chapter 4

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Later on we were still hanging out at the party. I was talking to Elena while Shay went to go get drinks. "No but seriously I think he's perfect for you." I said smiling warmly. Before she could say anything we saw Jessica behind me talking to Ian. So that's what happened to him, Jessica’s been bugging him. I started to walk over there to help him out while Eve tried to stop me but missed when she tried to grab my arm. When I got a little closer I could hear them talking. "I'm sorry Jessica but I don't like you like that." He said walking away coming toward me. I saw Jessica behind him looking upset and I feel bad for her but she already knew he was interested in Eve. "Nice, trying to be polite and let her down easy. Don't worry you probably won't have to do it again. Thanks for being a good guy." I said seeing he was feeling a little guilty for hurting her like that. "thanks, you're a great best friend you know that." He said smiling at me. "All in a days work Shay now let's get you to Eve." I said teasingly. We walked over to Eve who was sitting on a rail smiling. I hopped up there beside her and Shay leaned on the pole next to her. "I was wondering who abducted you but now I know." She said jokingly. While Ian was saying something I saw Jake stumble into the woods again. "Uh ill be right back." I said getting up starting to head over there. Eve saw him before he disappeared and started to get up while sighing, "oh no". "No,no I got this don't worry, let me talk to him." I said knowing she would probably lecture him again and make it worse. Eve had good intentions and loved her brother but she didn't know how to handle it like I did. "You sure?" She said hesitantly. "Positive, I'll be right back." I said smiling encouragingly before running after where Jake had gone. I managed to catch up with him. "Jake, wait up!" I called out. He looked at me and I saw he was more upset and drunk. "Just leave me alone." He said turning and walking again. "Jake please don't be like that." I said. "Just go away!" he said looking at me as he walked half backwards. He tripped and fell down. "Tori! Oh my god it's Tori!" He said looking over at me from his place beside Tori, who looked unconscious. "Oh my god. Is she breathing?" I asked hurrying over. He started to put his fingers to her neck to check for a pulse and right when he touched her Tori gasped with her eyes going wide open with a panicked look and then went unconscious again. Me and Jake carried her out of the woods screaming for help. We got back to where everyone was at and I screamed out "someone help! Call 911!" I said as we took her over and laid her on the picnic table. Everyone gasped and gathered around. Eve came up beside me. "It's Tori!" She said. "Something bit her. She's lost a lot of blood." I said looking around for something to cover her neck to make it stop bleeding. "Tori what the hell!" Max said rushing over to see his sister on the table. I finally found a scarf and put pressure on her neck while someone called 911. "Alright everyone give her some space." Jacob said to the people watching crowded around us. I looked up and saw Ian not too far away with a look of distress on his face. He slowly backed away and then quickly disappeared out of the crowd. Not too long after that an ambulance came and took Tori while Max rode along beside her. The police told me if I hadn't stopped the bleeding Tori would probably be dead, he said I was a hero but I just shook my head and asked if she was going to be ok. He didn't give me a direct answer so he probably wasn't sure, after talking to him I walked over to Eve and Jake. Annie told me that she was taking Jessica to the grill to sober up not too long before I talked to the cop. I sat down on the rail beside Jake while Eve was leaning against the pole on the other side of me. "You see those people in uniforms over there? Last I checked they were the police." I said half jokingly referring to the beer bottle in his hand. He just took another gulp of his drink before throwing it behind him in the bushes. "People are going to stop giving you breaks Jay. They don't care anymore they've moved on." Eve said to him. "And we should try to too." She said almost in a whisper. "Oh yeah, I see you go to the graveyard and write in your journal is that suppose to be you moving on?" He said to her. She sighed. "Mom and dad wouldn't have waLater on that night after joking with Ian and her, Ian went to get a drink and I was alone with Eve. "So what'd yah think of Shay?" I said half teasing half curious. "Ok he's a little pretty." Eve said not wanting to fess up. I scoffed. "He's got that romance vibe. He swooped the girl away in a midnight dream of passion telling her his deepest secrets." I said imitating a dramatic romance movie. We both laughed. nted this." She said. "I called Aunt Mia she's coming to pick us up are you gonna spend the night,Rain?" She asked me with a hopeful look. "Yah sure." I said knowing I had to be there for them. Ian’s pov Later on that night Ian came rushing in the boarding house. Joseph was sitting at his desk and looked up when he heard Ian walk in. "Someone attacked a girl tonight Joseph and it wasn't me." He said passing by him before rushing up the stairs to his room. He looked toward his open balcony doors and saw a crow caw and fly passed him and up to one of the rails on the ceiling. He looked up at it and then looked toward the balcony again to see a man with a black leather jacket and black hair staring at him. Ian turned toward him. "Marcus", he said hesitantly. "Hello, little brother." Marcus said smirking. "Your style is different I like it." Marcus said tauntingly while walking in the room looking around. "It's been 20 years Marcus." Ian said back. "Thank god I couldn't take another day of the nineties. That decade look did not suit you." He said taunting again. "Remember Ian it's important to stay away from trends." He said teasingly. "Why are you here now?" Ian said, ignoring Marcus’s taunts. "I missed my brother." He said walking up to Ian. "You hate small towns, there's nothing for you to do." He said watching Marcus’s every move. "I've managed to keep myself entertained." Marcus said walking around some more. "You know you left that girl alive tonight. That was very clumsy of you." Ian said talking about Tori. "Mm that could be an issue...for you." He said smirking. "Why are you really here?" Ian said. “You know I could ask you the same question. Although I'm pretty sure you're answer can be summed up in three little words. Eve and Rainy." He said pointedly looking at Marcus. "Left me stunned...Rainy. Although Eve was a pleasant surprise as well." He said with a grin while Ian shook his head. "Is it working Ian? Being around them, pretending, does it make you feel alive?" He said coming closer. "Stop it." Ian said. "Or what? I saw a couple of girls out there." He said hitting Ian. "No" Marcus said like he was fighting something. "Or you know maybe we should just go straight to Eve and Rainy." He said hitting him again while Ian backed up and he kept walking toward him. "Stop!" Ian yelled "Imagine what they taste like... I can." He said with a smile. Ian looked toward Marcus with veins sprouting under his eyes and his teeth showing with sharp fangs. "I said stop!" Ian yelled before jumping and pushing Marcus out off the balcony with him on top. Ian landed on the ground but with no Marcus under him. He got up and looked up at the balcony. "Well that was very dramatic, you were missing a little bit of flare but I was impressed." Marcus said, smirking while leaning up against a statue not too far from Ian. "Very good with the whole teeth thing and the push." Marcus said making a silly face and holding his hand up acting like a monster. "It's all fun and games Marcus but wherever you go there is only death" Ian said with a look of upset walking up to Marcus. "That's a plus." Marcus said with a smirk. "Not here. I won't allow it." Ian said. " I take that as a challenge." Marcus said with a taunting look. "Marcus please just stay away from Rainy and Eve." Ian pleaded. "Now I swore an eternity of grief for you, I'm just keeping my promise." He said smirking. "Please Marcus just give it a rest." Ian said begging. "Where's your bracelet?" Marcus asked looking at Ian’s hand with a look of concern. Ian looked too and had a look of panic then he looked up at Marcus. "Oh relax. It's right here." Marcus said holding out his hand to show the leather bracelet with the diamond in the middle of it. Ian took it carefully and put it on his hand. Once it was on all the way Marcus grabbed Ian by the neck and slung him into the garage door a few feet away. He walked up to Ian and looked down at him. "You should know better than to threaten me. You lost that chance when you stopped acting like a vampire, I wouldn't try it again." Marcus said with a threatening face before walking away with Ian still on the ground. "I think we woke Joseph up. Hi Jo!" Marcus said pleasantly as he started toward the house. Rainys pov A little later that night I was in the kitchen making hot chocolate for me and Eve. May and Jake were already asleep upstairs and Eve was sitting by the window in the living room writing in her journal I saw her look up and see something out it. She got up and went toward the door right when I heard the hot chocolate get done. I went to go get it and when I came back I saw Eve at the front door talking to Ian. "Would you like to come in." I heard her say. Ian had nodded his head with a smile and came in. Before they could see me I put Eve’s mug on the coffee table in the living room then crept upstairs and went to bed wondering what they were talking about
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