiden were all I had. "You don't know because you have no family. I'm someone who was never expected to be born. I don't know who my dad is. My mom died and left me. My uncle blames me for my mom's death," Hooman replied. Oh, so sad. How could humans be so cruel? Aren't humans the perfect creatures? Humans are created with feelings and reason, but why don't they use them? I honestly wondered to the Moon Goddess why my mate was a human. And that necklace was with that girl. I had given it to someone who had helped me. Soon, we arrived at my packhouse. Hooman still thinks this is a church. Even though I used the services of the most expensive architect in this world. "Let's have dinner..." I was about to give Hooman some advice, but she just got out of the car. I was speechless with her impolite attitude. After Hooman left, Aiden burst out laughing. I squinted my eyes. Aiden was the Beta who had never respected me. He was just as bold as Hooman. It looked like they formed an alliance against me. But Aiden was the only one I trusted. He was always with me under any circumstances. Aiden knew everything that happened in my life. "Don't make fun of me. You should tell her to have good manners. I am the Alpha. Why doesn't she respect me!" Aiden instantly stopped laughing, only for a moment. He looked at me through the windshield, then laughed again. "f**k you, Aiden!" I opened the door and got out of the car. "I'm going to cut your salary." "Alpha!" Aiden hurriedly got out of the car. He chased after me and begged me. "Forgive me. I'm not laughing at you. I'm just amused by Gianna. I feel like this house became more colourful when she came. Before that, it was like a haunted house. Lonely and lifeless." "Earlier, you refused to say that she was my mate. You didn't like that she was human." "Don't remember the past. Now, we have to protect Gianna. I'm afraid her family will try to get close to Gianna again.” I stopped stepping instantly. It caused an unexpected reaction. Aiden bumped into me until we almost fell down. "Aiden!" I shrieked. "Don't stop suddenly, Sir!" I couldn't believe that my Beta had never shown me any respect at all to me. "What do you mean, Aiden? Why would the Hooman family approach her again?" Aiden looked at me seriously. "You introduced yourself as Gianna's future fiancé. No one doesn't know who you are, Alpha Logan. Humans know you as Logan Maxwell, founder of Star Moon Group. Gianna's family is actually after the money Gianna's mother hid. They must have wanted to use Gianna to get close to you, Alpha," Aiden replied. I was furious at Aiden's explanation. Hooman had suffered so much, and now her family wanted to use het. Suddenly, I wanted to kill them. "Aiden, I suddenly feel so angry." "Alpha, you cannot kill humans or harm humans, or you will be punished by the Moon Goddess." "Then I should stay silent when I know they're trying to hurt my mate!" I growled at Aiden. "Humans are portrayed as perfect beings, but they behave worse than werewolves? What did my Hooman do wrong to be treated like that!" My body gave off an aura of heat. I was so angry. I really wanted to kill someone right now. Harold's face instantly appeared in my mind. "Alpha, please don't!”
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