Chapter 8

1431 Words
***Kaya’s POV*** I look at the clock on the table beside his bed. It's been an hour since he left. I sigh and stare at the TV. Who knew I’d get bored so quickly? I look back at the clock and groan. Maybe he was right and should have stayed back with me? I can’t leave the room and I have the attention span of a goldfish. I need better entertainment! I browse through his game collection again, but nothing is catching my eye. Maybe I could draw, or should I take a nap? I mean it is getting late, and I have been out walking all day… I should probably change first though. I look through my bag. Did I not bring any pajamas? I swear I packed some. Maybe I could borrow one of Xavier’s t-shirts and use it as a nightie. He is taller than I am, so it should work. I walk towards his dresser and start my search. He has so many things and none of them are organized. I could fix it for him, but I don’t think that would sit well with him. I mean it's bad enough that I’m going through his stuff without permission but for me to move everything around on him. That would be going too far. I finally find a black t-shirt and shut his drawers. I walk over to the bed and begin taking off my top. This way, if Xavier comes back while I’m changing, I can slip my pants off without him seeing anything. I finished changing, but Xavier didn’t come back, not yet anyway. I brush my hair and start to move the blankets when I hear a loud knock on the door. I freeze, Xavier has a key to his room he wouldn’t knock on his own door. I stare at the door, fear keeping me in place. Who would be knocking? Do they even know someone's in the room? I watch as the door handle rattles, but it's luckily still locked. “Open this door!” A deep voice yells from the other side. Why is this happening? I take a step back and feel the bed against my legs. I hold my breath just in case whoever out there can hear it. Just breathe Kaya and everything will be ok, Xavier should be back soon. Nothing is going to happen. The door is locked so you are safe. I keep repeating that in my head while the banging continues. “That’s it!” I watch in horror as the door is forced open and a tall muscular man walks in. I fall onto the bed as a sob escapes my mouth. He stalks closer, his eyes traveling up and down my body. I try to look away, but he grabs my face, forcing me to look at him. “He has good taste; I’ll give him that even if you are human.” “W-what?” He smiles at me and I see his fangs shining in the lamp light. “You are quite a beauty. Why hasn’t he made you one of us hmm? Is he getting soft?” “W-what?” He laughs and forces my head to face away from him. “I think I’ll leave him a little surprise… maybe you’ll even thank me for it.” I feel his breath on my neck, and I try to move away, he’s too strong! Is this how I die? I feel tears dripping down my cheek, but he just laughs then bites my neck. White-hot pain courses through me and I scream. I have never felt such pain before. Black spots begin to fill my vision as he removes his fangs from my neck. “So tasty.” I hear him mumble as I fall onto the bed. This is it isn’t it? This is how I die. I’m going to bleed out on Xavier’s bed alone. I stare at the ceiling. Why did I think I would be able to make it on my own? The world is a cruel place and I clearly was not made out for it. My vision fades and all I'm left with is the sound of a ticking clock. I'm going to die here and no one will know until it's too late. My parents won't know what happened to me, they won't know if I lived or died. No one is going to save me. Soon my hearing leaves me as well. I’m left laying in nothingness praying for a miracle that I don't believe will come. ~XAVIER'S POV~ After finally finding someone to feed on we are on our way back to the house. I bet Kaya’s going to be fast asleep curled up in a ball. She probably got bored waiting for me and could find something better to do. As we reach the house, I notice how silent everything is, there is always some noise, it's never this quiet. “Ash, something doesn’t feel right,” I say. “Where is everyone?” “I dont know…” Did they find her? I told her not to open the door for anyone since I have a key. Is she alright? I push Ash out of the way and run up the stairs to my room. I look at my door on the ground. F*ck! “Ash!” Ash appears at my side immediately. I watch as he takes a step in the room and gasps as I remain frozen at the door. How could I have let this happen? I was supposed to protect her! How did everything go so wrong in only a few hours? “Xavier, you need to get in here fast!” “What’s wrong?” I say making my way to him. The overwhelming smell of blood hits my nostrils. I don't want to see what's been done to her, I don't think I'll be able to handle it. “It’s Kaya.” I look down at my bed and see her laying in a pool of her own blood. I need to regain my composure, I need to think rationally. I walk towards my bed. “Does she have a pulse?” “Faintly,” Ash says. “She could die any second, you need to act fast!” I look at her pale face and noticed the bite mark on her neck. Someone did this to her and didn’t care whether she lived or died. I turn my head slightly. I need to save her, or he will kill me literally this time! I bite her wrist and inject my venom into her. I watch in silence as her body starts to react. Her body begins spasming, and I look over to ash. “We need to hold her down while her body responds to the venom.” “Alright. He pushes her left arm and leg onto the bed, pinning her in place. I do the same on her right side. Eventually the spasming stops. “Isn’t this the part where you feed her your blood?” Ash asks. “Have you ever turned someone before?” I ask. “Nope, I prefer to kill.” “You’re an as*hole.” “Yeah, and I’m fine with that.” I shake my head and watch as her heartbeat finally fades to nothing. “Now I give her a drop. Her heart needed to stop before i could give her my blood.” I say as I cut my finger on my tooth and drop a few drops into her mouth before sealing the cut. “Good to know.” “Now that my blood is in her system, it can activate the venom in her body.” “So what do we do now?” “Now we wait.” “Will it really work?” “Well, she’s special, so it should work faster than other humans.” “I forgot about her background.” “I’m just glad he told us about it in the first place.” “Yeah, guess that’s why he chose us from the beginning.” “Exactly.” “Will you guys be alright if I head out? There’s something I need to do.” “Yeah, she should be up within the hour.” “Good luck mate, who knows what she will be like when she comes to.” “Only one way to find out.” “True enough. Anyways, see ya later man.” “See ya Ash.”
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