


Giana Ossen never thought that she would meet a man who claimed to be her mate. He was handsome, wordy, and narcissistic. Gianna, an orphan, had been living under pressure with her uncle's family. She was mistreated until she was kicked out of the house. Logan Maxwell is a mysterious, wealthy man. He owns Star Moon Group, a large company influencing the world economy. No one knows that Logan Maxwell is not human. He's a werewolf. Star Moon isn't just a company. It's a pack of werewolves who have lived with humans for a long time, unlike those who chose to live away from humans. Logan lived in human territory because he was looking for something there, a sacred necklace that is the key to his existence in human territory.Fate brings Logan and Giana together as mates, but they are of different races. Can they be together? Or does Logan just want to use Giana because she is the owner of the sacred necklace.

#Dreame Writing Marathon II


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1. Broken Family
Gianna Ossen Los Angeles It's raining very hard today. Even though it's fall time. The rain suddenly became unavoidable while waiting for the bus at the bus stop. I had to go out in the rain after school. When I exited the bus, I ran to Uncle Harold's house. I'm Gianna Ossen. I'm eighteen, but no one celebrates my birthday today. I was orphaned as a child. My Dad, George Ossen, died when I was still in the womb. My mom, Mulan Miller, died when I was eight years old. Since my mom died, I was raised by Uncle Harold, my mom's younger brother. Arriving in front of the house, I quickly took off my wet shoes and the black hoodie I was wearing. I entered on tiptoe so as not to make a sound. I came home late from school because my teacher called me. "You're home late!" A woman's squealing voice made me shudder. I quickly stopped and tried to face her. She was Ada Coren, my uncle's wife. She hates me with a passion. The reason was because I was a burden to her family. "I am sorry. Mr. Paden called me to discuss the lecture..." "Huh!" Ada chuckled while looking sarcastically at me. "Don't make excuses. What's your homeroom teacher talking about college for? Do you think your uncle has the money to pay for you to go to college? My daughter needs money, too. Why should I think about you? Just feeding you is hard for me!" "Can't I have a future?" I asked Ada. "I have dreams too, Ada." Ada pulled my hair. She glared at me. This was very common, and I could never fight Ada. "Forget about your dreams. If you want to attend college, you look for your parents' hidden inheritance. I won't pay for you to go to college. You better make dinner for all of us before your uncle gets home!" screeched Ada. I couldn't resist even though I wanted to escape this suffering. Today, I turn eighteen. I will leave this house and live my life freely. I've already collected money to find a new place to live instead of living here like hell. "Hurry up!" Ada ordered. "Don't let us starve at dinner tonight. And next time I don't want to see you late. That's why I have to clean the house. That's your job. I've been kind enough to host you here. In return, you have to do all the chores. I went to the kitchen without answering Ada's words. The more I answered, the angrier Ada would get. I made dinner for my uncle's family. *** It was dinner time. I was arranging the menu on the dining table. Just then, Vienna, Uncle Harold's daughter, appeared smiling. She goes to the same school as me. She was a year younger than me but always so insolent to me. "Move aside, I want to sit down!" Vienna ordered sternly. "You can talk in a better way," I said. "Why?" Vienna snapped at me. Are you feeling unacceptable?" I didn't have time to answer Vienna's words. The sound of footsteps approached the dining room. I memorized that sound. It was Uncle Harold's footsteps. He had just come home from work. "What's going on? Why do I hear a commotion?" Uncle Harold walked into the dining room. I saw Uncle Harold's expression; it looked terrible. It looked like something had happened. He really looked troubled. "Gianna asked me to be more polite to her. Who does she think she is?" Vienna complained to her Dad. "She's living here. She should be more introspective." "Uncle, I just..." "If you're going to behave like this towards Vienna, you'd better leave. I've had it with you, Giana. Every day, you give me a headache." I was really surprised that my uncle would say that. I knew he also minded taking care of me for the past ten years, but his words today really hurt me. "I'm sorry, Uncle," I replied. "I never meant to make you angry." "Argh!" Uncle Harold pounded the table. He was having a bad day at work and taking it out on me. "Aren't you eighteen years old? I don't need to support you anymore. You're also going to graduate from school this year. I won't be paying for you anymore." Was Uncle Harold having a hard time at work? It looks like he is. He can't afford to pay for me anymore. But that's okay. I've already decided to move out after my eighteenth birthday. "What do you mean, Uncle? Why are you saying that to me?" I retorted. "My financial condition doesn't allow me to accommodate you anymore. You can stay here but don't expect me to feed you. My wife keeps complaining about spending money. I think I'll have to cut the budget to survive. " My uncle's words saddened me, but what could I do? I couldn't help her either. Ada walked into the dining room and threw my bag. Vienna smiled when she saw her mother being cruel to me. "Get out of here. I'd rather not see you again. You're enough of a burden on my family." Ada was really cruel to me. "Ada, what do you mean? Why did you throw my bag? Did you mean to kick me out?" "Exactly," Ada retorted. "Don't make me repeat myself. Harold doesn't have the money to take care of you. And your existence is a burden to me." I looked at Uncle Harold. I expected him to say something or help me, but he was silent. He was supporting his wife. "Go away. You're not needed here!" Vienna screeched. I picked up my bag. This was a terrible move. But suddenly, I remembered the money I'd been saving. I rushed to my room to get it. At least it could help me. I opened the drawer when I got to the room. But when I opened the drawer, I didn't see anything there. I didn't see the pocket I kept here. In that pocket was the money I had been keeping. "What the hell is this?" "What are you looking for?" Vienna's voice came clearly from the direction of the door. Apparently, she followed me. She smiled and grinned at me.

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