chapter 5

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Warning: very long chapter! The next morning I woke up on Eve’s bed to see no Eve next to me. I looked up and saw her by the window with a warm smile on her face staring at nothing. "It's way too early to be happy. Stop smiling your making me think your an alien who abducted the real you." I said,sleepily before turning over and putting the pillow on my head. Eve laughed and sat on the bed. "I was thinking about Ian." She said, shyly. I peeked my head out the pillow to see her blushing. "That wouldn't have anything to do with last night would it?" I said, thinking maybe Eve got a little action last night. Her eyes widened understanding what I was thinking. "No, nothing happened we just talked!" She said, blushing even more. "Really?" I said, sad and looking at her like she was crazy for not making a move on him. "Yes really, sorry to disappoint your dirty mind." She said, jokingly before getting up out of my sight. I frowned to myself. They needed to hurry up I made a bet with Jessica on how long it would take them to be a couple. I finally pulled myself out of the soft bed grudgingly and decided to get ready for school while Eve was writing in her diary. I went over to Eve’s closet where I always keep extra pairs of clothes for myself and picked out a short sleeve white top, dark jeans, my black leather boots, and walked over and pulled on my brown leather jacket. By the time I got done brushing my hair and teeth and went out of the bathroom Eve was putting up her journal. We walked out of her room to see Mia standing in the hall looking in the mirror. "Hey, I need your opinion on having my hair up or down?" Mia said to us before looking in the mirror again fixing her shirt. "Depends on where your going." I said leaning against the door frame with an amused smirk while Eve stood in the doorway observing. "Jakes parent teacher conference with Mr. Staton." She said then fixing her hair up and giving us a questioning look to see our opinion of it. "Sexy and smart." Eve said matter of factly with a look of approval. Then Jenna put her hair down and gave us another look. "drunk teen." I said, smiling while Eve laughed. Mia nodded her head. "Up it is then. You two seem feisty this morning." Mia said while putting her hair up. "I feel good." Eve said, smiling with a nod. "Yeah she's got this whole sunshine kinda vibe going on so I'm just going with it." I said, shrugging before looking over into Jakes room, I haven't seen him yet this morning, and all I see now is an empty room. "Hey, have you seen Jake this morning ?"I asked Mia. " yeah he said something about going to school early to finish an art project," Mia said, while still looking in the mirror fixing herself. I looked at her strangely thinking 'wow she actually fell for that'. While Eve looked over at her with a grim look. Mia saw our faces in the mirror and paused. "There is no art class is there?" She said, glumly. Eve shook her head. "Nope." I said before walking down stairs to get something to eat. "Now the meteor comes back every 150 years. Now they say that the..." I heard Mr. Staton say before I zoned out and tried to balance my pencil in between my fingers. Everyone else in the class had practically blank stairs on their faces and probably stopped listening a long time ago. "Are we bothering you Mr. Shay.... Miss Millbrooke?" I heard Mr. Staton say. I looked over to see him looking at Ian and Eve. They were probably staring at each other again. I wish they'd hurry up before I lose 20 bucks to Jessica. They only have a couple of days left otherwise I'm gonna be broke! After that I zoned out again. "Hey Max." I said walking up to him and Eve talking on the sidewalk of the school building. "Hey Rainy." Max said giving me a hug before we continued walking. "How you holding up?" I asked with a sympathetic expression. "As good as I can I guess. Hey I wanted to thank you for saving Tori, the doctor told me if you hadn't of stopped the bleeding when you did she wouldn't of made it." He said to me gratefully. I shook my head at him and waved it off. "It was nothing, so how is she doing?" I asked him while walking in the middle of him and Eve. "She's okay, she's just lost a lot of blood." He said, trying to not go into detail. "Did she say what kind of animal attacked her?" Eve asked. "Well she said it was a monster." Max said, bluntly but put on like he didn't believe it. "What?" I said, paying more attention. Monster that drinks blood...vampire. I knew vampires existed, just like witches and werewolves. My aunt told me all about the supernatural when I was 12 right before she died from a fire. I believed her, she showed me proof that the supernatural was real.... Because she was supernatural too and as she put it so am I. Before I could think further into what all she said Max interrupted my thoughts. "Yeah, she wakes up in the middle of the night, mutters monster, and then goes back to sleep." Max said. "Wow." Eve said stunned. "I think she was just still drunk." He said, disappointed to have to say that about his sister. "So what's up with you and the new guy?" Max asked looking over to see Ian sitting alone on a bench not far away from us with his back turned. "Max the last thing I want to do is hurt you." Eve said to him while I felt awkward standing there listening to them. "Yeah well I'm gonna go on up to the hospital and check on Tori and get the whole story. See yah." Max said walking away. "Hey I'll talk to you later Eve." I said hurriedly before running off to catch up with Max. I wanted to hear what Tori had to say. I was worried that my suspicions were correct, that all these attacks that have been happening are from a vampire and not an animal like everyone thinks. What am I going to do if Tori tells us it was a vampire? I caught up with Max right before he got in his old truck that he had to pay for because his mom was never around and he had to support Tori and himself. "hey, mind if I ride with you to check on her?" I asked him. "No, come on hop in." He said thinking that since I did help find her of course I would want to check on her. We got to the hospital and I hopped out and walked in with Max up to Tori’s room. When we walked in her room we expected to find Tori in the hospital bed but she wasn't there. Me and Max turned toward the hallway then turned back around to see Tori right in front of us. I jumped back a little in surprise. "Hey Tor, you scared me what are you doing out of bed?" Max asked touching her arm. Tori started to scream like a crazy person. "No! Nooo!" She screamed while I backed up a little not realizing I backed up in a corner. Max went hurriedly out of the room screaming for a nurse to help get Tori under control. Suddenly Tori stopped screaming and wasn't standing in the middle of the room, she was laying down on the bed with someone leaning over her looking in her eyes. I realized instantly it was a vampire and that he was compelling Tori. He must of been the one who attacked her and probably came back to make her forget it. I heard him mumbling to her, he hadn't noticed me standing in the corner. "It was an animal that attacked you. You passed out, that's all you remember." I heard him say and then heard Tori repeat it back to him. He repeated it a second time and by that time I had recognized that voice and that body. I almost gasped but managed to hold myself I didn't want to confront him at the moment. The person who was standing in front of me was none other than Ian Shay. He had vanished right when Max came in the door with a frantic look while the nurse came in behind him. I couldn't believe it, the guy I considered a close friend....the guy I had set up with Eve was a vampire. I thought he was a good person and even finding out he was a vampire didn't change my view of that but... He attacked Tori, he was the one who killed those people, he's not the guy I thought he was and now how am I supposed to get him away from Eve? I can't tell her, no one should have to deal with knowing about the supernatural, not only that but her parents just died I can't tell her it'll crush her. I came out of my thoughts again when Max asked me what happened. "I...I... I don't know, she just laid down on the bed and went back to sleep like nothing happened." I said hoping he wouldn't see through my lie. He looked a little suspicious but let it go, he walked out saying he needed some air and I sighed thinking about all my problems now. Later on that day I decided to get through with today and try to not think about it and act like my normal self and think of something to say to Shay tomorrow. I was with Eve, Anna, and Jessica sitting in front of the grill and talking about the plans for the decorations for the night of the meteor. Where this big meteor is suppose to come tonight and it's a big celebration because last time it was here was a 150 years ago. "So I was talking to my gran and she said the meteor was a sign of impending doom and that the last time it was here it left a bed of supernatural activity." Anna said to us with a smile. "Yeah and then you poured gran another glass of wine and she told you about the aliens." Jessica said like she didn't believe anything Anna’s gran says. "Don't forget the flying monkeys." I said jokingly, I did believe Anna’s gran because I know she's right, not only that but I know she's a witch, although I'm not sure about Anna yet. But I decided to joke around, I am me after all, I have to make a comment. Anna gave us a disapproving look before going back to what she was doing. "So back to Eve what happened last night between you and Ian?" Jessica said smiling. Eve sent me a glare knowing I was the one who told them that Ian came over. I shrugged at her innocently. "We just talked for hours." Eve said, repeating what she said to me this morning. "What no making out or hugging, not even hand holding?" Jessica asked. "Nope we didn't go there." Eve said shaking her head. "Oh come on Eve we are your friends you're supposed to share the dirty stuff." Jessica said not believing nothing happened. "We just talked for hours." Eve said, not knowing what else to say. "Oh come on what is with the slow and steady! Jump him already." Jessica said frustrated. I was taking a sip of my drink when she said that and when I heard it I spit it out everywhere and started laughing like crazy. "Jessica!" Anna shouted at her. "I thought you wanted them to take it slower so you could win the bet?" I said once I got over my laughter. "I do but at this rate it's going to take them even longer than that! I mean come on it’s easy, you like him and he likes you, now comes sex." Jessica said with a grin. "Oh very profound." I said sarcastically. "Where are you going?" I heard Anna say and looked up to see Eve getting up. "Jessica’s right if I sit here long enough I'm gonna talk myself out of doing what I started the day saying I was gonna do, come on Rainy." Eve said looking over at me. I was nodding along to what she was saying until she got to the part about me. "Wait a minute, why am I going?" I asked with one eye raised. "Your my ride." She said it like it was obvious. " oh yeah I'll drop you off and pick you up sure." I said getting up with her. "Actually you're going to be staying there with me." Eve said. "What? Oh no I ain't. I don't want to see you and Ian getting it on." I said to her outraged while Jessica and Annalaughed. I knew Ian hadn't hurt her so far so he wasn't gonna hurt her now I just didn't want them together because he was a killer but I could leave em alone till tomorrow. Knowing Eve she'll just have a gross make out session with him. "Just come on I need your help and you won't be seeing that trust me." She said before dragging me by the hand to my car. Eve gave me directions to where Ian lived and half way through I realized that the directions were to the Shay mansion where my godfather Joseph lived. Oh great does he know? And plus I'm supposed to be spending the night there tonight I had already told everyone I was. How am I supposed to sleep in the same house as a killing vampire! Before I could finish the argument with myself we pulled up to the house. Eve had never been inside but she knew I spent the night here from time to time and by the look on her face she realized this. We began to walk up to the porch and I looked over to see Josephs car was gone so he wasn't here, just peachy. Eve knocked on the door with that old door knocker thing and the door creaked open a little. I gave Eve a look knowing she must of forgotten I've lived here for half of my life and the fact that Joseph left me the house in his will. While Eve stood on the other side of the door contemplating on what to do, I walked right in. "Rainy!" Eve said stunned I did that. "What? This is practically my second home Eve I live here just like I live at my house. It's not a big deal, in fact Joseph has been begging my father to just let me live here with him instead and said I am welcome here anytime and to treat this place like my own so come on." I said to her before walking further into the house and into the living room. I poured myself a cup of alcohol that Joseph kept out in the open. I tasted it and was glad it was the good bourbon. I heard footsteps and looked up to see a man with black hair and a black jacket coming down the steps next to Eve. I've never seen him before but he looks like he's been here before while Eve looked around the room in awe at all the cool and old stuff. "Wow this is your living room?" Eve asked the stranger. "Living room, parlour, antique room." Marcus said looking around. "It's a little old school for my taste" I said and the man looked at me with a look of question and amusement and then looked down and saw the bourbon in my hand and smirked. "You must be Rainy, Joseph and Ian has told me a lot about you. I'm Marcus Shay, Joseph's nephew and Ian’s brother." He said smirking. I froze for a second, Ian’s brother... That means he's a vampire too. I wonder if he's been killing people in this town and not Ian, who knows they might both be doing it. I shook it off and smiled at him. "Nice to meet you Marcus." I said before swallowing the rest of my drink. "You know I can see why my brother is so smitten and is always bragging on his new best friend." Marcus said looking at Eve and then at me. "For awhile there I thought he'd never get over last time." Marcus said, acting troubled. I could see right past his act he was trying to bait us but clearly it worked on Eve. "The last time?" Eve asked him. "Yah Iris and Aurora, his ex girlfriends." Marcus said questioningly to Eve. "Oh you two haven't had the awkward ex's conversation yet have you?" Marcus said acting like he didn't know. "Nope." Eve said awkwardly. "Oops, awkward. well I'm sure it will come up now." Marcus said. "I'm sure he didn't want to tell you to make you think he was on the rebound. I mean we all know how those relationships end." Marcus said stringing her along while I sent him a glare. "You say it like all relationships are doomed." Eve said defiantly. "I‘m a pessimist." He said shrugging while I scoffed. He looked over at me with a smirk and just stared at me. "Hello Ian." He said not breaking eye contact with me. He had deep blue eyes and was looking at me like he hasn't seen me in a long time when really he hasn't seen me till today. I finally broke eye contact with him and looked up to see Ian glaring at Marcus and Eve looking at Ian. "Hey I meant to call first..." Eve said. "Don't be silly you're welcome anytime isn't that right Ian? Or wait a minute I should be asking Rainy considering this will be her place one day." Marcus said smirking and looked over at me like he knew something I didn't. "Thanks for stopping by Eve." Ian said still glaring at Marcus. "Ouch" I whispered where no one could hear me but forgetting there was vampires in the room. Marcus turned to me and looked amused then looked back at Ian with a smirk. What was going on between them? "Uh yeah I should probably get going, Rainy, can you take me home?" She looked over and asked me. I finished up my second glass of bourbon and nodded before going and walking behind her. Ian was in Eve’s way of getting out of the living room still glaring at his brother. "Ian?" Eve asked him. He looked down at her for a moment then moved out of her way and continued glaring at Marcus without a word to Eve. I saw Eve looked taken aback but then walked out without a backwards glance. I walked out as well but closed the door behind me and right before I closed it I looked back and saw Marcus staring at me with a smirk on his face. I closed the door and got in the car and looked over at Eve. She seemed upset but mostly confused. While I was just plain confused. I shook it off and drove Eve home in silence. Not really knowing what to say. Later on that night me and Eve were sitting in the kitchen joking around and Mia was leaning on the chair right next to me. "He's got major issues with his brother and he's on the rebound from two of his last exes." Eve said to Mia about Ian. "At least you don't have a guy with mommy issues, or attachment issues..." Mia said biting into her peach. "Or cheating issues." I said thinking of Mia’s last boyfriend who ran her out of town named Peter the channel 6 news guy. Mia loved to rant to me about what an ass he is. Eve sighed. We heard a door slam and I looked over to see Jake looking stoned heading to the stairs. I looked over and saw Mia had her serious face on. "Jake! Where were you?" Mia asked looking up at Jake from the bottom of the stairs. I got up and went over and stood next to the railing of the stairs close to where Mia was standing. "More drug stories Mia, look I get it you were cool once and that's, that's great. " he said before continuing to walk up the stairs. Mia shook her head. "No, no, no!" Mia said before throwing her peach at Jake’s back. It hit him and then rolled down the stairs. "Ow. Why? What's your problem?" Jake said still with the drugs effects in his system. "Listen up, quit ditching school or you're grounded." Mia said with her hands up at her sides. "parent talk,cool. Good night." Jake said with a thumbs up before going to his bedroom. Mia sighed and looked over to me. I gave her a sympathetic look and then tried to get her and Eve’s mind off their problems while at the same time trying to get my mind off my own too. Later on... "Night of the meteor. Here have a flier." Annie said to a random stranger and handed them a flier like the ones me and Elena had a pile of in our hands. "Did he try texting you?" Anna asked looking over to see Eve’s glum face. "No but then I realized we hadn't shared any of that stuff yet." Eve said handing out fliers to people while I just held them in my hand not bothering to do this because I got roped into it byJessica. "Texting is an important part in any relationship." I said dramatically jokingly wondering why they made it seem like such a big deal. "But isn't it?" Eve said to me. I rolled my eyes while Anna nodded her head. "I don't know the timing just wasn't right." Eve said looking down. "When is it ever?" Anna asked her. "At least I tried to give it a shot." Eve said defiantly. "Oh is that what your calling it? Because all I'm hearing is reasons why you can't." Anna said back at her. Eve sighed and we continued on passing out fliers until finally thank the lord, we ran out. Later on that night the meteor started passing over head and Jessica lit the candle in my hand just like everyone else seemed to have. I walked over and lit Max’s and he smiled at me and I smiled back, after that he turned and lit Eve’s candle. "Thanks." Eve said not looking up to see that it was Max. "Your welcome." Max said to her and that's what got her to look up and realize it was him. They shared a look and then Eve turned to light someone else's candle not looking up to see who it was again. I saw it was Ian and decided to get a little closer. "Thank you." He said to Eve and she looked up surprised. "Your welcome." She said back before walking away to look up at the sky. I looked up at it too and decided to stop listening to their conversation and just enjoy the beauty of the meteor. "It's beautiful." Ian said to Eve. "Yeah Anna says it’s a sign of evil." Eve said like she didn't believe it. "I think it's just a large rock that's trapped on a path it can’t stop and once every 150 years it gets to come home." Ian said to her. "You never told me you had a brother." Eve said to him almost offended. "We're not close. " he said looking down at his candle. "He told me about your exes Aurora and iris." Eve said looking back up at the sky. "What did he say?" Ian said looking worried. "That they broke your heart." Eve said still looking up. "It was a long time ago." Ian said bluntly. "When you lose someone it stays with you, always there like a hole. Making it harder to trust or open up." Eve said knowing the feeling very well. I knew that feeling too. "Eve.." Ian said. "No I get it Ian, the complicated family, Complicated ex. It’s too hard to even think about dating. Look we met, we talked, and it was great.... But then the next day came and reality came with it." Eve said to him before blowing out her candle and walking away with a tear in her eye. I looked up and saw Ian had a hurt face. He really did care about her. I sighed and started to walk up to him, I knew there was no way I could wait till tomorrow to straighten this all out. "Hey Shay." I said coming up to him. "Hey. Look I'm sorry for how things went at the house it's just... Complicated." Ian said with a sigh. I nodded my head at him. "It's fine, I get it. Look I don't know how to really put this so I'm just gonna say it." I said to him while he looked at me questioningly. "I know you're a vampire." I blurted out to him knowing I couldn't back out anymore. Later on that night Ian fessed up everything to me, that he and his brother are vampires, that Marcus has been the one killing everybody, that he would never hurt me or Eve he's just trying to live a normal life. I let him explain it to me and when I asked him about Aurora and iris he told me the story of how he was turned. I tried processing it all and told him it was gonna take me awhile to wrap my head around it. "Are you going to tell Eve?" Ian asked worriedly. I sighed, "no it's better for her not to be put in the middle of all this but... You're going to have to tell her eventually you know." I said to him. He nodded at me. "I know but I never wanted this for her you know." He said glumly. "I know Shay, me neither." I said to him. After that we went our separate ways and I went into the grill where the whole gang was. I stood next to Eve and asked her if she was okay she said yeah and then I chit chatted with her for a little while till Jake showed up. " hey has anyone seen Tori?" Jake asked. Jacob the jerky jock spoke up, "you tell us you're her stalker." He said. "I can't find her anywhere." Jake said ignoring Jacobs digs. "I guess she found someone else, sorry drug dealer." Jacob said back. Oh great Eve wasn't supposed to know about Jake dealing pills to Tori, the only reason I knew was because I saw them one day while I was walking by. "What's with the drug dealer?" Eve asked. "Ask him." Jacob pointed to Jake. "Are we really going to do this right now?" Jake asked with his hands up. "You know she'll never be with you." Jacob said tauntingly just trying to start a fight. "She already was with me." Jake said getting mad. "Wait a minute you slept with her? I mean Tori slept with you?" Jessica asked like she didn't believe it. "There's no way." Jacob said. "And I didn't even have to force her." Jake said talking about the night of the party when we walked up to see Jacob forcing himself on her. “what the hell is he talking about J?" Max asked getting mad. "Nothing man, he's just a loser." Jake said. "I’m the loser?” Jake said. "Why don't you all just shut up and help me find my sister." Max said and everyone started to go their own way to search for Tori. "We'll search the back" Anna said going with Jessica. "Max and I will check the park." Jake said walking away before Eve grabbed hold of him. "Oh no you're coming with me." Eve said taking Jake to the side. I was about to go make sure it didn't turn bad, when Max asked me to look with him, so I did. We went out to the park and bumped into Ian. "Hey have you seen my sister, she's missing?" Max asked. "No but I'll keep a lookout." Ian said looking at me and starting to turn away. "You know I saw you at the hospital today." Max said surprising me. "You did?" Ian asked. "What were you doing there?" Max asked suspiciously. "Visiting someone.” He said shortly. "Visiting? You know me and Eve have been friends a long time and I look out for her. I always will look out for her." Max said. Ian seemed like he heard something. "Excuse me." He said going in between me and Max and going the opposite direction from where he was heading before. "Look how about we split up ill search this side and you search that one I'll call if I find anything." I said before heading in the direction Ian went. I caught up to Ian and saw him looking at the top of the building he was in front of. I looked up too and saw Marcus and Tori on the edge of the roof and Marcus pulling her back and forth like he was gonna make her fall. I could hear Tori’s panicked voice and when I looked back to Ian I saw him jump up there with his vampire powers. I decided to go up there and help him and looked around to see the emergency stairs on the side leading all the way up to the roof. I started climbing them as fast as I could and when I reached the top I saw Tori on the ground crying. "Ian Shay did this to you he's a vampire." Marcus said crouching down in front of Tori and compelling her. "No" I heard Ian say. "If you couldn't fix it before I don't know what you can do now." Marcus said to him tauntingly. "Why are you doing this? To torture me?" Ian asked. "No I want you to remember what you are!" Marcus said frustratingly. "He has Marcus. He is himself, he doesn't have to remember anything...unlike you who does need reminding who he really is." I said walking out of the shadows. Marcus looked at me shocked, not only because I knew what they were but also because I stood up to him. "Trust me you know nothing yet. He needs to feed on human blood not Bambi!" Marcus said back at me. "So what? So I'll hunt , so I can kill, so I'll know what it's like to be brothers again? You know what let her go. Let her tell everyone that vampires have returned to town. Let them tie me up and kill me, because at least I'll be done with you." Ian said glaring at Marcus. "" Marcus said before walking over to the crying Tori on the ground. "Come here sweetheart." Marcus said trying to turn Tori to him. "No." Tori said crying, afraid. "It's alright come here." He said before leaning in and whispering something in her ear while petting her hair. I saw Tori’s face change from upset and then confusion. Marcus got up and stood back, looking at me with an amused smirk. "Where am I? Gah I ripped my stitches open." Tori said feeling her neck with a pained look before getting up. "You ok?" Ian asked her cautiously. "I took some pills man. I'm good." Tori said acting a little high before vanishing in the side door that lead down stairs. Me and Ian both looked at Marcus questioningly. "You know it's good to be home. I think I might stay awhile." Marcus said smirking. "What kind of game are you playing?" I asked him with squinted eyes. "That's for me to know and you to find out sweetheart." Marcus said with a grin before vanishing. Ian looked back at me with a look of worry. "You ok?" He asked me. "Yah I'm alright. Look um I'll see you at the house ok?" I said about to walk down. "Wait what?" He asked confused. "I'm supposed to spend the night there tonight, I do it every couple days. So I'll see ya there." I said with a half smile. "Oh ok. But be careful, you never know what Marcus could do." He said to me not entirely sure it was a good idea for me to spend the night. I smiled at him reassuringly and nodded before going back down the stairs. I heard my phone ringing and answered it. "Hello?" I asked not looking at the caller I.D. "Hey Rainy, could you take me home?" Eve asked on the other end. "Yah sure. Where are you?" I asked getting out my keys and heading to the car. "I'm at your car." She said to me. "Ok be there in a minute." I said before hanging up. I got to the car and hopped in and looked over at Eve. She looked sad and stressed. "You doing alright there?" I asked looking at her concerned. "Yeah... I'm just tired." She said brushing it off. I grimaced at her and started the car and drove her home. On the way there I thought of everything that has happened today. I still can't get over Ian is a vampire. At Least he's one of the good ones unlike Marcus. Although I meant what I said to him on that roof. Marcus needs to remember who he really is. Not a monster but who he was before he got turned into a vampire. Ian told me all about how they used to be and I feel sorry for them both. Ian is trying but I can tell he feels guilty for the people he's hurt and killed, and Marcus is just hurt and acting out...he doesn't really know what else to do and instead of dealing with the guilt and move on he chooses to bury it and cover it all up. I know he's a terrible person but there's something in me since the minute Ian told me their story that made me want to help Marcus become a better person again. I am surprised that Shay didn't ask how I figured out he was a vampire. I didn't tell him I was in that room when he was compelling Tori but I'm sure he'll ask eventually but I know Ian is not ignorant either. He'll want to know how I already knew about vampires. I'm not sure if I should tell him. I know he trusted me with his secret but I don't know how to trust him with my own. I thought back to the day when I was 12. My mom was still alive and my dad hadn't started the abuse yet. My aunt had surprised me with a visit and when she hugged me she had gasped and pulled back and looked at me with a shocked expression. Later on that night when my parents had gone to bed my aunt had shown up in my room while I was still awake. "I need to tell you something very important Ray Ray." My aunt said calling me by my nickname and giving me a serious look. "But you have to promise me you won't tell anyone, not your mom, dad, not even Eve." She said to me. "I promise. What is it Aunty?" I had said sitting up in bed next to her. "I am what you would call a transporter. I have all different kinds of powers. I'm not human Rainy." She had said to me observing my expression. I was a smart girl for my age and took the news to heart. My aunt had never lied to me and I knew she wasn't going to start then. "Not human? But how? What do you do?" I asked with a confused look. "I'll show you." She said with a happy glint in her eye. She looked over at my night stand and started to stare at something. I followed her gaze and saw my brush levitating in thin air and coming closer to us. The brush went in my aunts hand and then she disappeared. I jumped startled and started to look around when I felt the back of my head being brushed. I looked behind me and saw my aunt brushing my hair with a smile. I gasped with amazement and smiled back at her. "Neat huh?" I heard my aunts voice say. But I realized her mouth didn't move. I looked at her questioningly and her smile grew. "I'm talking in your head, silly." I heard her voice say in my head. "What else can you do?" I asked her getting excited. "Well I can communicate in people's head, all I have to do is send my thoughts and then listen to their thoughts." She said, looking glad I took the secret so well. "So you can read my mind?" I asked her. She just smiled and nodded at me. "So you can transport anywhere anytime, you can levitate things, and communicate in peoples heads. Is that all it is there more?" I asked her. She laughed at me. "Who knew you'd be so eager to learn about something not human? That's pretty much all my powers but I'm also immortal. Which means I won't grow old and die and the only thing that can kill me is a stake in the heart, fire, and taking out my heart. Like a vampire." She said to me. "Vampires are real too?" I had asked her. After that she told me all about the supernatural creatures and their powers and weaknesses. After that I asked her why she told me when she didn't even tell my parents. She had told me transporters can sense other supernatural creatures even if they're still human at the time just by touching them. Like how she can sense a werewolf even though they haven't activated the curse yet. She told me she sensed I was a transporter too and warned me it wasn't a gift it was a curse to have to live forever and not have a family of your own and watch the ones you love grow old without you. How you are constantly in danger because transporters are rare and have been hunted by all supernatural species because they think transporters are too powerful and would eventually over power others. Not only that but transporters are in the genes. They are carried on by the family and sometimes skips a generation. Since transporters can't procreate if they activate the curse that helped them become very rare too. Activating the curse of becoming a transporter is exactly like the one for a werewolf. You have to kill someone. My aunt told me hers was an accident because she was in a bad car wreck and that's all it takes. She wanted to tell me them because she wanted me to be warned and be precautious. Not long after that my aunt died in a fire in her sleep. The firefighter said it was a plug that caught on fire in the middle of the night. My aunt was gone but I never forgot what she told me and I have always been precautious not to activate the curse ever since. I have thought of it from time to time, but I never want to kill someone and plus I want to grow old and have a family right there beside Eve. After I thought of that we had pulled up in Eve’s drive way and I decided to hang out here before going to the house so I hopped out and followed Eve in the house and up the stairs. "Jake?" Eve called out. We walked up stairs and saw shuffling in Jake’s room. "Jake?" Eve asked again. "Nope it's me the hypocrite." Mia said rummaging through Jake’s room while we got closer. "Who has to ransack a 15 year olds room." Mia said walking over to Jake’s shoe and pulling a tube used for drugs out of it. I laughed at how she held it smug. "I see the hiding places haven't gotten any better." Mia said holding it up. "What brought all this on?" Eve asked leaning in the door way while I sat on Jake’s bed. "Your asshole of a history teacher shamed me good today." Mia said upset talking about Staton."you got judged by Staton. Been there." I said remembering all the times he's tried to embarrass me in front of the class. "Realize the inevitable Mrs.Ray." Mia said imitating Mr.Staton while rummaging through Jake’s stuff some more. "Thanks like I didn't already know I'm messing everything up." Mia said more upset. "You're not messing up, Aunt Mia." Eve said shaking her head and walking in the room a little further. "Yes I am. You wanna know why? Because I'm not your mom....she made everything seem so easy. Graduating, working a job, in general." Mia said looking at Eve talking about Eve’s mom and Mia’s sister. "I'm so afraid that I'm going to screw up and say or do the wrong thing and Jake’s just gonna get worse and it's going to be my fault." Mia said with a tear in her eye and a worried look. "Hey that's just the fear talking. Your just a little scared that's all...we all are." I said looking over to Eve. I had realized just then that the reason why Eve walked away from Ian was because she was afraid of getting hurt again, of losing someone else. Just like I'm scared of telling Eve that I'm not entirely human... That she'll judge me. I'm afraid that I will wind up activating the curse and everything I want in life will be gone. I saw realization cross Eve’s face. "Hey May, I gotta go do something with Eve will you be ok here by yourself?" I asked her knowing I was gonna have to drive Eve to the mansion to see Ian. Not too long after that I had walked in the house while Eve waited outside the door where the meteor was. I saw Ian in the living room writing in his journal and he looked up at me when I walked in. "Hey Shay." I said to him going to pour me another glass of bourbon because it's been a long night. "Hey, how'd things go?" He asked me. I smiled at him. "Good. " I said pouring me a glass of bourbon and taking a sip. Ian grimaced at me. "Your a little young to drink not only that but it's not good for you." He said looking at me with a serious look. I scoffed and smirked. "Trust me if you'd known what I've been through you'd say drink as much as you want. Besides I only drink when I really badly need it so don't get all judgey on me." I said taking another sip. "Um listen I left a little surprise for you out on the front porch so why don't you go take a look." I said before sitting on the opposite couch from him. He looked at me questioningly but got up nonetheless and walked outside to where Eve was. I went over to the window and took a peek out of the curtain to see Ian and Eve talking. After a couple of minutes I was about to shut the curtain, getting bored of not being able to hear their conversation, when I saw them leaning in. My eyes went wide and I smiled. They started to kiss for a couple of minutes and then pulled apart looking at each other, and then they started kissing again. I knew it! Jessica owes me 20 bucks! I already knew they would eventually get together, don't get me wrong I'm happy for them but I'm also happy to rub it in Jessica’s face. A while later Eve told me she was ready to go home. I took her in my car and the whole ride there she couldn't stop smiling. "So one out of ten how good of a kisser is Shay?" I asked jokingly. Eve blushed again. "You were looking?" She asked shocked. "I might of peeked. But you still didn't answer my question." I said smirking at her. She stuck her tongue out at me and turned facing forward with her arms crossed. "He was a ten." Eve said quietly before going back to the silent treatment. My smirk widened. Later on that night after dropping Eve back home I went back to the mansion real late. When I walked in Ian was sitting on the couch with the same goofy smile as Eve. I sat down on the opposite couch from him again and he looked over at me smiling and then got up and went over to pour a glass of bourbon. I sighed and looked up at the ceiling feeling exhausted. Next thing I know Stefan is lifting up my legs and sitting down next to me then putting my feet back down and onto his lap. I look over at him to see him smiling at me appreciatively. "Thank you, for what you did for me and Eve." He said handing out the drink to me. I looked at him surprised but took the glass from him. "No need to thank me I was just the driver." I said brushing it off like that was my only part in it. "I might have not known you long but I know that that's not all you did. You know Eve better than anyone and you were the one who said something to her to get her to realize she could be with me and not be scared of getting hurt. Because of you Eve and I get to be happy together." He said to me with a smile looking at me like I was a good person and a true friend. I shrugged, trying to not make it seem that big a deal since I'm really more of a behind the scenes do good kind of girl. "How else was I supposed to win that bet with Jessica." I said smirking. Ian looked at me a little surprised. "You bet on if me and Eve would get together?" He said. I got up saying, "no ofcourse not that would be stupid." And walking off toward the stairs to go to my room. "I bet on how long it would take you to kiss." I called over my shoulder before disappearing up the stairs to my room. I got ready for bed thinking of how the closer Eve got in her relationship with Ian the closer I got in my friendship with him. Now Shay is her boyfriend and I just realized I think of him now as my best friend, was my last thought before I hit the pillow and was out like a light.
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