Chapter 9

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~ASHES POV~ I walk back to my room and sit on my bed. I look around my room. What am I going to do now that Kaya’s been turned? I could go and look for who did this to her, but I don’t have the slightest clue on who would want to hurt her. And how did they know she was here? No one should know who she is let alone that she was here. It’s weird seeing her again after all these years. I'm shocked she even remembered who I was. But considering she remembered Xavier, it shouldn't come as a shock. Will her sister remember? We were always closer than Kaya and I. Should I text her? Should I risk it? Maybe I can convince her to meet with me. I grab out my phone and click on her name. Is it worth it? Will she even respond? It wouldn't hurt, right? Just one text. If she doesn't respond, I'll leave it alone. No harm, no foul. 'Hey girl I got some info you'll want to hear' I hope she's interested. I pace back and forth waiting for her to answer. I hate how she doesn't respond right away. If she is anything like her sister, she will be as blunt as she can be considering the situation at hand. But knowing Carly, she would be anything but. It's been years, but I doubt she's changed much. 'Who is this?' Finally! I was ready to give up. I try to remember one of her old favorite songs and decide to text her a part of it. The quote makes sense for this little interaction. 'Somebody that you used to know...' 'Seriously, who are you?' I laugh at her reply. Honestly, how stupid is she? Only three people know that it’s her favorite song. And I'm one of them, along with Xavier and her sister. You would think she would pick up on this! It just proves humans are stupid, just like I thought. 'Don't worry about who I am Carly, I know where your sister is... You won’t have long till she's not yours anymore though!' 'Please tell me where she is!' Should I be nice to her? She is a childhood friend after all. Nah, where would be the fun in that? She is just a stupid human. She knows absolutely nothing about the world she lives in, nothing about the nightmare she just walked into. 'Not this way. Meet me in the field, then you'll find out!' 'I can’t leave!' 'Then I guess you won’t know!' I have a short fuse and she is really testing my patients. Who does she think she is? I'm giving her an opportunity here! A way she can learn more about what's going on with her sister, you think that would be important enough to make her drop whatever it is she's doing. 'Please, I really miss her...' 'Field or no info...' 'Let me see what I can do please!' 'Hurry times a ticking!' I wait a good 15 minutes before I finally get a reply. 'Hurry up and meet me at the field!!!' 'Fine.' I grab my trench coat and run out of the building faster than a petty human ever could. I ran all the way up to the field and wait underneath a tree. I see a teenage girl running through the field and laugh. Humans are so slow! "Are you who was texting me?" She asks once she is in range. I looked her up and down, debating if I should tell her. I mean, is this really Carly? She does look just like Kaya, but you never really know anymore. Can't be too careful these days. "Depends, are you Carly?" "Yeah, but who are you?" "It's not important.” "Look, I just want to know how you know me and where my sister is!" "Shut up or I'll kill you!" I say harshly. "Excuse me?" She looks mad, which only makes this better. "Who the hell do you think you are?! You’re the one who called me out here when I was babysitting!" I laugh. "Sorry, little miss perfect. You were always jealous of your sister. How does it feel being the oldest now?" "I’m not the oldest! Kaya isn’t dead, she’s just missing...” she says quietly. “Keep telling yourself that. Maybe then you'll believe it.” “What the hell is wrong with you?” “Everything, now are you done? You've always had an attitude, but I thought you'd have grown out of it by now. But considering that you are a cheerleader, I'm not surprised, you always had to be popular and a stuck-up b*tch.” “You don't even know me! What gives you the right to berate me?” “Oh, but I do know you! You're eighteen, the younger sister of your twin. You're a cheerleader who's in her last year of high school, your mother just had another set of twins yesterday, you want to be a fashion designer instead of a model because you don't want the world to judge you, but it's too late for that, now that all the attention is on your ‘missing’ sister. No one has time to judge you or to care about you! Your twin has stolen the attention from you yet again and, as much as you say you miss her, you secretly hate her for taking your spotlight.” “That’s impossible…” she murmurs. “I don't hate Kaya, I do miss her and I want her back! I don't care how you know all this, I just want my sister!” “Boring!” “How dare you!” “I dare because I can. I know everything about you Carly! I know all your little secrets.” “You may think that in your delusional mind, but you don't know me.” “Oh but I do, like how when you were 7 you stole Kaya's necklace because you thought it looked so much better on you than her, so you took it, and then you ended up losing it while you were playing at the park.” “How do you… only one person knew about that, and he is dead." She stutters. I laugh again, humans are so gullible, they believe anything you tell them. "So, do you want to know where your sister is or not?" I say, trying to change the subject. "Tell me!" "She's with a friend of mine, someone who will give her the life she wants!" "What the hell are you talking about!?" "She's living with my friend, through her own free will. Now make sure you tell whoever's searching for her to back off or else something bad could happen!" "What do you mean?" "I mean exactly what I said!" I spat. "What will happen?" She asks, sounding scared. I don't know why, but I start to feel bad for her. "Just stop looking for her, and she will turn up sooner or later. But I can’t guarantee she will be the same...” "I just want my sister back...” She starts crying. I groan. Why does she have to start the water works? "If you stop crying, I will tell you who I am." "F-fine." She slowly stops crying and starts taking shaky breaths. "You know me, or rather you knew me. My name is Ash… I grew up with you, I was your best friend. That's why I know all of this about you.” “That’s impossible, that Ash is dead!” “Yes but no, I'm not completely dead.” “That doesn't make sense!” “Trust me, I am your dead best friend, Asher." Her eyes look like they will pop out of her head as she realizes how stupid she was. I move closer to her to tell her it was alright. When I feel a slight sting on my face, she slapped me. "What the hell was that for? I dare you to do it again and see what will happen!" She looks me in the eyes with disbelief. "You won't hurt me; you care too much about me. I'm part of your past!” “That doesn't mean sh*t to me!” “You’re all talk. I dare you to try and hurt me. I bet you couldn't do it!" I stare at her, my eyes narrowing. I feel myself starting to get angry. I use my vampire speed and run behind her. "Try me." I spit. “I’m not the same little boy you knew Carly.” I whisper in her ear.
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