Chapter 6

1918 Words
I walk behind the large willow tree with my bag and begin to change into a pair of jean shorts and a purple tank top. I brush my brown hair and stuff my old clothes back into my bag grabbing my deodorant as I go. I quickly use it and rush back to Xavier. “Wow.” “What?” I ask looking down at myself. “You look… wow.” “Thanks.” I say feeling my cheeks warm. “Let’s get going, we have quite the walk.” We begin walking, but remain quiet. Soon I find that the silence is too much. "So, do you live with anyone or on your own?" I ask. "Well, to answer your question... I live with some other…people." "OK... Will it be safe for me?" "Yeah I think so… safer than out here, that's for sure." "What If I need something?" "Don’t worry Kay... What's up with all the questions?" "Sorry, I'm just nervous.” “Don’t worry, you’ll be with me the entire time.” “But what if I don't fit in or if something happens?" "You can trust me Kay, have I ever broken a promise or hurt you?" "Well...” "Don't answer that..." He says shaking his head. I laugh, and he looks over at me with this cute smile plastered on his face. For the first time since I met up with him again, I give him a real look. He has gained some serious muscle and his hair is much longer and thicker than I remember. I guess that part is related to him being a vampire. I look at his face and see his pale blue eyes. He looks so different yet so much more attractive. I wish we could have grown up together. I remember how we planned on going to college or university together. Maybe I would have been his girlfriend by now. I remember how big of a crush I had on him back then. Looking at him now, I can see that my childhood crush was definitely well-placed. I look down at the ground and shake my head. Why am I thinking like this? He probably has a girlfriend now. She probably has long red hair, shining green eyes, large boobs, long legs, thick a*s. She is probably 10 times better looking than me. Being a vampire would definitely give her an advantage over me. I probably mean nothing to him. Just an old friend he ran into. We continue in silence again, but this time I let it be. We walk for a few more hours, my terrible thoughts occupying my mind while my legs begin begging for a break. “Here we are.” I look up and see a huge house with a well-trimmed yard. There's a stone path that leads up to the door with rose bushes on either side. There is also some ivy climbing the walls. It's absolutely gorgeous. "Is this it?" I ask breathless. "Yup!" "Wow, it’s gorgeous!" I say. "It’s alright, you’re definitely the better view...” "What did you say?" I ask with a smile, knowing exactly what he said. I can’t believe it! Does he actually think I’m attractive? That's hard to believe considering that I've been out in the woods all night. "I said I know?" "Yeah ok, whatever you say there bud." I laugh. He then grabs my hand and leads me through the door into his house. "So where am I going to be staying?" I ask. My eyes scan around the room. It seems so much bigger than what the outside shows. As we get further into the house, I feel eyes on myself, watching me and Xavier. How are there so many people here? Are they vampires too? Probably, considering this is where Xavier lives. "Well I’m pretty sure all the rooms are filled up, but I could double-check.” He says turning to face me. “But for now, you’ll be staying in my room. It’s big enough to hold the two of us. I could easily fit another bed inside my room. That is if you would like me to get an extra bed." "Sure!" I say a little too eagerly. He smiles again. "Alright, follow me.” He says as we stand in front of a large staircase. “If anyone here tries anything with you, tell me immediately!" "Ok… but what do you mean by that?" “They are vampires Kay, you're a human. Do the math.” “Oh.. Definitely not where my mind went.” “Really Kay?” “What? I’m just being honest.” “Oh lord, give me patients.” I follow Xavier up the stairs, and he leads me down a few different hallways until we reach a door that must lead to his room. On the way, I notice how the stares grow becoming sharper, less curious and more disgusted. In other words going from stares to glares. It's obvious that I don't belong here. I quickly look away and keep my eyes trained onto the ground. Xavier seems to finally pick up on my discomfort and holds onto my hand tighter. I feel him lean a bit closer to me as he whispers into my ear. "Don't worry Kay. I won’t let anything happen to you, OK? We will be alone soon. Don't worry about anything." I nod my head and let my brown hair hide the sides of my face. Like a shield from the glares of others, at least this way I can’t see them. I look up at him and see a frown start forming on his face. He unlocks the door and pushes it open. I look through the door and notice just how large his room really is. I look and spot his queen sized bed in the middle of the room. Pressed against the wall across from his bed is a dark wooden dresser with a giant flat screen TV, a few gaming consoles off to the side on a smaller table. I look straight ahead and spot two doors, probably the closet and his personal bathroom. I walk deeper into his room and see a couch resting at the edge of his bed. There is so much room here! I drop my bag on the floor beside the couch and flop onto the bed. I let out a huge, overly dramatic sigh, and he chuckles, shutting the door behind him. "Is it comfortable?" "Mm, I could easily fall asleep on here! It’s so comfy!" I laugh. He sits beside me and pushes the hair out of my face. His touch is surprisingly cold, but it feels wonderful on my warm skin. "Kaya.” He sighs. “Do you still have a boyfriend?" He asks shyly while playing with my hair. "Nope." I say popping the p. “Not that it would really matter anyway. I mean I ran away from everything! I’m starting fresh, remember?” I sit up quickly and startle him. "Oh... Guess it's finally hitting me that you really are a runaway.” “Yeah, Officially a missing person.” I sigh. “Can we drop this?” “Of course.” I nod and turn to face him. “So, since you asked me, I guess I can ask you.” “What?” “Are you taken?” He laughs awkwardly. “Not even a little.” I laugh. “Seriously? With your looks, I thought you’d have a line of women waiting for the chance to sink their claws into you to claim you as their own.” “I mean I’ve had my fair share of flings but never anything serious.” “Oh.” I hear the tone of my voice drop. Am I disappointed that he has been with other women? He isn’t my boyfriend or anything, so why the hell should I care? “What’s wrong, Kay? You don’t seem as excited anymore.” “It's nothing.” I smile. “You’re a terrible liar.” He chuckles. “Shut up, I’m not lying.” “Sure, whatever you say there princess.” “Stop that!” “Stop what?” “Acting like everything is ok between us!” “But I thought everything was ok.” “Well, it's not!” “And why is that?” “Because I’m still pissed that you just left me in the woods all night!” “I told you I didn't really leave!” “So? For all I knew you left me alone in the woods after telling me I could die!” “Kaya calm down.” “No! Why the hell should I calm down?” He pushes me down onto the bed and places his lips onto mine in a forceful kiss. What the actual f*ck is happening right now? He stops kissing me and I look into his eyes. They seem to shine a bit brighter than before. “Xavier?” I say slowly. He just looks at me, those pale blue eyes staring directly into mine. It's as if he can see directly into my soul. Why did he kiss me? He leans into me again. His breath tickling my cheek as I turn my head. He places his hand on my face and makes me look at him again. “Kaya please…” he groans. I watch him for a moment. Everything seems to hit me at once, the pain I’ve been going through, all my repressed thoughts, my crush on him, how devastated I was when dad told me Xavier left without saying goodbye. Something inside snaps and I pull him into me. I brush my lips against his, making him moan into the kiss. He flips us over so that I’m on top of him. He pulls me closer and deepens our kiss. I can’t help the sound that escapes me but the smile on his face as he hears me is enough to make me melt. I open my mouth to him. He is quick to lure my tongue to his. I explore his mouth and taste every inch I am given. He tastes like the most expensive candy on the market. Rich, delicious, the kind that makes your knees weak and moan in delight. He pulls away briefly and rubs his thumb along my jaw. “You don’t know how badly I want you.” He says, his voice much deeper than before “I…” “Shh, don’t think about anything right now.” I nod and bite my bottom lip. I watch as his eye follows the action and I can see the internal struggle of his. I kiss him again and let myself get lost in the moment. I run my tongue along his lips and feel him shudder. “Kaya…” he groans. I press myself closer, and he moves his hands to hold me against himself. He nips at my lips and I make a move to get closer. That’s when my bliss is shattered. I feel a slight pain and pull away. I look at Xavier and his eyes are ten times darker. I press my finger to my swollen lip and feel an odd wetness. I look down and see the red tint on my fingertips. Did he bite me? I look up at him, and he’s just watching as the blood drips onto the mattress.
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