Chapter 10

1387 Words
~Carly's POV~ I stand there stuck in place. Is he really going to kill me? This isn’t Ash! He wouldn’t do anything so cruel; he was always the shy silent type. Plus, Ash died, so there is no possible way that he is still alive! I turn around to look at the man behind me. He’s tall and his silver eyes shine brightly in the moonlight. I watch as the wind blows through his silver hair. How could I have ever believed that this was him? He’s probably the one who killed Ash, that’s how he knows about us! He probably helped kidnap my sister too. Bastard just came to gloat. “Who the hell do you think you are?” “This again?” he groans “I already told you Carly.” “You are not Ash!” I scream. “Ash was a nice guy, and he wouldn’t treat me like that!” “Sorry to disappoint you, princess, but I’m really him.” “No!” I scream. “Stop saying that!” “Why?” “Because it's not true!” “I already told you it was!” “No, I don't believe you!” “I don't care what you believe! I am Asher!” “No, I watched Asher get lowered into the ground while his mother cried over the loss of her son.” “It's easy to fake a funeral.” “Sure, but it's not easy to fake that strong of an emotion!” “Well, she technically did lose her son, but I was never buried.” “Of course you weren't, you're not Asher! And even if your name is Asher, you're not that Asher.” “God, you're stubborn!” “No I’m not, because this is the truth, you're just a delusional psychopath!” “Was it an open casket?” “No…” “My point, it wasn't an open casket because there wasn’t a body in that casket because I didn't get buried.” “Just stop!” A deep growl escapes his lips. “Enough of this, I’m Asher whether you like it or not.” “Stop lying to me! Ash died, there is no coming back from death!” “You sure? We could test that theory of yours, right now even. I will kill you and see if you come back.” “You're sick!” I spit at him. I take a step away and narrow my eyes. “You’re a monster!” “No sweetheart, I'm a vampire.” “You need help!” “Maybe, maybe not. Who am I to decide?” I watch him smirk as he stalks towards me like I’m his prey. “Why are you doing this?” He laughs. “Why aren’t you running?” “I’m not scared of you!” “Maybe you should be.” I watch in shock as he disappears in front of my eyes. Where did he go? I look around but don’t see him anywhere. Laughter fills the air and I shiver. Did it just get colder out here? I instantly feel uncomfortable. “Where are you?” More laughter, should I run? He obviously doesn’t care about me enough to not kill me. Just more proof that he isn't my Asher. “You scared little girl?” I hear the whisper in my ear. I turn around but he isn’t there, no one is here. I’m alone with a psycho! Why did I agree to come out here? I hear the laughing grow, seeming to come from every direction. I start to panic. What’s going to happen to me? Is this how I die? I feel my chest tighten and realize how hard it is to breathe. I’m going to die, and no one will know… would anyone even know where to look? I feel myself start to shake as I begin hyperventilating. Black spots start filling my vision and I can feel the tears sliding down my cheeks. It was a mistake to come here… I can’t believe how stupid I was to come here alone. I try to calm my breathing but nothing helps. I begin to feel light-headed, and my knees shake as they have trouble supporting the rest of me. ***Ash's POV*** I sit in the tree laughing, watching as she starts panicking. This is what she gets. I tried to be nice, but she just threw it back in my face. This is a good reason as to why I hate humans. They think they are better than everyone else. I can’t believe I used to be one. Pathetic, that’s all they are. I continue to watch her when I notice her breathing hitch and her heart rate picks up and begins beating erratically. Just my luck, stupid humans can't handle this type of fear. No wonder vampires are far superior. Her heart beats faster and her knees buckle under her weight. Sh*t. I didn’t mean to actually kill her. If she dies i'll have a angry newborn vamp on my a*s as well as him. He’s definitely someone I don’t want to f*ck with. I don't even know which one is worse: an angry vampire or him. Kaya wouldn't have control, but she wouldn't know how to kill me, plus Xavier would be there to stop her. But for him, no one would be able to stop him. No one would dare to try and oppose him. The worst case scenario would be to have both of them after me. I shiver, that's not something I ever want to deal with. I jump out of the tree and rush to her side. Why do humans have to be so weak? “Carly, can you hear me?” Her eyes look around frantically, looking everywhere and nowhere all at once. It's clear she can’t focus. “Carly, take a deep breath. Your OK…” not sure how good my reassuring will do, but it's all I got. I need her to calm down. “Carly, if you don’t calm down you're gonna pass out. I'm sorry for scaring you, but I need you to focus. I need you to relax and just focus on my voice. Let's try to get your breathing under control, OK? Breath in… and breathe out.” She tries to match my breathing but can't seem to breathe properly. Dammit, this isn't how tonight was supposed to go! She was supposed to believe me and tell everyone to back off. That way, Kaya could adjust and come back like nothing was wrong. Why did she need to be so stubborn? “Come on Carly, stay with me!” I watch as her eyes close and feel her body go limp in my arms. Guess I pushed it too far. At least she’s not dead, just unconscious, which I can deal with. I pick her up and start walking back to the forest but quickly stop. I can’t bring her there, not after what happened to Kaya. That's just asking for her death. I sigh, why does all this need to be so complicated? I start walking back towards her house. I hope she still lives at the same address as when she was a kid. If not, this will be a very awkward encounter. I pick her up bridal style and start walking towards the town, no point in waiting here for her to wake up. That would be more of a headache than leaving her on the doorstep. If she wakes up, and I'm still around, who knows what would happen? She could have another panic attack, or she could try to kill me. Who knows what she’d be capable of if she felt threatened enough? All I know is that I won't be around in time to find out. Not if I can help it, that is. No matter what I need to focus on the task at hand, I shouldn't stay out here any longer than I need to. Who knows what Kaya will be like, and it may be best if I'm there to give Xavier a hand with her? I may not have turned anyone before, but I am strong enough to handle a newborn.
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