Chapter 7

1315 Words
His gaze is locked on my blood and I can't help but feel like I should let him have it. Suddenly, my eyes snap to the door as a loud bang erupts. I regain my composure as this seems to bring Xavier back to his senses. "I-I hurt you..." He looks at me with absolute horror. "No, you didn't! It was an accident, Xavier... You didn't mean it!" "That doesn’t matter, Kaya! I shouldn't have bitten you! I should have had better control!" Another loud bang disturbs our little chat and I know that it’s coming from the bedroom door. "You should get that..." I say while my eyes are trained on the door. "Hide in the bathroom and don’t open the door unless I say so ok?" “Why?” “Please just do what I say.” "Okay Fine, I'll hide. Just don't beat yourself up about this, ok?" "I'll try not to, now, get a move on." "Alright." I say while walking towards his bathroom. *** Xavier's POV*** As she hides in the bathroom, I grab the blanket and throw it into the hamper. How could I bite her? I know the answer to this, but I don't want to admit it. But deep down inside I know that I won't be able to hide from it for long. I walk to the door, glancing back towards the bathroom before unlocking my door and opening it. "Xavier, why does it sell like fresh blood in here?" "Don’t worry about it..." "Why shouldn’t I?" "Because it's none of your business, okay?" "Dude, what's wrong with you?" “Just drop it!” “Fine. I came by to ask some questions anyway.” “God dammit Ash, what?” “Why is everyone talking about you? They say you brought back a human chick. Is that true?” “Why does it matter?” “You know why it matters!” “I know why it matters, but why does it matter to you?” “Cause man, you are my best friend. I want to make sure you know what your doing.” “I know exactly what I’m doing ash, ok? So just f*ck off out of here.” “Damn dude, take it down a notch.” I sigh, why won't he just leave? “So, who is this mysterious woman?” Just as I go to answer, Kaya steps out of the bathroom and walks towards the bed. “Her?” I look back at Ash and see him shift uncomfortably. “Really man?” “What about her.” I growl. “You brought his…” he lowers his voice, so Kaya can’t hear him. “You brought his daughter here!?” “Yeah so?” “He will kill you if he finds out. You know this, don’t you?” “Well, he won’t find out. You and I are the only ones here who know who she really is.” “And what’s stopping me from telling him?” “The fact that I’m your best friend,” I say. “God dammit Xavier.” “Trust me, I got everything here under control.” “Yeah ok.” Kaya walks over and stands beside me, luckily her lip stopped bleeding. "Hey, I’m Kaya, but you know that already, don't you?" Ash looks at me then to Kaya and sighs. “Yeah, I know who you are, Kaya.” “I thought so. You look familiar.” "My name is Ash." “Oh… OH! I remember now! Your Asher! You were Carly’s friend.” She says with a slight nod. “Yeah, but I just go by Ash now. Nice to see you again though.” “You too!” she says with a smile. “So, what else did you want?” “To go get some lunch,” He says flatly. “No, thanks.” “Xavier, maybe you should go get something to eat.” Kaya says, looking at me with her big blue eyes. "But Kay, you just got here. I don't want to leave you in here alone!" "Xavier, I promise to stay here in this room and keep the door locked so nothing happens." "No Kaya, I’m not leaving!" "Please, you need to eat." She leans closer to me. “This way there won’t be another accident.” She looks at me and bats her eyes. God, she knows exactly what she does to me. She bites her lip and looks at me through her lashes. I groan."Kay... I" "No objections you’re going and that's that." "Fine..." "Well, Xavier, I'll be back in an hour. Make sure you're ready." "Okay, bye Ash." "Peace out Kaya, Xavier." I shut the door and turn to Kaya. "Why did you leave the bathroom? I told you to stay there!" "I don't know... I just felt like I needed to come out." “That’s a pathetic excuse,” I scoff. “I know, but it doesn’t matter.” “Yes, it does! Do you know what would have happened if that was any other vampire?” “No…” “Exactly! How am I supposed to leave you alone to go hunt if you can’t even follow basic instructions?” “You going out and me hiding in a bathroom while you answer a door are two completely different things!” “Not to me!” “I already said I would stay in here with the door locked while you hunt!” “And how am I supposed to trust you?” “You’ll just have to take that risk!” “I’m not going to risk your life to go get food!” “But by doing that aren’t you just risking my safety anyway?” “Dammit Kaya!” “Well, it’s true! You’re a vampire, and I’m human. You need blood to keep yourself alive and your bloodlust at bay while I don’t.” “F*cking hell, I don’t have time to argue about anything!” “So, then don’t argue.” “You say that as if it's simple!” I laugh. “That’s because it is.” “How is it simple?” “Like this, you go hunt to keep your bloodlust at bay while I stay here, play some video games, and then you come back to see me asleep in your bed.” I look at her. She’s serious, I can’t believe her. "Alright, and what if something happens to you?" "I won’t let anything happen to me; I promise.” "You don't get it Kaya, this place is filled with vampires, okay. If one tries to hurt you, you won't be able to stop them.” “That’s why I'll keep the door locked, and the volume turned down. You obviously have a key to your own room, and I'm assuming no one else does, so I won't have to worry about some stranger unlocking the door.” I groan. “You're right, but I can't help but worry.” “Finally, it took you long enough to see common sense.” I groan. “Won't you just drop it?” She laughs and I lead her towards my bed. I can’t believe I’m leaving her in a house filled with vampires while I go hunting. Have I gone insane? I must have. There is no way any sane person would leave someone they cared about in a house filled with potential threats. “Too bad you're leaving in an hour.” “And whose fault is that?” “I know, but you really do need to eat. I don’t want you biting me by mistake.” “You know I didn’t mean to, right?” “Of course! I just want to make sure it doesn’t happen again.” “Fair point.”
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