Chapter 6

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As the Alpha puts his hand on my shoulder my whole body starts to shake, as much as I wanted to act and seem tough, I’m not. I have gone from one abuser to another one, and Amy fooled me. I really thought she was being nice to me, when really she was buttering me up for the Alpha. I know he hates rogues, and after what Callum told them I wonder if he wants to torture me to find out if I know more. But then surely Amy told him what I told her back in the pharmacy? My life is such a mess right now, maybe being killed isn’t the worst thing in the world, I should just accept my fate. “Open your eyes.” The Alpha demanded, but in a soft voice. How can someone speak so softly while holding so much authority at the same time, I wonder if all Alphas are like him. I slowly open my eyes as he requested, when they were fully open, my gaze landed on his face, and wow. Now I understand why all the girls were giddy about him coming and why all the men were on edge. He is gorgeous. His eyes were a midnight blue colour, causing me to get lost in them. His face looked like it was sculpted from gods, his tanned skin was flawless, he had a neat beard and moustache which was black, matching his hair. His lips were full and from what I could see, his teeth were perfectly white. Everything about him was perfect, I could tell why people would be intimidated by him. His whole look was the ‘bad boy’ image, and I could tell that if his face changed, he would look scary as hell. His jet-black hair was slightly messy, like he had ran his hand through numerous times, making it flop slightly to one side. It makes me want to reach up and touch it, but of course that would be inappropriate, hell, me staring at him like this was inappropriate. I read that you should never stare an Alpha in the eyes, as this can sometimes be seen as disrespectful and can be challenging. I quickly divert my eyes away, not wanting to anger him by disrespecting him, and as my eyes move down I notice his body. Holy cow. I thought his face was perfect, well take a look at his body. He was wearing black jeans with a tight black top and jacket, through all the clothes you could see all the muscles, he must work out everyday to get like this. He was big, not one ounce of fat on him, he was pure muscle and perfection. Freya stop. I need to get a grip; I have seen plenty of good-looking guys in the past. Just not as good as him. Ugh. Why did my fate have to be sealed by him, or better yet, why couldn’t he have been ugly. “You’re scared?” He askes me confused. Well obviously I am scared, but I am not going to tell him that. “I…” “Don’t lie to me.” He quickly adds before I can answer. What does he want me to do, beg for my life? “Yes. I am scared, but I am ready. I will not beg for my life; I mean no disrespect but please just do it.” I say firmly. “Do what?” That catches me off guard, is he actually serious. I move my gaze back to his eyes, hoping to see whether he is taunting me or not. But I cannot tell, his expression is emotionless. “Kill me?” I end up asking. Well played Freya. “Do you not feel it?” He asks back, purposely avoiding my question. “Feel what?” “I am an Alpha, have you never encountered an Alpha before?” he asks curiously. Why is he asking this, am I doing something wrong. “I am sorry Alpha; you are the first.” I admit. Something tells me he would know if I lie to him, plus I don’t want to humiliate myself more if there is something I should be doing. “Ever since I placed my hand on your shoulder, I have used my Alpha authority on you. And you have not yet submitted. It is in a wolfs nature to submit to an Alpha, with no control over it.” He explains. “So I should be submitting?” I confirm. “Yes.” “But I don’t feel it. I am sorry, I am new to all of this; I didn’t mean to disrespect you.” I say quickly, trying to get up of the table I was on. “Whoa there.” He calls out, stopping me. I look up at him confused, I have no idea what is happening. Am I doing wrong? Is it even my fault? Is this why he will kill me? “Freya, you are not disrespecting me at all. If you were meant to submit to me, you would have already. You have no control over it.” He adds. “But I don’t understand. What is wrong with me then?” I ask confused. He then looks to Amy and they both smile and let out a small chuckle. Amy comes towards me and gives me a smile. “You are not mean to submit to him, or me. I knew that from the moment we met in the pharmacy, you would have submitted to me if so.” She explains. “I am so confused right now.” I shake my head. “I am an Alpha’s daughter Freya, that makes me high up. The only people who will not submit to me is an Alpha or Luna. Even another Alpha’s daughter would submit to me, and me her.” She explains. “But I am a rogue, isn’t that the lowest of them all. I am not either of those.” “And the only time you don’t have to submit to an Alpha is when you are their equal. Again, an Alpha or a Luna.” The Alpha adds. I look between them, are they trying to say I am the Alpha’s equal? “I am not like other Alpha’s Freya. I am the strongest wolf there is, also known as a Lycan. Normal werewolf Alpha’s and Luna’s still submit to me.” The Alpha continues. “So if you are the strongest, why would I not submit to you? Are you going to kill me because of it?” I semi whisper. Part of me doesn’t want to know the answer, but the other part wants this ordeal to be over already. The thought of my death being dragged out to torment me is starting to get to me, if they don’t do it soon then I will. “Because Freya, you are my equal.” He says and takes my hands gently. When his skin touched mine I instantly felt a tingling sensation, almost like small electric shocks, but not painful. Then it hit me, what Lilly told me the day we met. I look up to the Alpha in shock. “Your… Your my mate?” I ask. “YES! You finally pieced it together.” Amy squeals. “But I am just a rogue, I am not good enough to be your mate.” I say and look down at our hands. It is like my hands were made to fit perfectly in his. “You were chosen to be my mate for a reason Freya. And I know why you are a rogue, if you don’t know who your real parents were, how do you know you aren’t actually an Alpha’s daughter or similar?” He says. “Well, I guess I don’t. Maybe you are right Alpha.” I say, I have never thought about it before, but he could be right. “Please don’t call me Alpha, I am your mate.” I remember Amy saying his name earlier, but I cannot remember what it was, and I suddenly feel embarrassed. “My name is Xavier.” He says before I can ask. “But you can call me anything you like.” He winks at me. I couldn’t help but smile at his playful behaviour, how can this man be so cruel like the rumours. “I guess you aren’t going to kill me then.” I say, more a statement than a question. “Not in a million years my Freya. And I promise you now, no one will ever hurt you again.” He claims. Looking in his eyes I can see the truth behind his words. “You know, I was there in the pharmacy that day, I felt the pull of the bond, but Amy snatched you away before I could get to you.” He tells me. Now I think about it, when I entered the pharmacy that day I felt a strange sensation, but I couldn’t place it, but now it makes sense. “I felt it too, I didn’t realise because, well, I was bleeding out. But I felt it.” I tell him. He snaps his head to Amy and squints his eyes before returning to me. “Bleeding out?” He asks sternly. Oops. “Xavier, I didn’t know she was your mate, otherwise I would have told you.” Amy quickly says, “I saw she was hurt and wanted to help. I knew she was special because even though she smelt like a rogue she didn’t submit, I was intrigued.” “And it never occurred to you that she could have been my mate? Damn it Amy we could have prevented all of this.” He exclaims, I can tell he is starting to lose his temper though. I get a slight glance of why people are scared of him, when he gets angry he looks evil. But to me, I still think he is gorgeous. “Hey, it is ok.” I say gently and move my hand to his arm. His eyes meet mine again and his face softens. “I could have lost you.” He whispers and his head comes forward, leaning his forehead against mine. “But you didn’t. Because of Amy.” I tell him. He lets out a long breath and pulls me into a tight hug. I look over his shoulder at Amy and she mouths the words ‘Thank you’. I give her a small nod. “Erm, I think I am going to leave you two for a bit. I need to go get our schedules, anyway, see you both soon.” Amy says, quickly excusing herself. Once Amy has left Xavier moves and sits on the table I am on facing me. I have no idea what will happen form now, I haven’t had chance to look into how mates work. Plus I still have the issue of Callum, will that change now I am Xavier’s mate? “Now what?” I ask looking into his eyes. “Now… Now we enjoy life.” He replies, making me smile. “I don’t know much about mates, so I don’t know what is expected of me now or anything.” I admit. “The first thing to know is you are now mine. And I am yours, forever. You are going to become part of my pack, well the packs Luna actually.” He says. “I have no idea how to do that.” “We will figure it out together. I have been alone for so long; I need to learn too. And I am a new Alpha myself.” He says. His face changes like he just thought of an idea, then he stands up quickly positioning himself in front of me. “Usually we do an official ceremony but as I can do what I want, I am not waiting for this. I feel embarrassed to say this but what is your last name?” He asks me. “Adams.” I tell him. He gives me a smile then closes his eyes, takes a deep breath, and opens them again. “All members of Black Moon Pack, please pay attention.” He says out loud. He must have a link to all his pack, I remember reading about it. “I have finally found my mate, and your Luna. I know we usually do a formal ceremony, which we will but I did not want to wait a second longer to do this.” He says, then pulls me forward so I am standing in front of him. He towers me with the height difference, he must be around 6’5, almost a whole foot taller than me. “I Alpha Xavier Black accept you Freya Adams as my mate. I also hereby accept you into the Black Moon pack as my equal and the packs Luna. Do you accept me as your mate and the responsibility of Luna?” He asks. As I look into his eyes I can see he has worry in them, does he think I will say no? I clear my throat. “I Freya Adams… Accept you Alpha Xavier Black as my mate and the responsibility of Luna in the Black Moon pack.” I say. One thing I did manage to read, was when you officially claim and accept your mate, you mark each other for it to be official. Xavier pulls me closer and licks the area he is about to mark, and I do the same to him. At the same time we both extend our canines then he bites down at the crook of my neck, I instantly do the same. This was it, no going back now.
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