Chapter 8: Passing through

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Ella's POV I knew where this conversation was going with Landyn, and I couldn't let it go any further. I barely know the guy, but I wasn't about to get him, and his pack murdered over my crazy ex. They don't deserve that. I've first-hand seen him kill men in his pack just for looking at me the wrong way. Not that I saw many. I don't even want to begin to think about what he would do to Landyn just for being my second chance, mate. Hell, or what he would do to me. I bolted towards the door. I had to get the hell out of here, out of this town. Unlucky for me, he was seated in front of the door. I just couldn't believe how much he figured out. I trust that Sheryl didn't say anything. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me back so I was standing between his legs. If my heart wasn't racing before, it sure is now. His hands were huge against my waist. Who am I kidding. Everything about Landyn seems huge. He voice was soothing and low. "Just calm down, Ella. I'm not going to hurt you." He let go of my waist. If I wanted to bolt again, I think he would have let me. Part of me felt like I could trust him, but the other part of me knew that I couldn't. I trusted one wolf before, and he blew up my entire life. I knew it had to be the mate bond pulling me in, and I couldn't let that happen. Not again. As much as I wanted to leave, my feet were glued to the ground. I think my silence gave him the go-to keep talking, or he figured out I wasn't going to say anything. "Ella, I can protect you and your son if you just give me a chance." Is this man crazy. My ex would chew him up and spit him back out. I saw first hand what he could do to people who crossed him. I put my hand on top of his. "Don't you see, you can't protect us. No one can. I took his son away. He won't stop till he gets us back. You don't stand a chance. None of you do, and certainly not against his pack." He scrunched up his thick eyebrows, and a growl escaped from his chest, making me jump backward . i could tell he wasn't happy with what i said. "Ella, relax. I'm stronger than I look. Now, what pack are you from?" He held me in place. He wasn't even startled when i jumped backward. More amused than anything. Why wasn't he scared by what i was telling him. He really should take off in the opposite direction of me and never look back. "Ella, did you hear what I asked? What pack are you from?" Ugh. Why does he keep saying my name, and why does it sound so good when he says it. Crap, I probably should say something insteading of standing here like an i***t. "I'm not going to say." Landyn let go of my waist. "You don't have to trust me. I wish that you would, but if I had to guess you can't, can you? Whatever he did to you is preventing you from trusting anyone. Especially a man. Am I right?" I gave a small nod. "I can't trust a wolf." Well, Sheryl isn't a wolf but part of my pack. Can you trust her?" "I do trust her." "Come back to pack with me and take a look around. Talk to the other pack members. We have witches and humans in our pack. You will be safer there than in some apartment. Your son needs a pack. If you don't want to accept me, that's fine, but don't let your poor boy go without one. When he gets his wolf, he will want a sense of belonging. Please don't let him shift alone." "He's part human he might not get a wolf." "Ella, I can scent that he does have one. He will shift and probably younger than most. He's an Alpha, right?" I nodded. "He will need a pack more than most. Don't do this to him, Ella. Just come back to the pack with Sheryl. She can show you around if you don't want to be around me." That's actually kind of sweet. I knew deep down he was right. It might even be easier if he wasn't my second chance, mate. I don't want to be trapped in some pack again........My son needs this. Maybe I'll just take a look. I know Sheryl would let me leave if I felt like it wasn't a good fit for us. Landyn took both of my hands into his. "If the Alpha you're scared of is really as dangerous as you think he is, then he will find you. Let me help you. Let me keep you both safe." I might regret this. "Okay, we can come check it out." Landyn gave me a bright, genuine smile. He looked so adorable. He stood up, towering over me, and slowly pulled me in a small hug. His chest rumbled in my ear. "I hope this is okay?" Sure, it's fine if you like hugging a statue. I felt myself start to relax under him. I wrapped my arms around his waist. He felt warm and soft now. From how tight his shirts are, I thought for sure he would be nothing but stiff and hard muscles. It was surprisingly pleasant. "Yeah, this is okay." I swear i could feel him smile. He let go of me sooner than I would have liked. Not that I'm ever going to admit that to anyone. In the end, he's still a Werewolf. "Well, I really should go check on Brent." He opened the door and let me head out first. Before I could even step out, he pushed me back in. He looked down at me with a scared expression. "Where's Brent?" I started to stutter. This right here is why I'm scared of wolves. There aura, there anger, and there aggressiveness. They can't help but be violent creatures. His voice raised in a whisper yell. "Ella, where is Brent? There's wolves here that are not from my pack." I felt my throat close up. I barely got the words out. "He's around the corner coloring. " "Okay, wait here. I'm bringing him to you." I nodded. Landyn closed the door quietly. I was sweating impulsively. What was probably a minute felt like like an hour, but he finally brought in my baby and placed him in my arms. He brushed his fingers over my cheek. "They didn't see me. Please just stay in here. I'm going to try to see what pack they're from." "Okay." I was too scared to say anything else. Landyn was right. He would find me, and i think deep down I always knew that. Landyns POV I was about to walk out of the office with Ella when i got a link from Naomi that three male wolves came into the coffee shop. Technically, this was neutral ground, and nothing could happen. They were free to come and go as much as they wanted. She made it clear that this was a first for her and Sheryl, and they worked here for years. This seemed much more than just a coincidence. When I mentioned that other wolves were here, it was like she went numb. Her face showed no emotion what so ever. I didn't notice the sweat dipping off her face till I placed Brent in her arms. I saw a small relief going across her face. It looked like she was battling with every emotion there was. I just wish I knew what this man did to her to make her feel like this. As much as I wanted to know, I wasn't going to steal her thoughts to find out. I wanted her to trust me and tell me on her own. After I left the office, I walked around the corner to make myself known. Three males stood across the counter from Sheryl and Naomi. It looked like everyone who was in the coffee shop when I came in had seemed to scatter. I let out out some of my Alpha aura and watched all of their submissions. It should have relieved me that not any of them were Alphas, but it didn't. I couldn't shake this nagging feeling like something wasn't right. These three are up to something. I just have to play this cool and collected like I'm not expecting them to be up to something. They all looked at me shocked, like they weren't expecting me to be here. Even though they shouldn't be too shocked, I do own the damn place. "Can I help you?" Well, there goes for playing it cool. That came off so shitty. The taller, broader one spoke first. He clearly was a ranked member. "We were just passing through. We heard a friend was staying here in this town, and we just wanted to come check it out." I tried to listen to their thoughts and was caught up by a block. So they are working with witches. Whatever this is, it can't be good. I tried to keep them talking so I could get some answers. "Right, well, I hope it was everything you expected it to be for you and your friend." "Well actually were having a hard time finding her. It's such a big city." He spoke snarky, and it had my wolf on edge. Whelp, here it goes. "Well, who are you looking for? This city isn't too terribly big. Most of us know everyone here." I was ready to rip him to shreds if needed. "Where looking for a witch named Maureen."
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