Chapter 11

1457 Words
***Kaya's POV*** I jolt up quickly putting my hand to my neck all while screaming. Unable to focus on anything but the fear of dying. Someone comes over to me and I scream again. I try to back away, but they put their hands on my shoulders, trying to hold me in place. “Let me go!” I yell. “Kay, it's OK, I'm here now.” “No! Let me go!” I cry out. “It’s ok Kaya, it’s me Xavier.” It takes me a moment to understand what's going on. I try to focus on my breathing while I try to figure out what happened. I look around and realize I'm still in Xavier's room. I take a shuddering breath and look back at the person trying to hold me in place and recognize that it’s just Xavier. Thank god he’s here! Maybe he will be able to explain what the hell just happened. “It's ok Kaya, I’m here. You're OK now.” He says while trying to calm me down. I jump into his arms and cry. “Where were you?” “I'm so sorry Kaya, I'll never leave you alone again.” “Don't ever leave me alone again! I never want to be alone.” I hold onto him tighter. “Wh-what happened?” I say with a shaky breath. “I promise I will always be by your side. I’m not quite sure what happened, I was going to ask you about it once you woke up.” “I don't know, I remember getting ready for bed hoping for you to come back when someone knocked on the door.” “Ok do you know what happened next?” “I was so scared that I froze… the knocking continued and the door handle rattled. I didn’t know what to do…” “It’s ok Kay, it's just us now.” “I remember that I took a step back and fell on the bed… Some guy broke through the door.” “Do you remember what he looked like?” "I don't know, he was tall, muscular, I’m sorry! I don't remember much, I just know he started talking to me while walking closer." "Alright, it’s ok if you don't remember." “But that’s when he attacked me…” I start to cry harder. “I was so scared.” “I know, I'm so sorry you had to go through all that alone.” “He bit me… Oh my god he bit me!” “I know I found you.” “Oh god…” “It’s ok Kaya, what else do you remember?” “I remember screaming, wishing for someone, anyone to come and save me. I just wanted the pain to stop…” “I'm so sorry K. I should have been here protecting you.” “What happened to me Xavier?” I look up at him and see how distraught he is. “A lot has happened, Kaya. I found you lying in a pool of your own blood.” He looks so scared, so guilt stricken… I would try to comfort him, but something is off. Something feels different and I can’t place it. “I feel strange Xavier.” “I know Kay… things are going to feel very different and strange for a while.” “Why?” “I’m so sorry Kaya.” “What's going on Xavier?” I say starting to panic. “I'm so sorry…” he says, his voice cracking. “Xavier, you're scaring me… what’s going on?” “I turned you Kaya.” “Why? Why would you do that to me?” “I’m sorry Kaya! I found you dying! Laying in a pool of your blood on my bed!” “You had no right!” “I had to do something!” “That wasn't your choice to make!” “I had no other option! So I turned you into a Vampire!” “Why would you do that to me?! I told you I didn't want to be a vampire! At least not yet! I wasn't ready, I'm still not ready!” “I know, I was completely selfish, but I had to do something quick, or you would have died!” “You should have let me die!” “No, I could never let you die, not when I could do something to prevent it.” I let my mouth fall open. “I’m so sorry, this isn’t how I wanted this to go. I should never have brought you here.” “It’s a little late for that, don't you think?” “I know…” I just stay there staring at the ground. I don’t move a muscle, I don’t even blink, I just stay there completely frozen. Numb. “Kaya, please say something…” “I’m dead…” I can’t believe it, I’m actually dead. I ran away and ended up getting myself killed. I mean, I guess I’m technically still alive since I’m a vampire. Does this mean I can never go home? I can never see Carly again? What about the twins? Did I just ruin my entire life by being a selfish brat? What's my mom going to think? What would my dad say? “Kaya! I know this is a lot to take in, but you need to calm down…” I gasp, he wants me to calm down? “Calm down? You're joking, right?” “Look, Kaya, I know you're upset and confused, but you need to relax, everything will work out I promise.” “Liar!” I scream. I hear glass shatter and finally look around the room. I see the room is a complete disaster, the dresser is on the floor, the windows are shattered, the remaining doors are in pieces and there are scraps of fabric everywhere. What the hell happened? Was it this bad when I died? “Kaya…” I immediately look towards Xavier. “What's going on?” “Kaya, it's ok… you are just overwhelmed, I can help you through this. You just need to relax!” “Wait, I did this?” “Yes…” “OH God…” “It's OK.” “Stop saying that!” “Kaya please..” I can’t do this… I couldn’t have done that! I push myself off the bed and ran out of the room. I ran so quickly that Xavier never had a chance to stop me. I rush down the stairs and out the door hearing Xavier call my name. I keep running, pushing myself to go further. I run through the forest past the lake I slept at the night before. I keep running, I need to get away, I just… I can’t do this! When I finally stop I don’t recognize my surroundings. How far did I run? I look down at my clothes and realize that I have run here in just Xavier’s shirt with no shoes. I guess when you're upset you don’t really pay much attention to any of the finer details. I turn my head while going onto my tiptoes to look at the back of the shirt which is still covered in my dried blood. Jesus, I must look like a mess, probably because I just came back from the dead. What am I supposed to do from here? I can’t go home, and I don’t want to go back to Xavier, not yet anyway. I mean I could go into town, but what would I say if someone saw me? I first need to wash up and get a change of clothes. I walk around for a bit trying to take in my new surroundings. Any form of water would be good right now. While looking around, I see that I’m in some sort of clearing trees behind me and flowers as far as I can see. This is useless! I scream, and I watch as the sleeping birds fly out of the trees. Guess I really am supernatural now… I continue through the meadow and happen upon a small puddle on the ground. Guess this will have to do for now. I kneel down and scooped some water into my hands, splashing my face. I continue wiping off my exposed skin until I feel clean. And as refreshing as this is, I need to keep moving. I continue forward when this immense hunger washes over me. My stomach clenches and I gasp at the pain. I fall to my knees and feel wet tears running down my cheeks. What is happening to me?

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