Chapter 6: He knows

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Ella's POV I walked into the coffee shop with Brent half asleep in my arms. I usually don't go in till about eight. I'm half asleep myself and dragging my aching body in at six. Naomi asked to switch with me. She gave me some lame excuse, but im guessing by the new mark that appeared on her neck yesterday, it has something to do with her new mate. She tried to tell me that it was a tattoo, and I just let her think that I believed her. I lay Brent down on the small couch that's in the back and wrapped the blanket I brought around him. I peaked in the office to let Sheryl know I was here. "Hey, I'm going to start setting everything up." She stood up to stop me from walking away. "Wait, Ella, we need to talk about yesterday. You took off before we could even finish the conversation. Truth is, I'm honestly surprised you even showed up today. I kind of figured you would bolt." Yeah, I really thought about it. I had a bag packed and a few destinations in mind. Everything was just too expensive, and I couldn't swing it. We would be living on the streets within a couple of weeks, and I couldn't do that to Brent. I decided to just be honest. "I don't have the money to start over again. As soon as I do, we are going to leave." "Ella, you don't have to do that. Landyn is a good guy and a great alpha. He would never hurt you or Brent. He's been through his own share of heartaches. Please just give him a chance. Tell him what's going on and that you know about them and you know he's your second chance." "If you say he's a good of a guy that you claim he is, then you have to understand why I can't tell him. Why I can't be mated to him. I would be risking not only mine and Brent's lives, but your whole pack as well. He will show no mercy. I can't have that guilt on my concious." Sheryl's eyes scrunched together, and the look of pity on her face ate me up from the inside. "He could protect you, we all would. You're meant to he our luna." "I was a Luna. Look where that got me." She looked frustrated that she wasn't convincing me to talk to Landyn. She just doesn't understand all that I've been through. "Ella, he deserves to know. He's not going to let you slip through his fingers without an explanation. He's been waiting for you for so long, and he's the type of man that wants his fated mate. Not many of them wait for that anymore. It's a true blessing that he found you." Awkard silence took over both of us. I'm just not sure I can open my heart up again, especially to another damn wolf. It's been stomped on enough. She put her arm around my waist and pulled me into a side hug. "I'm a human too. I was scared at first myself. There not all bad, sweetie. Landyn, my dear, is one of the good ones." She walked towards the front of the store and started the coffee machines. She never brought it back up for the rest of the morning. Which I was beyond grateful for. We worked in a peaceful silence. I tried to leave all of this out of my mind for the time being. Around eight thirty the place started to flood with people. I feel like more so than usual. I heard the bells chime at the door, not paying attention who walked in. I've heard that chime at least four dozen times this morning already. It was the shift in the air that made me look up. I felt my mouth go dry, and my heart started to race. Ugh, stupid mate bond. I couldn't deny the attraction even if I tried. Not that i would ever admit it out loud. Who wouldn't be attracted to Landyn. His dark black hair and his piercing gray eyes. He had muscles on top of muscles, pulling at his shirt, just begging to be set free. He was tall, really tall. I knew Werewolves were tall. I just didn't think any were as tall as him from the pack I was at. But then again, I didn't see many. His voice was deep and raspy."Hey, Ella." Goodness was it sexy. I shook my head, taking me out of the trance I was in. I probably looked ridiculous. He had amused expression on his face like he knew he had an effect on me. In all honesty, he probably did. How embarrassing is that? Crap, he was talking to me, and I still hadn't said anything. He cleared his throat. "Do you think we could talk for a minute?" No, nope, not gonna happen. That's what I wanted to say. Instead, my dumb ass says, "Sure." I noticed he looked different compared to yesterday. He looked more tired and worn down. I just hope it wasn't because of me. I know he might be struggling, not to be close to me. I felt a slight wave of guilt. But in the end it wasn't my problem. I can't do this again. Landyns POV I couldn't sleep last night. I couldn't help but think of what Brent said to me yesterday. It just kept replaying it in my head. "Does he growl like daddy?" I mean, surely, if she knew about us, she could have possibly picked up on that i'm her mate. I'm missing something. If Brent dad growls, does that mean he's wolf. If so, am I not Ella's first mate? What I couldn't shake is why she wouldn't tell me. Then the thought dawned on me that Sheryl said her ex wasn't a good man. Maybe I'm reading too much into this. Maybe the dad just growled out of anger. I have to talk to Sheryl. She would know if Ella's ex was a wolf. Plus, that means the boy is a wolf. He really should be in a pack and protected. Ella isn't a wolf, at least as far as I know. She wouldn't be able to help Brent through the process of shifting. My mind was just spiraling and still is. I had to talk to her. I just hope I don't scare her away. But first thing first is I'm finding Sheryl. It was five in the morning. I knew she had to be getting up by now to head for work. I tossed on a sweatshirt and headed outside to wait by her car. Sheryl didn't even look startled to see me. She sat her purse in her car and looked up at me. "I was expecting this to happen." "Can you tell me anything? I won't Alpha command you. I just need to know. Does she know what we are?" Her pained expression said it all. She bit her lip, trying to figure out how to speak. I know she was struggling, not wanting to betray Ella or me. She wasn't a wolf she didn't have the need to stay loyal to me like most pack members. She's always respected me even more than some of the older wolves. I decided to take her out of her misery. "You don't have to answer that." I debated listening to her thoughts but decided against it. She looked relieved. "Landyn, just try to talk to her. She needs to tell you about it on her own time. She's scared. She won't admit it, but she is." I nodded, not wanting to pry it out of her. Even if I desperately wanted to. This is just getting more and more complicated every day. I headed up to get ready. By the time I got ready and had breakfast, it was close to eight. I wasn't sure how I was going to bring this up. I just knew I needed to before she ran off. My gut was telling me it was a high possibility. I got to the coffee shop, and my nerves were unbearable. I don't think I've ever felt like this my entire life. I walked in, and she didn't even notice when I entered. Yeah, definitely not a wolf. Which I was kind of glad about. Made her behaviors hurt less. I hated that she probably knew I was her mate, and she ignored it. I know there's reasons for it. Doesn't make it hurt any less. If you're lucky enough to find your fated mate, it physically hurts to be away from them, and as an Alpha, you feel it more. "Hey, Ella." Crap I didn't realize how tired my voice was coming out. I must look like s**t. She didn't say anything. I felt my nerves building up again. I seriously wanted to puke. What the hell is wrong with me? I can't even tell you the last time I even puked. "Do you think we could talk for a minute?" There I said it. I got it out. Crap, that wasn't even going to be the hardest part. Nausea was coming back again. I felt like ages before she finally replied. "Sure." Now, I was the one who was taking forever to respond. I think I was just in shock that she agreed. She tucked a curl behind her ear. I desperately wish I could have been the one to do it. Just a small graze against her skin. I was desperate. I think I was staring because she cleared her throat to get my attention. "Where do you want to talk?" Oh, right. I didn't think about that part. "We can go back and use the office." Her voice cracked. "Okay. " I think she was unsure about being alone with me. Once we got to the small quarters of the office, I shut the door. s**t, I didn't think about what being in such a small room would do to me. She started to back away slowly towards the wall. I could tell she looked scared. I sat in the chair. I was hoping if I wasn't towering over her, she wouldn't be as scared. It seemed to do the trick because she didn't look as tensed up. "Listen, Ella, after yesterday, I got a sense that you and your son know exactly what I am." I watched the panic go across her face. I'm glad I'm sitting in front of the door. This girl is totally going to bolt as soon as she gets a chance. At least me being in the way slightly would make it harder for her. "Did Sheryl tell you?" She looked angry now. "No, Sheryl didn't tell me anything, and I wasn't going to make her. If you wanted me to know you would tell me." She looked at me, shocked, but said nothing. "I have feeling you already know we're mates. Just like I have a feeling that your son is a wolf. Am I right?" She just nodded. Comfiming my suspicions. "Are you running from someone?" Her eyes got big and instantly bolted towards the door.
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