Chapter 5

2279 Words
The past 2 weeks have gone by with every day the same, get up go to my classes and then get beaten by Callum and his friends at the end of every day. Lilly has been trying her best to help me but there is only so much she can do without getting too involved, I would hate for her to suffer for being my friend. One good thing is she is always here waiting for me to come home so she can help me get cleaned up, just a shame something like this is what it took for us to become so close. I haven’t seen Amy again, which I didn’t expect to but part of me hoped. She seemed so confident and didn’t seem to mind being seen with me, I need someone like that in my life right now. Every day the beatings are getting worse, ever since the time with the knife he hasn’t done that again, thankfully. But he has moved onto using knuckle dusters and steel toecap shoes, which of course hurts ten times more. I have been seriously thinking about my options, after a long heart to heart with Lilly I no longer have thoughts of ending my life. She helped me see that no matter what, my life is worth living. But I don’t think I can stay here and cope with all this abuse much more, and I hate the fact that it will mean they will win. Only problem is, I have no idea if there is any other neutral wolf areas where you can live a proper life. Today is Friday so Lilly suggested that this weekend we can scout out nearby areas to see if we can find somewhere for me to move, hopefully they will have a school which I can transfer to. I don’t have much hope, but you never know, my luck has to change at some point, right? Let’s just get through today. Like every day I get to my class before Callum and his pack, I quickly find my seat and get comfortable. While sitting waiting for the class to start I notice everyone is acting strange, the guys are all tense and the girls are all giddy. I noticed before that everyone acts different on a Friday, but this is different. I try to listen in to what the girls in front of me are saying but there is too much noise from everyone else to make out what they are saying. Oh well, I have my own drama to think about without adding more to it. Before long, the class starts and Callum still hasn’t arrived, nor any of his pack. Hopefully, they are all off for the day. As usual the morning drags on with History and Science, I don’t mind History, but Science is boring, all we do is look at elements and gases. Not for me that’s for sure. Lunch comes around quickly and I grab my lunch and start heading towards the abandoned part of the school, different to the one I found myself in on my first day. I found it is the only way I am able to eat anything without being harassed. On my way to the other end of the school I notice people are still acting strange, even the teachers. I really should have been paying more attention to where I was going rather than focusing on what everyone else was doing, because unfortunately, I walked straight into Callum. Now I am screwed. “Sorry, sorry. I didn’t mean to.” I plead, knowing it won’t help. He looks at me with so much hate, more than before. He looks down, looking at his shirt, I follow his gaze and I realise why he is so mad. I must have made him spill his drink when I walked into him, I am so going to get it. “Ooooo.” One of his friends says. Callum looks around then grabs my arm and squints his eyes slightly. “Do you have any idea what you have done. I am supposed to be meeting the Alpha for lunch, and now I look like this. Because of you.” Why did I have to be looking at what other people were doing, now it makes sense though. It is because the Alpha is here, and from what I have heard, he is cruel, cold and despises rogues. I guess one good thing is if Callum finishes me off now then the Alpha won’t get chance to. Callum lets go of my arm and swings his right arm to punch me, landing his fist on the side of my face making me fall to the ground. He loves it when he takes me down in one, sometimes I fall on purpose, I found that it hurries them up. When I don’t fall they get angrier and hits me worse than if I do fall. While I am on the floor I get the usual kicks, but it stops quicker than usual, I take a peek up and Callum has his back to me. Did someone come? It was a risk them doing this out in the open, but I guess everyone will be surrounding the Alpha, if he is here. I look to the others and they are smirking at me, when I look back to Callum I know why. He has turned back around to face me, but he has the same silver knife in his hand as before. I try to shuffle back but his pack holds me in place on the floor. “I think I have the best present for the Alpha… A dead rogue.” He says while looking at the knife. “No. No. No. Please.” I plead again; it cannot end like this. I don’t want to die. He bends down to my level staring into my eyes. “Goodbye rogue.” He whispers before plunging the knife into the side of my stomach. I scream and try to call out for help but one of his friends covers my mouth again, and I see Callum pull the knife back and aims it above my chest. The fear I now feel of losing my life cloud the pain from my side. I am going to die alone. I close my eyes and wait for the pain, but it doesn’t come. I open my eyes to see what is holding him up and he is frozen in place, so are all his friends, and the one covering my mouth drops his hand. I cannot tell what is going on but the burn from the silver is getting worse so I let out another scream, if I don’t get it seen too soon then I will die from it. My wolf healing won’t kick in unless the wound is closed, because it was done by silver. “What the hell is going on here? Who was that?” I hear a familiar female voice. Where do I know the voice from, is it Lilly? Am I in too much pain to realise my own friends voice? “Nothing, erm…” Callum says nervously. “Well unless you perfected how to scream like a girl, I would start talking.” The familiar voice says sternly. “We wanted to do something for the Alpha. There is a dirty rogue who was bragging about killing pack wolves, so we wanted to take care of her for you.” Callum tells her quickly. The lying bastard. “She?” A male voice booms, full of authority. I wonder if this is the Alpha and his pack, that would explain the reason Callum and his pack are so tense. The pain is getting worse, and I can feel myself getting more out of breath as the wound is draining my energy. While they are all distracted I use it as an opportunity to take my jacket off so I can use it to put pressure on the wound. “Move out the way.” The female voice says. They all start to move, and I instantly start to move away, I don’t want them to get me too. As I shuffle back one of Callum’s friends punches me, making me fall flat to the floor, releasing the pressure on my side. “Don’t you dare move rogue. You will face what is coming to you.” He spits. “YOU. Don’t you dare touch her again.” The female voice demands to the one who hit me. I look up briefly and notice the female that is now bending down in front of me, blocking my view to the Alpha. I cannot believe it, its Amy. Is she here with the Alpha? “Amy?” I whisper to her. “Shh, it is ok Freya. You are safe now.” She says softly. I hear a commotion behind her and hear Callum pleading to someone for forgiveness. What is happening? I try to look but Amy blocks my view more. “Freya, look at me. You are losing a lot of blood and I need to get you stitched up.” She says lifting me up and taking me into one of the classrooms. Suddenly the air around me becomes restricted and I struggle to get my breath. “Amy, I.. I can’t breathe.” I manage to say, and I can feel myself becoming sleepy. “Stay with me Freya.” She says quickly while looking in her bag. She takes out a black case, opening it to reveal a first aid kit. “I'm sorry, we don’t have time to numb the area. We need to get this closed and now.” She tells me as she pulls my top up, revealing the fresh cut. Before I get chance to process what she said she puts the needle into my side, making me let out another scream. It feels like someone is stabbing me again, but she doesn’t stop. The door suddenly flies open, and I can see a silhouette of an exceptionally large man appear. I shut my eyes tight as Amy continues to stitch me up. I hear the door close again and I get a different feeling overwhelm me, almost taking away the pain. The feeling is the same I felt in the pharmacy, it is like a full but warm feeling. The air in the room has changed too, I can sense the presence of a powerful wolf, which means the Alpha is in here. That must be why I feel this way, I have never been this close to an Alpha before. I look up to Amy and she is snipping the end of the stitch, securing it. She then places a bandage over the top, and I instantly feel better. I can feel my body trying to heal me, I am still very weak and just want to sleep but I don’t feel like I am about to die anymore. Amy moves her gaze from me to the person behind me, which I have established is the Alpha. Her expression doesn’t change, not like how everyone else has acted so far, did she stitch me up just to kill me a different way? She looks back to me, her face changing, she can see what I am thinking. “Freya, it is ok. You don’t need to be scared.” She reassures me, before continuing. “Please tell me the truth, has this being going on since we first met 2 weeks ago, or was today a one off?” “Erm, well I couldn’t stay away from them like you said. And I am always outnumbered, but it is ok I am used to it and I have a system.” I reply honestly, I don’t want to make things worse by lying. Hopefully, they will go back to just the normal beatings, and not try to kill me again. “Are you f*****g kidding me!” The male behind me states, but it doesn’t sound directed to me. All the same it makes me tremble. “Xavier! Don’t. You will scare her.” She tells him sternly. She looks back to me. “You are used to it? So you get beat everyday by them?” She asks. She already knows all about me, so I know I can’t lie to her, I just feel weird with the Alpha in the room listening. I don’t want him to see that I am afraid. “Pretty much, I mean I am a rogue. I know how it is, I am lucky to be alive.” I tell her honestly. “But it was not your fault.” “It doesn’t matter, I can’t change it so I might as well accept my fate. So if you are going to kill me, please just do it.” I tell her, aiming the last part to the Alpha too. She looks behind me to him and I hear his footsteps as he comes closer to me, suddenly putting a hand on my shoulder. This is it; I have met my fate.
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