
Two in One



Rainy Jackson is a small town girl with many problems she keeps to herself. She is close with her best friend Eve, they've always been like sisters. After Eve' s parents die, Rainy and Eve head back to school. Now everything is changing and when Eve gets a new boy friend the girls find themselves surrounded by supernatural problems. New relationships are formed and some secrets start to come to light. Will everyone stay alive?

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Chapter 1
My name is Rainy Jackson. I live in the small town of Majestic Grove where nothing bad ever seems to happen... Well for me something bad is always happening but as of recently it seems that way for Majestic Grove now too. I feel like things are going to get a lot more complicated. I wake up this morning to the obnoxious alarm clock that I honestly always wish I could throw out the window and let get hit by a car. I slam my hand down on the off button and slowly get up from the soft covers and get myself dressed and ready to go. With my brown leather jacket that i could never part with, my awesome black boots, light blue jeans, and purple top along with my wavy dark brown hair and smokey grey eyes I headed out the door ready to start the first day of school for the year. It's been three months since the accident with Eve’s parents. I was actually in the car with them that night, attending the party with Eve and everything, when we crashed off Pine Bridge and into the water below were I passed out from hitting my head on the ceiling. The next thing I remember is waking up in the hospital bed next to Eve and her crying from just then hearing her parents didn't make it. It was a terrible moment that I will never forget. I've been staying with her most of the summer trying to help her through it. I just hope she'll be okay today. I run through the hallways dodging the packed students of traffic and make a sharp turn almost falling into the main office, seeing a new guy in a cool leather jacket talking to mrs. Barnes. I run around him and hide behind the front desk, out of breathe. Mrs. Barnes looks over at me with an amused smile. "Already getting in trouble on your first day I see. Tell me who did you upset this time?" Before I could answer we all looked sharply out in the hallway as the school principal Mr.Bishop ran down it screaming out "Rainy Jackson!! You better come here right now, your in so much trouble!" as he went. When he was clearly gone I popped up from behind the desk. "Now all I gotta do is last the rest of the day hiding from him. Who knew glueing his desk shut and taking the pins out of his swivel chair would make him upset." I said, looking confused and innocent. Mrs. Barnes shakes her head chuckling. "Only you, Rainy." I walked around the desk about to leave the office saying, "thanks, see ya later mrs. B". Right before I walk out the door i hear her call me back. "Rainy, could you please show our new student, Mr. Shay around. You have the same schedule and his lockers next to yours so I thought it would be perfect for you to help him be welcomed here." She said, gesturing to the new guy. I looked over at him to see him staring at me. "I would love to but I'm kinda on the run, hiding right now soo." I said, doubtfully. "You know if you show him around all day mr. Bishop will probably let you go since he doesn't want to show punishment in front of the new kid while you're helping him out." Mrs. Barnes said, expectantly sing song like. I raised my eyebrows not thinking about that and shrugged. "Alright then, let's get going then Shay." I said, gesturing towards the door to him and then walking out with him on my heels. I saw Anna as we passed, with wide eyes staring at Shay. Which I guess is going to be my nickname for him now since it's catchy and I don't know his first name. As we passed by Anna I patted her on the shoulder. " see ya soon Annie Ann!" I said, calling her by the nickname I made for her that she hated as we went. After we passed her I slowed down a little to get beside him. "Alright Shay, Welcome to the Bear Cats I'm Rainy and your first name is?" I said, questioningly looking at his smiling face. I have to admit he is very good looking with his brown hair and eyes and his handsome face and body, but I'm definitely not looking for a boyfriend right now so I think he'll be a good friend, who knows? I might set him up with Eve. Who I haven't seen yet this morning. And right when I was thinking that thought and Shay said, "my names Ian", Eve almost bumped into us, coming out of the boys bathroom. I looked at her strangely but she was too busy staring at Shay well Ian I think he said his name was. I looked over to see him staring at her too. I was curious about Eve and the bathroom. But before I could say anything, Shay beat me to it. "Umm is this the men's room?" I smirked as Eve blushed. I knew i was a good match maker, they already like each other. " uh yah, it's its a long story." Eve said, embarrassedly. Before this conversation could get awkward I spoke up, "alrighty then, we got a class to get to and I still have to show you your locker." I said, gesturing toward the lockers down the hall. I looked over Ian’s shoulder and saw Mr. Bishop going down the hall peeking into every class room searching for me with a stern look on his face. My eyes widened and I looked over to see Eve and Shay doing a cute little trying to walk by each other but getting in the others way thing so I grabbed Ians arm and dragged him away from Eve down the hall saying, " sorry got to go, see ya in history Eve." We disappeared down the hall escaping Mr. Bishop. I let out a breathe. "Sorry Shay but Mr. Grouch was coming and I didn't feel like getting caught yet." Ian looked at me questioningly. "Mr. who?" I sighed, standing by our lockers. " Mr. Grouch is what I call Mr. Bishop now hurry up, were gonna be late for Staton our history teachers class. Oh and I'll give you a fair warning he's an asshole."

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