chapter 6

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"Rainy. Hey Rainy, wake up I need to talk to you." I heard Ian say from somewhere beside me. "What time is it?" I grumbled from under the pillow. "I wanted to wake you up early so we could talk about something important, come on get up." Ian said trying to coax me out of bed. I held myself up with my forearms and looked over at Ian tiredly. He looked at me expectantly and then I put one finger up to my lip. "Shh go away." I said before flopping back down on the pillow. "Come on you can't be that lazy." Ian said flopping on the bed next to me and tried to shake me awake. I got up on my forearms again. "Oh yes I can mister. Sleep is the best part of my day now leave and let me sleep or I'll jump on your back like a monkey and scream in your ear." I said before hiding my head in a pillow. "Normally I would but this is important so..." Ian had said before jerking all the covers out from over and under me. I sat up slowly and looked over at him with a glare. "Oh now you've done it." I said right before I got up and attacked him. Somehow a couple seconds later I winded up going down the stairs on Ian’s back while I sang peter cottontail. I looked over and saw Joseph on the couch with a coffee and a newspaper in his hand looking over at us strangely. Shay had dropped me and let me flop onto the couch in front of Joseph and then he sat down next to me. "This better be darn important to wake me up this early." I said giving Shay a warning glare. "It is but you need to go get ready first." He said to me. I looked over at him strangely. "Then why did you carry me all the way down stairs?" I asked him. He shrugged at me. "I was heading down here you were the one who decided to jump on my back and tag along." He said to me with a smirk. I glared at him and got up going toward the stairs singing I'm a gummy bear. "Sometimes I really worry about her." I heard Joseph say to Ian. "So do I Jo!" I shouted at him before disappearing upstairs. After I got ready I headed down stairs to see Joseph was gone and Ian was sitting on the couch with his thinking face on. " so what did you wanna talk to me about?" I asked sitting beside Ian on the couch. "I wasn't thinking about it at the time because I was so busy trying to fill you in and everything. So how did you find out I was a vampire?" Ian asked me. I knew he was gonna ask that eventually so I told him how I was in the room when he was compelling Tori in the hospital. Then he asked how did I know about vampires existing. I had hesitated on this one not really wanting to open up and tell him my secret after not telling anyone before. But I had sighed and decided to go ahead and get it over with. So I told him the story about my aunt and me when I was little. He wasn't surprised because he's met a transporter before but when I told him how I felt about all of it he looked at me with sympathy and said he'd be there for me when ever I needed it and he thanked me for trusting him with my secret. After finally telling someone my secret after all this time I felt a little weight lift off my chest. I had decided to go on to school and Ian said he'd meet me there. When I got there I saw Anna and Eve talking not too far from me and I walked over to them."I'm not saying don't date the guy. I'm just saying take it slow." Anna said to Eve her eyes wide. "You were the one who said to go for it." Eve said back at her. "Now I'm saying take it slow." Anna said quietly. I caught up with the conversation and was confused why Anna didn't like Shay. "okay spill." I said my eyes narrowed at her as Anna rubbed the back of her neck. "There’s nothing to spill. Eve’s single for the first time in a long time. It's the perfect time to look around at the guys." Anna said. "Oh, because I'm that girl. Seriously, what are you not saying?" Eve said clearly offended. "It's dumb." Anna murmured rubbing the back of her neck. "Anna..." I warned sending her a warning look. "What?" Anna asked her eyebrows furrowed as she didn't know what to say. "Spit it out." I said to her wanting to know what was going on. "I accidentally touched Ian. And I got a really bad vibe." Annie rushed out. I started thinking she really might be a witch. Eve had started to giggle not really taking it seriously. I couldn't blame her if I wasn't the one having the feeling or the one who was shown all this supernatural stuff, and I'd heard it like this it would sound ridiculous to me too. "Is that all?." Eve said starting to giggle again."It was seriously bad!" Anna said her eyes slightly angry at Eve giggling at her. "Is this the whole witch thing again?" I said turning deadly serious because I wanted to make sure that's what it was. "You know what? I'm just concerned. This is me being worried about my best friend's new boyfriend." Anna said not wanting to talk about being a witch. "And I love you for it, I do appreciate that. But I feel good. It's been a hard year, and I'm starting to feel like things are getting back to normal again. And you know what? Ian is one of the main reasons for it." Eve said. Just then Ian came up to us. "Good morning Eve. Good morning Rainy, Anna." Ian said mostly towards Eve. "Hey, um, I gotta find Jessica. She's not answering her phone. So I'll see you guys later." Anna said before walking away obviously trying to get away from Ian. "Anna!" I called out. "Wait!" Eve said trying to get her to come back. "She doesn't like me too much does she?" Ian said looking at where Anna went. I saw Max not too far away throwing a football with a friend while Jacob stood there talking to him. I didn't really want to walk up with Jacob there but decided to go ahead because I wanted to talk to Max. I walked over not saying anything to Eve and Shay because I knew they were too busy flirting with each other to notice. "Hey." I said to Max. He looked over at me after he tossed the ball and hugged me and gave me a smile. "Hey where did you disappear to last night?" He asked talking about when we were searching for Tori and I didn't see him any after that. "After Tori was found Eve wanted me to take her home so I kinda didn't get a chance to tell you bye." I said to him. "Oh ok." Max nodded and threw the ball again. "Speaking of Eve there she goes with her new boyfriend. Oh what are they doing now? Walking, talking, walking some more. Yep real Cinderella and Prince Charming." Jacob said looking over at Eve and Shay talking. "Dick." I muttered to where only Max could hear me. He smirked at me before tossing the ball again. "While you sit there looking like one of those little man servants." He said toward Max. Who calls them that? I asked myself looking at Jacob like he was weird. "A butler." Max said, correcting Jacob before throwing the ball. "And what am I supposed to do? She made her choice." Max said looking over at them with a sad look. "Let her know she made the wrong one." I heard Jacob say grabbing the ball before Max could catch it. "What are you doing?" I asked him right before he took aim at where Ian and Eve were standing. He threw back his hand about to send it flying. "J! Don't! J!" Max said right before Jacob threw the ball spiraling towards the back of Ian’s head. "Heads up Shay!" I called out to Ian so he would sense the ball coming. Shay turned around and caught the ball perfectly right before it hit his head. He smiled and threw the ball back at Jacob in a perfect spiral and knocking Jacob down when he caught it. I stood there smug along with Ian while everyone else was shocked. "See yah later Max." I said before going over to Shay and Eve to head inside to our lockers "Thanks for the warning." Ian whispered to me. I smiled and nodded at him. "Thank you for that look on Jacob’s face I'd give 50 bucks to see him knocked on his ass again." I said laughing as we walked. "That was amazing. You should join the team." Eve said shuffling books in her locker. "I don't think that's such a good idea." Ian said to her. "Why not?" I asked him thinking it'd be great for him to do something human. "You don't like football?" Eve asked. "No, no, I love football. It's a great sport. It's just in this case I don't really think football likes me." Ian said talking about Max and Jacob. Eve gave him a questioning look not getting it. "I mean you saw Jacob and we already know how Max feels." Ian said leaning against a locker. "Well that's because they don't know you." Eve said. "Yeah to everyone your mysterious loner guy." I said to him. "Mysterious loner guy?" Ian asked. Eve nodded her head. "It wouldn't hurt to sign up for something." Eve said to him. "Look who I'm talking to a girl who uses her alone time to write in a cemetery and let's not forget the person who keeps her company there?" He said looking at me. "Hey come on there's more to me than that. There's a whole other Eve you have yet to meet. She was in to everything, watch and see." Eve said smiling. "I look forward to meeting her. And when might that be?" He asked her. "I think very soon" Eve said. Ian smiled and then looked over at me expectantly waiting for my answer about the whole graveyard stuff. "I'm just weird like that plus i am way more cuddly and loved than you dorks." I said shrugging and walking towards Statons class. They laughed at my randomness and we walked in and sat down. "Another name for the Great War? Anyone got anything? Miss James? World war one." Staton said while the class just stared back bored. "what year was World war 2?" Mr. Staton asked looking around the room for volunteers. "Psst, are team sucks they really need you." I heard Eve whisper to Shay. "Can't I'm a mysterious loner." Ian said back. "Ahh Miss Millbrooke, care to share what you were whispering about?” Staton said to Eve. Eve looked back up to the front and blushed embarrassed before shaking her head and looking down. "Alright well then in what year did World War 2 begin?" Staton asked. "Umm..." Eve said. "1939." Ian spoke up for Eve. "Thank you but you’re not Miss Millbrooke." Staton said stressing the Millbrooke while looking at Ian. "Sorry" Ian said. I felt tired of Statons attitude and I haven't done anything to irritate him lately so I decided to annoy him. ""Very well. What year began the American Revolution" Mr.Staton said. "1775" me and Shay said at the same time. We smirked at each other knowing that they both wanted to show up Staton. "We're good with history facts, sir." I said to Staton smirking at him. "Really? Well let’s test that. Keep it to the year. Civil Rights Act." Staton said to Shay. "1964." He said."Brown vs. Board." Staton asked me.""1952 to 1954."I said easily. "Spanish-American War" Staron asked Shay. "1898." Shay said just as serious as Staton. "Vietnam." Staton said to me getting frustrated. "1955 to 1975." I said smirking. "Watergate." Staton asked Shay getting closer. "1972 to 74." Ian said. ""Brown vs. Board." Staton asked me. "1954." I said about to yawn. "The battle of Gettysburg." Staton asked Ian. "1863." Shay said quickly. "Gulf War." Staton said towards me. "1990 to 91." I said to him. "Ha! It ended in '92." Mr. Staton said making us all jump while Ian frowned at him. I looked at Staton like he was so childish. "Actually Mr. Staton it was '91." Ian said knowing I was right. Staton didn't look so sure anymore. "Look it up, somebody. Now!" He said while the class tried to find the answer. One kid in the front who had looked it up on his phone was the first to speak up. "It was 19...91." He said with a smile as the whole class clapped for me and Shay while Staton looked mad. The bell had rang and we walked out of class beside Eve. "How did you two know all that?" Eve asked stunned. "Years and years of newspaper trivia it's a loner thing." Ian said and then Eve and Shay looked over at me expectantly. I shrugged. "I watch the history channel when I'm bored."I said to them simply. Me and Eve walked out past the football field where the football players were practicing but they all stopped and looked at me and Eve as we walked by because we were in our short shorts and shirt for cheerleading practice. Which Eve had managed to talk me into doing for another year I hate when she uses the guilt trip. Don't get me wrong, cheerleading is cool, but I'm WAY too lazy for it. After we walked past I heard Staton yelling at them to get their head in the game and stop being hormonal for five seconds. Staton is just as bad as a football coach as he is a history teacher. We walked over to all the stretching teenagers and saw Anna on the side stretching too. We walked over to her. "Work it Annie Ann!" I said to her before laughing. She glared at me but when she saw me and Eve in work out clothes she smiled wide and squealed. "Oh my gosh! You're here!and it's a miracle that you got Rainy with you" Anna said smiling. "I know. To get back to normal we have to do things that were normal." Eve said starting to stretch. I just stood there I wasn't about to do anything I didn't have to. "Hey you two are coming over at my house tonight." Eve said to me and Anna. "Really?" Anna asked. "We are?" I asked confused as to why. "Yep my house at 7. You, Rainy, me and Ian." Eve said. Oh I get it Eve wanted Anna to have bonding time with Shay. I guess I was supposed to be there to make it less awkward. "Tonight's not a good night for me." Anna said trying to get out of it. "Would you just give him a chance?" I asked her. She just looked at me. "Have you seen Jessica? I've tried calling her and she's not picking up." Anna said. "Stop trying to change the subject Anna Bane. You're going to be there." Eve said determined. "Alright, fine. I'll be there." Anna said with a pout. "Good." Eve said. "Hey seriously where Is Jessica?" Anna asked. "I don't know, this is not like her." Eve said after she drank some water. I looked behind me and saw Jessica coming up sitting behind a guy on a motorcycle I looked over at the driver and clenched my teeth. Marcus Shay was sitting there with a smirk on his face. "Uh found her." I said to Eve and Anna while pointing at Jessica. "That must be the mystery guy she met the other day." Anna said. "That's no mystery guy that'S Marcus Shay." Eve said. "Like Ian Shay?" Anna asked surprised. "The one and only." I said to Anna. Jessica walked over to us after acting weird in front of Marcus. "I got the other Shay, hope that’s not a problem." Jessica said to me as she walked past. I raised my eyebrow at her but then I noticed the red scarf around her neck. So Marcus has not only been messing with my friends head he's also been drinking her blood too. I looked over to see him cockily checking me out. I glared at him and walked over to him. "Why are you messing with Jessica?" I asked him. "Boredom. I need something to do you know and Jessica... Well she's just delicious." Marcus said smirking while giving me a knowing look. I glared at him. "leave her alone. Believe it or not I want to help you Marcus, but if you keep messing with Jessica it's not gonna be good between me and you.” I said before walking away and not even looking back to see his reaction. I listened to Jessica’s bossy orders as we started up a cheer routine. Eventually I got bored and decided to head over to watch the football players and Eve followed me over there to watch. I saw Shay on the field he was Catching the ball and running it through every time. Eventually Eve decided to watch the cheerleaders again but I got distracted by Max and Jacob looking suspicious and looking towards Shay. I looked over toward him to see that he looked like he was listening in on their conversation with a grim face. What are they up to? When the whistle was called Max threw the football high towards Ian. Shay jumped up to catch it and right when he did Jacob tackled him hard on the ground. I grounded my teeth together just wanting to walk on that field and cuss Jacob out and tell Max he was acting like a 4 year old. I looked back up and saw Ian take off his glove when no one was looking while he was still sitting on the ground. It looked like one of his fingers were crooked like it was broken. I saw Ian snap it back into place and flinch at the pain. Max came over to him and had helped him up saying something to him and then he walked off. "You alright Shay?" I asked him, hoping he could hear me with his vampire hearing. Ian looked over at me and smiled and nodded before walking in the lockers to change. Which was right about when the cheerleaders were done with practice. Hallelujah!!
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