Chapter 7: Alive

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Maureens POV I sat across from Louise, trying to wrap my head around what she had just said. She knew my mom when I thought my mom was dead, Louise knew she wasn't. Not that she knew she was my mom. Hell Louise didn't even know me at the time. I finally worked up the nerve to speak. "How did you know her?" A look of guilt swept across her face. "I should probably start with this. I only saw her once. I got permission to head home from Alpha School to see my grandpa. He hadn't been doing well, and I wanted to see him in case anything happened to him. Your mom was taken out of a van in cuffs. She looked so worn down and sad. She didn't look like my dad's normal prisoners. She was well dressed, and you could tell she took care of herself. She didn't seem like she was dangerous. I think that's why I remembered her. When I asked about it, my dad said she was a witch who tried to attack the pack. Truth is, I didn't think twice about It because that s**t happens all the time living in a pack." "Oh." I was incomplete shock. She took my hand. "Maureen, she wasn't alone. There was another woman with her. My dad said they were both witches that worked together. When I got back from Alpha School, they were both gone. I'm not sure when they left or what happened. " Zoey. Could she be alive too? I had to tell Martin. "Louise, do you recognize this woman next to my mom in this picture. " She studied the photo for a while. "It could be the other women, but I really didn't get a good look at her face. She was beaten pretty badly and was a bloody mess." Oh goddess, how am I going to tell Marvin this. "Louise, do you think your dad would talk to me?" "No, not willingly. He's not even talking to me right now. If he is involved in this somehow. There's no way in hell he's going to admit it now that he knows you're a royal. I would use Landyn to get information out of him. He can least read his mind if he lies." I really don't want to do that. "Okay, I'll think about asking him." Louise sighed. "When are you two going to get past all of this?" "There's nothing to get past. We're fine." "Rightttt. Well, it would be easier for Landyn to set up a meeting with my dad, and they can talk. I'm sure if Landyn mentions Rodger being in the meeting, he would come with no questions asked." "I'll think about it, okay? Just keep this between us for now." "Maureen, I don't like this one bit. Please don't do anything stupid just because you're trying to avoid Landyn." "I'm not, everything fine." "Yeah, I'm not buying it, and I promise you no one else will either." "Okay, well, I have to go do something." I got up from beside her and practically ran out the door. I heard her yelling from behind me. "I mean it, Maureen, don't do anything stupid, or I'm going to tell Landyn." Damn it. Why is everyone so willing to rat my ass out. I gave her a thumbs up and kept walking. Well, it's more like half ass running back across to my room so I could call Marvin. I had his phone number pulled up and ringing before I even closed my bedroom door. He answered by the third ring. "Everything okay, Maureen?" "Yes, you were right about Alpha Richard. I thought since Landyns parents were there that maybe my mom had been at one point and I was right." "What do you mean?" "Louide regonzied my mother. She was there, Marvin, and she wasn't alone. She came with another woman." "Did she say who?" " No, she didn't even know their names. Only that they were witches." "Did you show her a picture of Zoey?" Crap I'm going to have to tell him. "I did. She said she couldn't tell because the other women were beaten up pretty badly." I didn't mention the blood. He didn't need to know that part. "Oh, so there's still hope she's alive." I had to admire him. Even when he found out his wife was cheating on him with my dad, well, the dad I knew growing up, he never stopped loving her. "Yes, there's hope." "This is just wonderful, Maureen." I knew he tried to move on, but I guess now that's at hault. "Marvin, can I ask you something?" "Yes, of course anything. You know I've always considered you a daughter." I smiled, knowing that was true. I just wish Silas had been more like him. Maybe if he knew there was a chance his mom was alive, he could let go of some of his anger. I just don't even know how I would find him. Because finding him means I will probably find everyone else we're looking for. I hate the thought of him being so wrapped up in all of this. All because he hates me. I took a deep breath, hoping I wouldn't regret asking this question. "How did you forgive Zoey so easily for cheating on you?" "Because I loved her. Even all of her mistakes. I knew of the affair long before that day. You and Silas were never supposed to find out. I just want to bring her home now so we can start over. " "Marvin, we still don't know if it's her." "My gut is telling me that it is. Do you have any sort of plan of how we can confirm it. I think we need to talk to Alpha Richard. I doubt he's going to openly invite a couple of witches into his pack, let alone meeting up with us. They are allies with your pack, right?" Crap I know where this is going. "Yeah, we are." "Okay, why don't you ask Landyn to set up a meeting? I'm sure it would be more doable if we got him involved." Damn it. "Louise suggested the same thing." "It's a good idea, Maureen. I think it's the only option. We can't get reckless. It could put Zoey and your mom in harms way." Deep down, I knew he was right. "Okay, I'll talk with Landyn. Just give me a few days. I've been avoiding him." "Well, I'm glad you're finally admitting it." "Shut it. I just need to work up the courage. I know he's going to be pissed at me." "Well, can you blame him. His mom is missing, too. If he found something, don't you think he would tell you?" Damn it. He's right again. "Yeah, I know he would." "Then you need to put your differences aside and do the same for him. You know i still don't understand what's going on between you too and why you can't get over whatever rift you're going through. " "It's complicated." "It always is, sweetheart. Look at the mess of both of our lives. You need to take the help where you can get it and where it matters. I know Landyn would never do wrong by you, and you know that to." He's right. About everything. "Okay, I have to get going." "I'm serious. Maureen, talk to him, or I will. I have to find Zoey. Okay?" "I understand. I will. I'll call you in a few days." I hung up before he could say any more truth bombs that made me want to bash my head against the wall. I wasn't about to tell him the main reason for avoiding Landyn. It mostly was so he couldn't read my damn mind and know exactly what I was up to. I guess there's no point in doing that now if I have to tell him the truth. Do I put this off for a few days, or do I suck it up and just rip the bandaid and go talk to him. Ugh, I'll just do it now. I strutted up to his office quickly before I changed my mind and knocked on his door more roughly than I thought it would come across. When no one answered the door, I wiggled the handle to see if he was in there. The door didn't budge it was locked. Shit, I might have just lost any courage, I had to do this. I headed back down to my room when I ran into Lily. She had a book in her hand, and I knew she must have been reading to Ben like she does every day. She looked surprised to see me up here. "Hey, is everything okay?" "Oh,yeah, I was just looking for Landyn." She smiled like she knew what i was up to. "He's still in the city. He won't be back till later tonight." I knew what she was implying. He clearly was with his mate. I gave an awkward grin. "Okay, well, I'll just catch up later then." She gave me a sad nod, and i headed back down. Instead of going to my room, I headed straight to the hospital.
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