Chapter 5: Prisoner

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Maureens POV I sat in my room at the packhouse, trying to figure out if maybe Alpha Richard's knew anything about my mom. The likelihood of that is pretty slim. I mean, all Marvin said was that Landyns parents were there for a bit. Which makes sense. It is our neighboring pack. I wonder if I could get Louise to talk to her dad. I doubt he knows anything, but it's worth the shot, right? I knew Louise was in her room. She's a couple of months pregnant and has been super nauseous the whole time. She hardly leaves unless it's for school. I decided right now would be as good as time as any to go talk to her. I slid off one of Ben's t-shirts I took from his room and hid it under my pillow. Lily suggested I move into his room. I just couldn't. It wouldn't feel right. I'm not even sure if he would accept me if he did wake up. Instead, I'm a big creep, and I snuck into his room to steal his t-shirts, and when they stop smelling like him, I go and grab another. I never thought i would be this pathetic, but his scent calms me. It's the only way I can get a few hours of sleep. I grabbed one of my own t-shirts and slipped it on. I went to walk out when I ran into Lily on the outside of my door. I've been avoiding everyone like the plague. I really hope she doesn't want to talk about our dad. I'm still so uncomfortable with the whole keeping a secret from Raya thing. I know it bugs Lily. She just doesn't say anything. I tried to cover up my sigh. I knew she heard it. She actually looked concerned. "Can we talk?" "I actually was headed out. Can it wait till later?" Lily's shoulders slumped. "I only need a few minutes, please?" "Okay, as long as it's only a few minutes." I let her in my room, and she sat down in one of the armchairs and sat on the edge of the seat. "I saw you at the coffee house with Marvin, and I saw you guys at Eddie's the week before. Are you guys working together to find your mom?" Shit, not what I was expecting. I really thought this was going to be about our dad. I guess I wasn't being as careful as I thought. I cleared my throat. I knew I needed to be honest so she wouldn't tell Landyn and have him listen to my thoughts. This was the only way she might keep my secret. "Yes, Marvin is hoping his beloved is alive too, since my mom clearly is." "Does Landyn know?" I shook my head. "No, he doesn't. "Why? He would help you. He's been doing the same thing. Maybe if you guys all worked together, you guys could find them." "I can't do that." "It's just weird." "Weird how?" I was getting frustrated. "Just weird to be near him." Lily gave me a look of pity, something I'm so tired of everyone giving me. "He wants you to be happy, Maureen. Plus, he's our guardian. He isn't going anywhere, and he cares about you." "Part of me loved him, at least I think I did, and now it's weird. Now there's Ben, and I feel the pull for him. It's just easier to keep my distance from Landyn." "Maureen, Landyn found his mate." I shook my head in disbelief. "When?" "Yesterday at the coffee house close to his office. She's a waitress there, and she's human." "What's her name?" "Ella, her name is Ella." I tried to hide my confused expression. It was just completely impossible. "Lily, I met Ella. I don't think she's human. I'm just not sure as to what. She picked up on that me and Marvin were supernatural. I saw the panic on her face." "What? Landyn said she and her son were human. What is she then?" I jumped up from the seat I was sitting in. "She has a kid?" "Yeah, Landyn thinks around four." "Lily, I'm telling you something doesn't feel right. She's not human. Maybe even a witch. How else could she sense me and Marvin?" "Maureen, that's crazy. Why wouldn't she just come out and tell Landyn then. She acted like she didn't even recognize him as his mate or beloved. I think you might be wrong on this one. Maybe you need to try to sleep a little more." I got snappy. "Lily, I'm sleeping fine. I'm telling you she is something." She looked at me with so much disbelief. I knew what she was thinking. "I'm not jealous, Lily, so get that idea out of your head." She put her hands up in surrender. "Okay, fine. I believe you." She totally didn't believe me. Her voice was a little too snarky for my liking. "Okay, is that all?" She looked sad. I could tell she wanted to talk about her mom and our dad. I just don't have it in me to deal with this. "No, that's all." She seemed unsure. I let her out first and made an excuse to stay behind. "I just have to grab a sweatshirt." She gave me a grin but started to walk away. She looked back for a moment. "Or you could just wear Ben's shirt to keep you warm." My mouth dropped. How the hell does she know that? "You smell like him, Maureen. I smelt him as soon as I entered your room." She walked off, not saying another word. Whelp, I am so busted. She is so good at that." I waited a few minutes before scrambling up to Lily's floor to knock on Louise's door. She answered immediately. "Hey, Maureen, it's been a few days since i seen you. How are you?" "I'm okay. I actually have a question for you." She laid back down in bed. "Okay?" "My coven leader Marvin said that Landyns parents had been staying at your old pack for a while. Well, at least up intill Landyns Alpha ceremony. Since my mom has been seen with Lexi and Silas with Landyns dad and they all came here in the same night. I wasn't sure if you recognized this woman in this picture?" I pulled out my phone and scrolled through my pictures to find the one I was looking for and showed it to Louise. She took my phone out of my hand and gave it back to me almost immediately. I was confused. "Did you get a long enough look?" "I don't need one. I've seen her before. Maureen, is that your mom?" My voice held so much emotion and was cracking. I managed to get a "Yes" out. Unknown POV I walked down the cold stone of steps leading to the dungeons. You could just smell the death wrenching out of this place. Out of all the dungeons I've been to, this by far has to be one of the dirtiest ones I've ever been in. I'm not sure how the gaurds can even stand the stench. I walked up to the cell I've been going to for the last couple of years. She instantly went to the edge of the cell. "Is Maureen safe? Did you keep your word?" "She's safe for now. You just better hope she doesn't figure any of this out. I know she's looking into what happened to you with Marvin. If they get close, i can't promise anything." I heard grunts coming from behind Laura. "How is she still alive? My guess is it won't be for much longer." "I don't understand why you won't let me help heal her. She has nothing to do with this. She never did. You wanted me, and now you have me." "I'm well aware of that. It was just bad luck on her part. Truth is, i dont care if she lives or dies. She's completely useless to me." "Please, I did what you asked. I've distracted Maureen like you wanted. Has she even been to the palace?" I let out a small laugh. "Actually, no, and she won't speak to the Prince or the king and queen. She is completely pulling away from everyone, even Lily and Landyn. She shunning herself. The funny thing is I don't think she even realizes she won't even get close to finding you, and if she does, you know what I have to do." Laura yelled out in frustration. "I still don't understand why? Like, what's the point in all of this?" "If you honestly don't know or can't figure it out. You dont deserve to know. From what I've been told, you're usually the smartest person in the room. I guess that's changed. " "You're a monster. Is your self-esteem so low that you have to scoop as low as this to harm an innocent child." "I didn't have a choice. Something needed to be done. She's not a child anymore, and she will get in the way of the plans I've had for years. They should never have found out about Maureen. You better hope that your daughter gives up. I'll be bringing her head to you if she doesn't." She stepped back away from the cell's bars. "Eventually, you will get caught. I hope you know that." "I haven't yet, and I doubt I will in the future. Maureen coming into the picture was just a small setback that is slowly getting back on track. She should have never been born. " I didn't give her another chance to speak and headed back upstairs to head home before anyone noticed I'm gone.
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