chapter 7

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Later on that day I was in Ian’s room laying on his bed and staring at the ceiling while Ian just came out of the shower only wearing jeans. I looked over at him while he walked around his room. I have to admit he does look sexy but he's my best friend and Eve’s boyfriend so I payed no mind to it and flopped my head back down an stared at the ceiling again. "Anna’s a witch." I said to Shay. I had added up all the facts and I was positive Anna was a witch. She said she had a bad feeling when she touched Ian which means she must've sensed he was a vampire. The other night when I gave her the beer bottle she said something about a crow, a fog, and a man. Which was exactly what I saw at the cemetery with Eve. And her gran has been telling her she's one so she just has to be. Too bad she doesn't know it yet. "I thought you and Anna were friends." Shay said jokingly, acting like I said it as an insult. I looked over at him with a grim face. "You know what I mean Shay. The real witchy spells and voodoo stuff not the insult." I said to him. "Alright. Well I actually think you're right. She is a Bane. I think she's related to Tiana." Ian said to me while sitting beside me on the bed and putting his shoes on. "You mean that girl who came with Aurora and Iris?" I said thinking back to when Shay told me the story about when he was turned. How he told me Tiana was Aurora and Iris's best friend. "Yeah, Tiana was the witch who helped me and Marcus when we woke up and started transitioning into vampires." Ian said thinking back to that time. I sat there in thought for a minute and saw Shay leave the room from the corner of my eye to go into his closet. He walked back into the bedroom, right when I saw Marcus sitting in one of his chairs, reading Ian’s diary. I sat up and looked at Marcus with a grim look. Marcus looks up and grins wickedly, "How was school? Did you make the football team?" He asked Ian. "Very deep, the way you write with such passion and...soul." Marcus said a smirk on his lips as Ian snatched his journal out of Marcus’s hands. "What are you doing here?" I asked, wondering why he wanted to get on our nerves at the moment. "I've come to apologize. I've been doing some thinking,a little reflection if you will, and... I want us to start over. We need to make amends put the past behind us." Marcus said to me sincerely. I just looked at him questioningly wondering what he was up to. Then he looked over at Ian’s serious face. "You're my little brother,my family, and if you want to live a normal mundane life, then I say go for it. Maybe I can do it, too. That I can learn to be a happy normal person. Maybe there's hope for both of us." Marcus said to Ian. Shay looked at Marcus like he wanted to believe him for a second but I didn't buy it at all. Marcus didn't suddenly have a change of heart. It's gonna take something big to change him. To turn his humanity back on. And just like I thought Marcus’s serious facade cracked and he smirked and laughed. "You know, it doesn't have to be this way." Ian said shaking his head sadly. "Of course it doesn't. I saw Eve today, along with Rainy over there. They were at cheerleading practice. Rainy looked so perky in her little outfit.... so delicious.” Marcus said looking over at me with a smirk. “And Eve didn't look so bad herself." He said towards Ian. I rolled my eyes at him. Knowing he was just trying to get a rise out of us. It worked on Ian though. He glared at Marcus menacingly and took a step toward him. Marcus held his hands up mockingly. "Just calm down slick, I didn't even go near them. I've got someone to keep me occupied...for now.” Marcus said towards me, talking about Jessica. I glared at him and clenched my jaw. I couldn't stand by and watch him hurt her. I knew that I couldn't go lightly on trying to help Marcus turn his humanity on again. I gotta come up with a And I'm probably gonna need Shays help too, if he'll do it. "Ah right I almost forgot, I have a date tonight. Well I’m a little nervous. Wish me luck." Marcus said holding two thumbs up while walking backwards. He walked out the door but not before sending a wink my way. I hate how Marcus is acting. I know there is a part of him that is better than this. I want to help him, not only because it's the right thing to do... but also because I feel a weird connection towards Marcus. Like I understand him. There's a part of me that has feelings for him...but I'm not sure what those feelings are yet. Later on that night Ian was still doing stuff in his room so I headed to Eve’s early. I walked in without knocking like I always do and headed to the kitchen where I heard Annie Ann and Evie talking. "Hey, can you help me set up?" Eve said to me while walking around the kitchen. I shrugged and started helping as Anna started up talking again. "Ok like today, I keep seeing the same weird dream an ambulance driver is by the high school at night and then suddenly I see a guys watch on the ground." Anna said to Eve seriously. Probably talking about witch stuff again. "You ever think it might be from too many horror movies." I said seriously, thinking pessimistically. . Of Course they both thought I was joking though so Eve laughed and nodded while Anna looked over at me glumly. "Seriously though, what if gran is right. What if this is some weird freaky vision coming true? You want to trade lives?" She asked Eve pouting. "I don't want to be a witch." Eve said looking at Anna with a sarcastic look. "Ok where’s my favorite cup. You know where my cup is Eve?" I asked looking around and half talking to myself. "Top cabinet to your left." Anna said to me matter of factly. I expected Eve to answer since this is her house and I even had a better chance of knowing than Anna since I've been in this kitchen a lot more. I looked at her strangely but she just shrugged so I looked in the cabinet and surprise, surprise. There was my cup. I held my cup up while Eve looked surprised. Yep she's a witch, I said to myself. "Ok you've been in this kitchen like a hundred times and Rainy can't even remember two days ago." Eve said explaining how Anna would know and I still wouldn't. I was about to protest but then I thought of two days ago...yep she's right I can't remember. "Yeah that's it." Anna said doubtingly. We heard the doorbell ring which means Shay is here. "Ok he's here. Just be your normal loving selves." Eve said nervously, more towards Anna before going out of the kitchen and heading to the door. "Scissors ." Anna said out loud. I looked over at her questioningly before she pulled out another drawer. Sure enough there was the scissors. Anna looked surprised but I just looked glum wondering if I should tell her or not. I mean if she didn't believe her gran she wouldn't me. Besides some things are better left to be figured out on their own. Not too long after that we were all sitting at the table, eating in awkward silence. I was picking at my plate trying to think of something to say so I just blurted out something random. "Why do they call rocks, rocks? And why do they say people rock, it makes no sense?" I say looking down at my plate. They all looked at me with one eyebrow raised. I shrugged. "What? I'm just making conversation." I said. They ignored me and continued eating. "Did Staton give you a hard time today?" Eve asked, trying to break the silence. "Well he wasn’t that bad. I think he’s warming up to me a little." Ian said smiling. "Anna you should have seen Ian today. On the football field he..." Eve said, trying to start up the conversation before Anna interrupted. "Yeah I heard about it." She said before picking at her plate again. "Anna why don't you tell Shay about your family." I said, wanting her to tell him about the witches so he'll know that she is one like I told him earlier."Um my mom passed when I was ten. I live with my dad." Anna said bluntly. "No, about the witches. We were just talking about it today. Anna’s ancestors were witches. It's really cool."Eve said reassuringly. Thinking I was trying to start a conversation and wanted to help. "not exactly cool." Anna muttered rolling her eyes. "Well, that sounds interesting. I remember reading that there was a history of witches here in the 1800s." Ian said smiling I knew he was trying to cheer Anna up. "Yeah my family was from Salem." Anna said suddenly interested. "Really? Salem witches?" Ian asked his eyes wide. I looked at him smug just wanting to say I told ya so. "Yeah." Anna said nodding. "I would say that's pretty cool." Ian said smiling at her. "Why?" She asked a frown etched on her face making me grin. "In my opinion the Salem witches stood up for what they believed in and didn’t give in to society. They were known to be intelligent and creative with the things they developed." Ian said smiling, probably winning her over. "yeah that’s true." Anna stated proudly making me giggle. So now I'm guessing Anna is cool with Ian, nice work Shay. Eve looked proud of Ian and happy that Anna warmed up to him. The doorbell then rang again, I looked at Eve frowning while she looked towards the hallway. "Sorry, I wasn’t expecting anyone else." Eve said going to get up, but I stopped her. "I'll get it." I said standing up brushing myself off, I walked into the hallway. I walked to the door and opened it revealing Jessica and Marcus, when I saw them both Jessica grinned at me with some food in her hands while Marcus stood just behind her smirking at me. Uh oh, this can't be good. I glared at Marcus while his eyes traveled up and down my body, which made him smirk. He flashed me a perfect grin. "Surprise! Anna said you were having dinner, so we decided to come over. We brought dessert." Jessica said in her squeaky voice, I forced my eyes away from Marcus and looked at her with an eyebrow raised. "Hope you don't mind." Marcus said. I felt a large presence behind me, I turned my head slightly looked up and saw Ian glaring at his brother angrily. "What are you doing here?" Ian said with a serious face. "Waiting for Eve to invite me in." Marcus said his head c****d to the side as I saw Eve come up behind me. "Oh, yeah, you can..." Eve started to say. "No,he um, he can't stay. Can you, Marcus? Didn’t you have something you had to go do?" I said nervously, not wanting Eve to invite him in. Marcus just shook his head and shrugged. “come on Marcus." Jessica said walking past me with the food making me glare at her while Eve gave me a questioning look. "We're just...about done eating." Ian said after a short pause when I gave him a look for help. "It's fine. Just come on in." Eve said. I closed my eyes and sighed. Oh great. Why did Eve have to do that? Now she's in danger...looks like I'm gonna have to hurry up on that plan. I opened my eyes and glared at Marcus. He smirked at Ian and I and stepped through the doorway. "You have a beautiful home, Eve." Marcus said smiling at Eve while looking around. "Thank you." Eve said reluctantly while me and Ian continued to glare at him. Later on that night we were all sitting in the living room. Anna and me were sitting on one couch while Eve and Ian were on the other and Marcus was sitting in the arm chair in front of us while Jessica was sitting on the arm of it. "I cannot believe that Mr. Staton let you on the team. I bet Jacob didn’t like that. But congrats you should go for it." Jessica said to Ian. "That's what I always tell him. You have to try new things. You can't just sit around you have to experience life. Grab people's attention." Marcus said talking about wanting Ian to feed while me and Shay glared at him. "Yeah, Eve wasn't doing too good today. It's only because you missed summer camp. I don’t know how you’re going to catch up." Jessica started making my head snap up and glare at her. "Rainy wasn't perfect either but at least she managed." Jessica said while I rolled my eyes, I honestly didn't care I wasn't even trying so it doesn't matter to me. "I'll work with her. She'll get it." Anna said towards Jessica about Eve knowing that I honestly wouldn't even pay attention if she tried teaching me. "I guess we can put them in the back." Jessica said her voice snotty and posh. I just rolled my eyes again while Eve had a grim face and Anna looked irritated. "You know, you don't seem like the cheerleader type, Rainy, Eve." Marcus said bringing out his fake charm. "Oh, it's just 'cause of what happened this summer. Yeah, I mean, they're just totally going through a phase. They used to be way more fun. And I mean that in a good way." Jessica said as we all gave her a shocked look. All the while I was staring at her my mouth a gape eyes wide I can't believe she said that. "I'm sorry, Eve and Rainy. I know what it's like to lose both your parents and people you care about. In fact, Ian and I have lost almost every single person we’ve cared about." Marcus said while I glared at him thinking this wasn't the time. "Now’s not a good time to bring up the past" Ian said stiffly. "Yeah, you're right, I'm sorry. The last thing I wanted to do was bring them up." Marcus said with underlying meaning, talking about Aurora and Iris. I bit my tongue from going off on him. Eve’s POV. After dinner, I took all the plates and started to wash up. "One more." I whipped around and saw Marcus behind me holding a glass. "Thanks." I said flashing him my award wining smile while he c****d his head slightly and leaned back against the counter that was opposite of me, I reached for the glass he was handing me but I didn't grasp it when he let go, it fell to the floor but Marcus quickly leaned down and caught it making me stare at him in shock. "Nice reflexes." I said a smirk appearing on my face. "I like you. You’re smart. And you and Rainy make Ian smile. I haven’t seen him this happy in a long time." Marcus said to me. A grin went on my face then I remembered the conversation earlier. "Earlier, were you talking about Iris and Aurora?" I said the grin slipping off my face and a serious one coming on. “Yeah." Marcus said staring at me making me feel slightly uncomfortable but I ignored it. "What happened to them?" I asked hesitant hoping I didn't hurt him in anyway. Marcus seemed to freeze before he went back to normal "A house fire, bad accident." he said looking at the floor. "How long ago was that?" I asked trying to get more answers. "It seems like it was yesterday." He said smiling sadly to himself while he stared at the floor. "What were they like?" I asked him gently. Marcus smiled that turned into a smirk "They were beautiful. A lot like you and Rainy in that department. Aurora was also very complicated and selfish and at times not very kind, while Iris was more of the quite, shy, loving girl. And yet very sneaky and manipulative type. Of course she was only like that because she wanted to please Aurora." Marcus said thinking back. "but both were very sexy and mysterious." Marcus said to me grinning. "So which one of you dated which one of them first?" I asked him raising an eyebrow as I turned slightly to do the dishes. "Ah you figured that out huh? Ask Ian. I don’t want to get in the middle of anything. By the way I don’t think cheerleading is right for you and Rainy" Marcus said to me, making me look at him with a raised brow. "Why do you say that?" I asked him turning now fully interested and c*****g my head. "Oh, I saw you two at practice. You both looked miserable, especially Rainy." Marcus said laughing lightly thinking of Rainy scowling while listening to Jessica. I smiled lightly thinking of that too. "You saw that?" I asked a frown etched on my face again. "Am I wrong?" Marcus asked raising an eyebrow. "I used to love it and was hoping Rainy would one day. It was fun. But things have changed. Everything is different now and the things that used to be important don’t matter anymore." I said sadly trailing off at the end. "So quit. Problem solved." Marcus said showing his hands up at me as there's your answer. "It could be important again." I said to him thinking I was probably trying to convince myself more than him. "I highly doubt it." Marcus said to me, not buying it. "I'm sorry. About Aurora and Iris. Ian wasn’t the only one to lose them, you did too." I said to him thinking back to our conversation before, he looked shocked at me then smiled a genuine smile. "Hey. Need anymore help?" Anna asked walking into the kitchen an eyebrow raised. "Sure, why not?" Marcus said shrugging giving her his famous grin. Rainy's POV: "Max is just having a really hard time. Eve and him go way back. They have a lot of history.” Jessica blabbered as I looked at her bored and Shay tried to look interested. Hence the word 'tried'. "That's a really nice bracelet." Ian said to Jessica interrupting her speech about Max his eyes then focused on the bulky bracelet around her wrist. I rolled my eyes. Now you notice? "Mm. Thank you, it's new." Jessica said grinning brightly at him. "Can I see it? I mean, would you mind taking it off?" Ian asked her c*****g his head a little when an uneasy look came across her face. I gave him a confused look but then understood he wanted to see if Damon bit her and compelled her to not let the bite show. "Oh, I can't." Jessica said nervously as she fiddled with the bottom of her top with her fingers. So she is hiding something. ""Why not? You ok?" I asked her. "Um... I can't take it off. I think it’s hard to get off" Jessica said a confused look on her face. Yep he compelled her. Ian nodded in understanding and was about to say something before the older Shay brother strutted in making his way over to Jessica. "What’s going on in here?" Marcus said a smirk etched on his face as it usually was. "I was just complementing Jessica’s bracelet." Ian said staring at his brother hoping he would get the gist. "Hmm. Hey, you know, um, Eve and Anna are finishing up cleaning the kitchen. Why don't you go see if you can help?" Marcus said to Jessica and her face twisted up in disgust. "Does it look like I clean?" Jessica said her nose scrunching up. While I smirked. "please, for me?" Marcus asked his eyebrow raised a cute pout forming on his lips. "Hmm... I don't think so." Jessica said shaking her head. And I broke out in a smile glad her stubbornness was making Marcus get irritated. He had finally had enough and looked into her eyes "Go see if Eve needs help in the kitchen." Marcus said his pupils changing from big to small compelling Jessica. My smirk vanished and I glared at him and saw Shay doing the same. Jessica stood there blank before nodding and grinning "You know what? I'm gonna go see if Eve needs some help." Jessica said before bouncing away. "Great." Marcus said sarcastically. "You can’t do that. She’s just a girl, an innocent human being . She shouldn’t be controlled or used by you, for you to feed on whenever you want to." I said looking at him. "Yes she is. They all are here for me. They're whatever I want them to be. To use as I please." Marcus said tauntingly at me. "All right, you've had your fun. You used Jessica, you got to me, Rainy, and Eve, good for you. Now just leave" Ian said his eyes narrowing at Marcus. "Okay I’ll go. Because... I've been invited in, and I'll come back tomorrow or next week. Whenever I want. And I’ll do whatever I want. Because that’s what I do and who I am." Marcus said smirking at Ian while Ian was lost for words and I just shook my head knowing that wasn't true. Eve’s POV: "Well tonight went better than I thought it would." I said, next to Ian on my bed. Everyone else went home and Mia and Jake were asleep. "I'm glad it went good for one of us." Ian said to me talking about his brother. "Oh come on, your brothers not that bad..." I said before he shushed me and started kissing me as we laid back with me on top of him. He climbed over me making me giggle this was going to be nothing more than a make out session. I laughed and moved my hand to the back of his neck bringing his lips down to mine. I was fiddling with the hem off his shirt while he slowly kissed me. I broke off the kiss and pulled my shirt off. When I went back down and kissed him more passionately he rolled us over so I was under him. I pulled his shirt up slightly, he broke the kiss and started to lift the shirt over his toned body. Once it was off he leaned in to kiss me but then I saw Marcus’s face, my eyes widened, I screamed out of shock then I opened my eyes. I was in my bedroom, my body covered in sweat, I thought about my dream before it went away. I tried to slow my breathing and I got off the bed and grabbed the glass from the night stand before going to the bathroom to get me some water. It was just a crazy dream, I said to myself before going back to sleep. Rainy's POV: Later that night me and Ian got back to the house. Marcus was probably with Jessica somewhere. I was supposed to spend the night here tonight and tomorrow. Once I got done with the shower I walked in Ian’s room to see him writing in his journal with that focused look like Eve has when she writes. "Hey." I said to him sitting on his bed. "Hey." Ian said sending me a smile before finishing up his writing. I sighed. "Well tonight was a bust." I said to him as he got up and put his journal in an old wooden shelf thing. "It wasn't until Marcus showed up." Shay said gloomily before walking over to me. I nodded. "Yeah, so what are we going to do about Eve? He can come into her house whenever he wants and get inside her head." I said getting nervous for her. I looked over to see Shay with a look on his face like he had an idea. He walked over to his drawers where he keeps his clothes and picks up an old wooden box that was sitting on top of it. He opened it and pulled out a beautiful necklace. It was silver and was shaped like a circle and had a purple stone in the middle. It looked like an antique. "Wow where'd you get that?" I said walking over to him and looking at it. "I found it in Chicago, a long time ago. It has vervain in it and I'm planning on giving it to Eve. It'll at least help keep Marcus out of her head till we can think of a plan to get rid of him." Ian said while putting the necklace carefully back in the box. "It's the only vervain I have left though." Ian said looking at me with worry. Thinking that Marcus will still be able to compel me. I smirked at him. "Aww you care. Don't worry Shay vampires can't get into transporters heads even if they're still human." I said to him, smirking. He looked at me surprised and I gave him a questioning look. "Didn't that transporter you met before tell you that?" I asked him. He looked uncomfortable. "You know how I told you Aurora was a vampire right?" He asked me and I nodded confused. "Iris wasn't a vampire... She was a transporter and was Aurora’s twin sister." Ian said to me. My eyes widened a little. She was a transporter? And Aurora and her were twins? "Why didn't you tell me this before?" I asked him curiously. He shrugged. "I don't know.. I guess I wasn't really thinking." He said to me. I looked at him suspiciously but let it go. Later that night I went back in my room about to go to bed when I looked over and saw my cheerleading outfit out and all ready for me to put on tomorrow. I stared at it glumly not wanting tomorrow to come. I sighed and went to bed and fell asleep. Later on that night I woke up in a pile of sweat not knowing why. I was wide awake and knew I wasn't about to go back to sleep anytime soon. I crept down stairs where the lights were all off and it was silent because everyone was asleep. I went over to the Piano and started playing hoping no one would hear me and wake up. I thought back to when I first started playing. I let what I was feeling out on the keys and just listened to the soft yet edgy tone of it. It was beautiful to me and yet it sounded conflicted and panicked. When i was done I let out a sigh. Suddenly I heard clapping behind me. I turned around sharply and saw Shay standing there with ruffled hair. I blushed nervously. "Sorry I woke you up. I just couldn't sleep and thought I'd... Well you know." I said to him. "No, no, I'm glad you woke me. You're amazing. I mean I can play but I've never heard anything like yours." He said to me smiling and walking over to sit beside me. I shrugged. "It was nothing." I said to him truthfully. "It sounded like something to me. When'd you start playing?" He asked me. "When I was eleven." I said to him. "My birthday and Eve’s were only a couple of days apart so we always decided to have a birthday party together. Eve’s parents had gotten me and Eve both a journal for our 10th birthday. Eve’s mom encouraged us to be writers. Eve took to it instantly and loved it but I didn't for some reason. I tried my best to seem like I did, not wanting to let them down but they saw right through it. A couple of months after our birthday I saw a beautiful piano at church. No one was watching and I started to play it, remembering where the pianist had had her fingers at. I did ok and was really happy with it. What I didn't know at the time was that Eve’s parents were watching me at the door. For my next birthday they bought me a teacher to give me lessons on how to play. Joseph was happy enough to let me use his. And ever since I've let whatever I'm feeling out into the music. The journal Eve’s parents gave me turned into my song book where I keep the lyrics of what I'm thinking at. I let my feelings out in song but what I'm thinking out in lyrics. Of course I've always kept that to myself and have never really let anyone hear me play or sing until now of course." I said looking over to see Shay watching me intently. "What?" I asked him. "Nothing, it's just I never thought of something like that. I mean I've heard of people who put what they're feeling in song but I've never gotten it until now." He said looking at me with a soft smile and I smiled back. Me and him both headed our separate ways and headed to bed. This time I went to sleep peacefully and didn't wake up again until morning.
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