chapter 3

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That night when Ian went home to the Shay mansion he was changing his shirt when Joseph Shay, Rainys god father came in with a newspaper in his hand. "You promised." He said, slapping down the newspaper in front of Ian. Ian picked up the paper and read it. The headline read 'animal attack killed two hikers'. "This was an animal attack". He said squinting his eyes at Joseph. "Don't give me that. I know the game, you rip them apart and call it an animal attack." He said. "I didn't do this Joseph." Ian said defiantly. "Please Ian, there are people who still remember and you being here is just going to cause trouble. Are these girls that you came back for really that important to risk?" Joseph asked. "I don't have to explain myself." He said, raising his voice in upset. "You don't belong here Ian ." "Then where do I belong? Where should I go?" He asked. Joseph shook his head. "I can't tell you what to do but I know coming back here was a mistake." Joseph said walking out. Ian had a look of upset on his face. He went over and opened up the wooden doors to a shelf and saw a bunch of old books stacked up. He took one out an opened the cover to reveal two pictures. He held them both up side by side, each were of a different girl posing in a gray photo wearing an old dress. Under the pictures was a name and the year 1860. The girls both looked alike in features they weren't identical but they looked like sisters. Under one was the name Aurora, she looked exactly like Eve. And the other had the name Iris and she looked exactly like Rainy. Rainy's POV I was in Mr. Statons class again staring off into space with Ian in the seat behind me staring at Eve again while Eve was across blushing and sneaking peeks again. I can't believe this is only the second day I wish this year would get over with already. After grumbling to myself in my head about stupid school and waking up early I tuned in to Mr. Statons rant. "The battle of Oak Falls took place at the end of the war right here in Majestic Grove. Can someone tell me how many casualties resulted in this battle?" I knew the answer, I always know what he's talking about because history is one of my passions and I like to read about it but I never answer him because I honestly wanna avoid him at all costs so I didn't speak up. I watched him as he looked for a victim. "Mrs. Bane?" He asked, looking at Anna. Anna was doodling in her book when he said her name and now she looked up wide eyed obviously not knowing the answer. "Umm I'm not sure but a lot, like a whole lot." She said smiling while people snickered including me. "Cute becomes dumb in an instant mrs. Banes ." He said, agitated and then looked around for another victim. "Mr. Donahue, would you like to overcome your jock embedded stereo type and answer the question." Max looked up with his blue eyes at Mr. Staton talking about him being our quarterback. "That's okay Mr. Staton I'm cool with it." He said smiling while I and others in the class laughed. "Eve, surely you can answer us on one of the towns most historical events." Eve looked up from looking at Ian trying to think of an answer. She shook her head. "I'm sorry I don't know." She said politely. "I was willing to be easy last year for obvious reasons Miss Millbrooke but the personal excuses ended with summer break." That made me mad and everyone went quiet. Right when I was about to give him a piece of my mind Ian spoke up. "There was 87 casualties not counting local civilians." Staton looked over at Ian. "That is correct Mr.?" He asked, forgetting Ian’s name. "Shay" Ian said politely. "Shay. Any relations to the town settlers?" He asked. "Distant." Shay said hesitantly. "Well then. There was actually no civilian casualties..". Staton started to say turning to the board. "Actually there were 25. Confederate soldiers fired on a house believing it to be housing deserters. It was a night of great loss." He said as if he was actually there. "The founders historical documents is located in the town library if you'd like to brush up on your facts Mr. Staton." He said, insulting Staton while everyone ooed and I tried to cover up my laugh. Way to go Shay. Later on that night me, Anna, and Eve were standing by a fire at the bonfire party where teens were all around drinking and having fun. In fact we all had a beer in our hands too. " I can't believe Ian actually said that." Anna said smiling. "I'm glad Shay did it I just wish I got to tell him a piece of my mind after saying that to Eve." I said. "Where is he anyway?" Anna asked hinting to Eve. "You tell us your the mind reader." I said talking about what she brought up early about being a witch. She said her gran was drunk when she told her and doesn't think it's true but I'm not so sure. Eve and Anna don't believe in the supernatural but I personally know that it's all real. "Oh right, give me a second. Gran says i have to focus." She said joking. "Oh wait!" I said looking around then picking up an empty beer bottle. "Here's your crystal ball." I said jokingly in the mood because I'm half drunk. Anna reached out to take the bottle smiling but when she touched it she jumped back the smile vanished replaced with a freaked out almost scared face. "That was weird. When I touched it I saw a crow." What?" Eve said confused. "I saw a crow, there was a fog and a man.... It's nothing I'm just drunk. Nothing psychic at all. I'm gonna go get a refill." She said walking backwards and then walking quickly away. "Wait!" Eve yelled. "Anna!" I said right after. But she didn't come back. Me and Eve both sighed confused and then turned around to see Ian in front of us. "I’m sorry I’ve been doing that a lot haven’t I?” He asked Eve. "No no there's just this thing with Anna she said..." Eve said trailing off as she watched Ian. "Never mind.. You're you're here." She said smiling. "Yeah I'm here." He said smiling back. I took that as my cue to exit so I walked backwards quietly without them noticing and went the other way. I saw Max leaning on a rail staring at Eve. I walked up to him and took a seat on the rail. "Hey." I said giving a weak smile. "Hey" he said back before looking toward Eve again. I sighed. "Max, you know things have changed." I said, trying to get him to move on and be happy. "I know that but I'm still not giving up on her on me and her." He said looking at me trying to get me to understand. I gave him a sad look and was about to say something when I saw Jake looking upset and disgruntled stumbling towards the woods drunk with a beer bottle in his hand. I still haven't got the chance to talk to him and I think now was the perfect time plus he really shouldn't be in the woods alone. "I'll be right back." I said getting up an heading in the woods behind Jake. "Jake!" I said calling after him. He looked back at me. "If Eve sent you to talk to me or if your about to give me crap lecturing me save it." He said, walking half backwards. I sighed. "I'm not here because of Eve or to give you crap I just wanna talk like we used to remember?" He stopped and looked over at me thinking for a minute and then nodded his head. I walked up to him and we started walking together. "How have you been Jay?" I said trying to keep it light. "Ok, you?" I nodded my head. "I'm good, sorry I haven't talked to you lately I've been a little busy." I said putting my hands in my jeans pocket. "It's alright I understand." He said looking forward. " Jay I know you haven't been doing too well and I just want to tell you if you need anything or need to talk to someone I'm always gonna be there for you." I said not trying to push it because I know he'll just push me away if I do. He nodded and was about to say something when we heard Tori yell out "stop Jacob! Ow... That hurts." She said, struggling against Jacob not a couple of feet away from us up against a tree. "Hey! Leave her alone." Jake said rushing up to them with me behind him. Tori pushed Jacob off her while he was distracted. "You again, Millbrooke ." Jacob said, about to start something. "No,Jacob! Just get the hell away from me!" Tori said. "Wow. Tori Donahue says no. That's a first." Jacob said walking away. "You ok?" I asked. I'm not Tori’s friend but I've always been polite toward her and on friendly terms plus it makes me uncomfortable when something like that happens. Mostly because it reminds me of what my dad's done to me. Tori nodded at me. "Yeah." "Why do you keep on letting him treat you like that?" Jake said to her. "He was just drunk." She said half defending him. "I'm drunk, you don't see me doing that." He said. "No your worse. You want to talk to me, get to know me, see into my soul and screw and screw and screw until your done with me." She said,backing up. "Is that what you think?" Jake asked. "Yes, that’s exactly what I think." Tori said walking away. Jake looked upset, me and him both knew that wasn't true, he probably loved Tori although he never told me that I could see it in his eyes how much he cared about her. I walked up to him and gave him a hug. "She just needs time to see the truth." I said whispering in his ear before letting go. He nodded again too upset to speak and we headed back to the party in silence. I left Jake alone and headed across the bridge only to see Shay and Ian talking. When I walked up to them I heard Ian say, "you won't be sad forever Eve." And I instantly knew she told him about the car accident with her parents.
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