chapter 2

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Ian and I managed to get into class right after the bell rang. I held my breath when I saw Mr. Staton glaring at me as we walked in the door. I tried to hurry my way past him. "Hold it right there miss.Jackson." I froze in my spot and then turned around smiling innocently at him. "Yes, Mr. Staton?" I asked sweetly. " Only the first day and you're already late to my class. Maybe I should just save us the trouble and send you to the principal's office." He said with a devil smile. "Well you see the only reason I'm late is because I'm trying to show our new student around." I said, glancing at Ian. Mr. Staton raised his eyebrow and looked at Ian. "And you are?" He asked Ian. "I'm Ian Shay." He said. Staton squinted at me not wanting to let me off the hook cause he's a d**k. "Fine, take your seats. I better not catch you late again mrs. Jackson." I turned around rolling my eyes and sat down in an empty seat while Shay sat behind me. Then Staton started the lesson, ignoring me for now. I looked over and saw Eve give me a smile. Anna was a couple seats down from me looking at me as if saying 'that's what you get for calling me Annie Ann'. I smiled back at her sarcastically. Then I saw Max in the back looking at me as if saying 'already getting in trouble'? I smiled nodding my head once. Max was another one of my best friends, I've always thought of him as another brother. When him and Eve started dating I teased them all the time and when they broke up I had to be there for the both of them which was hard to do. It still feels like I'm having to go back and forth with the two. I understand why Eve broke up with him and at the same time I feel sorry for Max. I look back over to Eve to see her sneaking peeks and blushing at Shay. I look behind me to see him staring at her, smiling. I see Eve get a text and checks it while Statons not looking. She blushes again after she reads it and then looks at the front with a smile. After that i get a text from Anna. Of course I have it labeled as Annie Ann with a smiley face, she wrote 'hawty staring at E!!;)' I smile and text back 'ikr there so gonna get together'. Couple of minutes later she texts 'how do u know?' I smile to myself. I text 'I'm gonna set them up'. Then I put the phone away and try to listen to Statons boring lecture. At the end of the day after i finish giving Shay a tour I walk with Eve to the graveyard where she normally goes to write in her journal and think. I normally would give her some space and let her do her thing but she insists on me coming. She says it helps her a lot to talk to me since I was there with her when it happened, I'm like a sister to her,and because I lost my mom in a car crash while I was in the car with her she knows I know exactly how she feels. It was a hard time for me, mostly because it was my fault no one else knew that though. It was a couple of years ago when it happened. Me and mom were going down the street and my mom was drunk like she normally was. She had just picked me up from school and was yelling at me because she was always a mean drunk and I had gotten in trouble with the school. That day while she was yelling at me she wasn't paying attention to the road an was going too fast. She winded up running a stop sign and hit a truck head on. Me and the guy driving the truck survived... but my mom didn't. All I've had left is my dad, I have no other relatives. My dad was sorta okay for a dad before mom died but after he started drinking an doing drugs and he couldn't even look at me without disgust in his eyes. About two or three nights out of the month he'll come into my room beat me until I can't move and then rape me while I scream, no one hears me though. I would tell the police but he promised me if I did he'd find a way to escape and would kill me when he found me. And I know my dad never breaks a promise so I kept my mouth shut. Not even Eve knows and she's my best friend. I hurt inside all the time because I've never had a loving least Eve has her brother Jake and her aunt Mia. I try to hide it though which is why I play pranks on the principle and teachers and act random in front of people. When my dad beats and rapes me I stay out of school for two or three days cause I can't hardly move and I'm so upset. I tell everyone I skipped school because I don't want anyone to know the truth. I'm okay though I've dealt with it for a while. Me and Eve get to the cemetery right when I snap out of my thinking. We go to our normal spot in front of Eve’s parents grave. Eve’s parents and mine were best friends in highschool that's how we met we shared a crib together when we were babies along with Max and his mom too. I thought of Eve’s parents as another mom and dad, the better ones of course. When they died it felt like I lost my real parents. The only one that feels like a parent to me anymore is my god father Joseph. My eyes went wide and I gasped out loud with out Eve hearing it. Josephs last name is Shay, I wonder if he's related to Ian. That'd be weird, although Joseph never mentioned having any other relatives and I've spent the night over at his house since I was a little kid. The Shay mansion is like my second home I actually pretty much go there more than to my own house. Normally after school half the time I go straight to Joseph’s and spend the night. My dad doesn't care though, he's never hardly home and when he is we usually try to ignore each other as much as possible. Honestly he couldn’t care less about me. But he's still my dad and I wouldn't want anything to happen to him. I was shaken out of my funk by the sound of flapping wings. I looked up and saw a crow perched on Eve’s parents grave. "Okay, hi bird." Eve said randomly to it. "Not creepy or anything". I said, talking sarcastically about both the crow and Eve talking to it. All of a sudden there was a fog covering the ground. Me and Eve got up and looked at the ground. I was weirded out but Eve looked plain scared. We both looked around and then Eve started walking fast so I followed. Then she started running scared and I couldn't see her any more through the fog. "Eve!" I called out seeing if I could hear her. I tried searching through the fog but all I could see was the outline of the graves. I looked around and saw the dark figure of man facing right in front of me behind an angel statue. He moved behind it and it freaked me out so I went running the other way. I found my self going down a hill and tripping and rolling down it. When I reached the bottom I heard Eve say "I'm fine, really." I looked up from my spot on the ground a few feet behind Eve to see her looking for someone who wasn't there. "A little help." I said groaning as I got up. She saw me and quickly came over to me. "You ok?" She said, inspecting me for injury. "Yah, just peachy. Next time your running from a creepy fog in a cemetery make sure your best friend is with you will yah?" I said, sarcastically teasing. "Sorry, I thought you were right behind me and plus I was to creeped out to look back." She said looking at me, apologetically. "It's fine." I said, with a smirk. "Now who were you talking to?" I said, questioningly. "Eve sighed "I was talking to the new guy, Ian." She said, with a smile. Ian and me actually got along really well today. We were joking and cracking up all day in classes. He's a really cool guy who is my new bestie. I told him everything there was to know about people and the town I even warned him about the school jerk Jacob Grantwell the mayors son, who's a total douche bag and my ex boyfriend, and Jessica Clear the head cheerleader who will probably not leave Ian alone because he's good looking, don't get me wrong their still my friend and I've known them forever but they've changed and they can get irritating at times. "Ooh you were flirting with Shay huh?" I said, teasingly. "No, we were just talking. I got a scratch from falling down the hill and looked at it, it was bleeding. I said it was nothing but when I turned around he was gone." She said, with a confused look. "Well no wonder, nice way of grossing him out and scaring him off right when you meet him." I said, smiling at her. "I think he probably just gets squeamish around blood that's all, I didn't scare him off." She said, seeming like she was trying to convince herself more than me. I smiled at her. "Whatever, I'm starved. Let's get to your place so I can eat."I said starting to walk away with her beside me. "You mean so you can eat me out of house and home like you always do." She said, amused. "Yep." I said, simply I was sitting on the couch at Eve’s eating some left over chili while Eve was beside me on the phone with Annie Ann. "Alright see you soon Anna." Eve said, hanging up. "Anna and Jessica want to meet us at the grill at 7." She said, hanging up the phone. I looked at the clock to see it was about 6:30 now. "Cool." I said, scooping chili in my mouth. Eve shook her head smiling at me thinking I was so weird. "Hey didn't you show the new guy Ian around today?" She said, looking at me questioningly. "Yah, and I still didn't get caught by Mr. Bishop. It's a good thing he thought I would probably skip my classes to goof off or he would of got me and I'd had to try the excuse of showing Shay around." I said, smiling. "Why do you keep calling him Shay?" She asked. I shrugged, "it just stuck." Eve criss crossed her legs and faced toward me on the couch. "What is he like." I looked over at her grinning. "Someone has a crush." I sung teasingly. Just then Eve’s aunt Mia came in the door from work. "Hey Rainy." She said, smiling at me. "Hey May." I called her by her nickname. Eve and Jake call her aunt Mia and others just say Mia but I like May better and I think she does too. She always loves talking to me, she thinks of me as a friend even though I'm Eve’s age, she tells me everything, we're real tight. Even tighter than Eve and her. I've always got this way about me, I can be real random when i want to but with the adults I trust and like I act pretty mature and responsible so they don't think of me as any younger than them. Of course I've also got my wild side where when I get sad, mad, or stressed I go off partying and getting drunk and having s*x with some random guy. Not cool I know but I just sometimes get overwhelmed and can't handle it. Mia went into the kitchen and Eve turned back to me. She paused to think and then said, "okay maybe I'm a little interested in him but you can't tell me your not." Eve said, looking at me expectantly. I scoffed. "You think I like Shay? No way I think of him like a best buddy not a boyfriend." I said, seriously. Eve dropped the subject and took a pause. I started to remember this morning when she came out of the boys bathroom. "Hey, just your average day question here I know but why were you coming out of the boys bathroom this morning?" I asked, gulping down the last of my chili. Eve sighed warily. "Jake was stoned and I tried cornering him and talking to him but he's not listening to me. I don't know what to do he's not been himself and I'm so afraid something's going to happen to him." She said, worriedly. I sighed. "He's just going through a rough phase Eve it's natural for a teen who's gone through something like this to act out. He'll be ok. And if you want me to I'll try talking to him, I'm not sure if he'll even listen to me but..." I said, shrugging. "Will you? I mean you don't have to if you don't want to." She said. I smiled, "sure, why not?" I said. About 20 minutes later we started to head out the door. "Me and Rain are gonna meet Anna and Jesse at the grill." Eve said as we passed Mia. "Ok. Wait, hold up. I got this." She said turning around to face us. "Don't stay out too late it's a school night." She said, expectantly. "Well done May." I said to her encouragingly. We walked to the door and I opened it. Right as I was about to go out there was Shay at the door. I smirked at him. "Hey Shay." I said opening the door wider and taking a step back and to the side so Eve could talk to him. "Hey" he said smiling at me and then looking at Eve. "Umm hi. How did you know where I lived?" She asked. "It's a small town, I asked the first person I saw. Actually I came by to give you this, you must've dropped it at the cemetery." He said pulling out Eve’s green journal where she writes everything she's thinking in. "My journal. Thank you." She said taking it at looking at Shay a little hesitantly. "Oh don't worry I didn't read it." He said, guessing what she was thinking. "Really, why? Most people would." She said smiling holding it close. "Because I wouldn't want anyone to read mine." He said, matter of factly. My eyes went wide. He keeps a journal? "You keep a journal." Eve said with wonder, practically repeating out loud what I was thinking. "Yeah, I can't remember things unless I write it down and you know memories are too important." He said, staring at Eve. "Huh, who knew? You and Eve are more alike than I thought." I said. They really are perfect for each other. Eve snapped out of her trance and looked at me then back at him. "let me get my coat. Umm you don't have to stand there." She said going to get her coat. Ian looked down at the door way. "Um I'm good." He said. When Eve came back she was looking at him questioningly. "Um I'm sorry you two were going somewhere. I'll just go." I nudged Eve quickly. She's missing her opportunity. "Wait. Would, would you like to come with us?" She said hopefully. Ian nodded his head and we headed to the grill in my baby a black 2013 camaro. Which took me forever to save up on and Joseph helped me pay for most of it. When we got there I went ahead of them to give them space and walked up to Anna and Max. I saw Jessica and Jacob over by the pool table and was about to say something to Anna when I heard Max say,"give it time huh?" He said to her. I looked over to see them looking at Eve and Ian who just walked the through the door. Max walked up to them and I followed behind wondering what he was gonna say. "Hey, I'm Max." He said shaking Ian's hand then looking over at Eve and walking away. I got over to them. "What do you think a bunny would look like painted blue?" I said being random trying to lighten the mood. They both smiled and looked at me like I was crazy. A little later in the night me, Eve, Ian, Jessica, and Anna were sitting at a table talking. "So Ian, have you been here in majestic falls before?" Jessica said, trying to draw his attention off Eve. " I actually was born here but my dad was in the Air Force so we moved around a lot." He said. "Any siblings?" She said sweetly. "None that I talk to." He said a little hesitantly. "So it's just you and your parents?" "Um no I actually live with my uncle my parents passed away not too long ago." We all looked over at Eve to see her looking at him a little sad. "I'm sorry." She said, sincerely. "It's ok." He said. It went silent for a minute until Jessica spoke up and said, "so Ian if your new you don't know about the party." She said trying to bait him. "Party?" He asked. "It's a back to school thing at the falls that we have every year." Anna said, smiling. Ian looked over at Eve. "Are you going?" He asked her. Before she could answer Anna spoke up, "yes she is." She said smiling at Eve. "Uh huh she's definitely gonna be there." I said looking over at her with a look that said 'you better be." Eve looked over at Ian and smiled. Some time after that we all went home and said goodbye and I decided to spend the night at Eve’s
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