Chapter 7

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The moment Xavier’s canines sink into my neck I feel a surge of power flow through me, along with the feeling of a link being created. The feeling makes me feel like I am on cloud nine, I never want it to end. When the power surge stops we both release each other, sealing the mark with a lick, mainly to help heal and form the mark. I look at the area I just released, and the form of a howling wolf appears in black with the outline of a moon, it looks beautiful. “Yours is the same as mine.” Xavier says, pulling my eyes away from his beautiful mark. I look up at him and smile. “Mine.” I say. For once in my life, I am happy and content, I feel complete. “Always.” He says kissing my knuckles. His lips feel so soft against my skin, and in that moment I want nothing else but to have them touch my lips. Before I can pull him in he pulls back. “I would like to welcome Luna Freya Adams.” He says, but through the pack link. I hear cheers and congratulations coming through the link from the pack. It makes me feel warm, I can feel the excitement from everyone, and the love. “Thank you everyone. I promise you all, I will always be here you for and I will do everything I possibly can for you. From this day forth you are all my family.” I say through the link to the whole pack. When everyone has finished welcoming me I close the link so I can focus on Xavier, he had told everyone that I would be formally introduced tomorrow which I am nervous about, I am worried when they see me they wont like me. “Freya? Are you ok?” He asks me. “What if they don’t like me?” I whisper. “They will love you; they already do. Plus they know you are special now.” He tells me. “Well obviously, I am your mate. But I really hope they do; it would be nice to be accepted for once.” “Oh right, I keep forgetting you are new to this wolf thing. Freya, have you ever shifted? After the initial shift?” He asks. Come to think of it, I haven’t. “No, I haven’t actually. I had been so focused on finding a place I didn’t think about it.” I admit. I am a werewolf who has only shifted once, now I feel silly. “Ah, that explains it. Only Lycans can link an entire pack at once Frey.” “But I just… Oh. So am I a Lycan too?” I ask him. “I think you are. When you shifted did you see what you looked like?” He asks. “No I didn’t. Do Lycans look different to normal Werewolves?” “Lycans are bigger and stronger. Usually a pure colour too, like me, I am fully black. But Amy is black with silver streaks because she is a Werewolf, not Lycan.” He explains. “Oh. We will have to shift and see then. Why is Amy not a Lycan if you are siblings?” I ask. “Lycans are very rare, usually there is only the Lycan Alpha and Luna that exist at one time. They basically have authority over all wolves, but are strongest when mated.” He explains. I guess that makes sense. “I cannot wait to see what you look like.” He adds softly. “Me too.” I say. I put my arms around his neck, suddenly feeling a rush of confidence. I pull his head down to my level and capture his lips with mine. He seemed shocked but quickly recovers and pulls me closer while kissing me passionately. He pulls me back up onto the table and nestles between my legs kissing me. After kissing for god knows how long, I pull back for air. We are both panting from our session. “Erm Xavier? I erm, I have never… you know.” I say, trying to tell him that I am a virgin, without dying of embarrassment. “I know. I can tell, don’t worry. We will take it slow until you are ready.” He tells me. He really is perfect. “I cannot believe this is how today has ended. Not too long ago I thought Callum was going to kill me, then I thought you was going to kill me. And now I have a mate and a pack. It is crazy.” I say bewildered. I look up at Xavier and he is angry. What did I do? “Oh I am sorry; I didn’t mean to anger you.” I quickly say. “No, I am sorry. It is just the thought of what Callum did. If we hadn’t heard you scream, then.” He has to stop himself. “It is ok, you did hear me. And I am ok because of you.” I say, lifting my top and removing the bandage, showing that the cut has completely healed. You can still see a small scar, but it isn’t too bad. “They will not get away with this. I will do anything for you but please don’t try and stop me, I know I am known for being ruthless, but I would never physically harm anyone unless I have evidence that they deserve it. So they need to pay for what they have done.” He states. “I would never stop you. All I ask is for you to include me, I want to be there when they get what they deserve.” I tell him. I want to see them when they realise what they have done. After all they have done to me, hell they almost killed me twice, I want to see that look in their eyes. I don't want to become evil and cold, but they do need to have consequences to their actions. Looking at Xavier’s expression to what I said, I am guessing he wasn’t expecting me to say that. “Wow, I didn’t expect that. But I am glad, you my girl are one amazing woman.” He says pulling me into another kiss. After another make out session, we both pull back. We must have been in here for hours and I need to let Lilly know I am ok. “We best head out. I need to let my roommate know what I am still alive.” I joke, but we both know I am serious. “You are right, and I want to see where you live and who you live with.” He agrees. We both straighten up, I put my bloody jacket into the bin before we leave the classroom. When we exit the room the whole school is in silence, I have no idea how long we were in there for. It was still light out so it wasn’t too late, but school must be over at least. We silently walk back to my room; Xavier had his hand on the small of my back the whole way. On our way we didn’t see one other person, either we are lucky, or he has something to do with it. I open my door and we both enter, the whole place is silent, I wonder where Lilly is. As we walk into the living room Lilly jumps on me. “OH MY GOD FREYA!” She shouts. I hug her back before pushing her to arm’s length. “Lilly, I am ok.” I tell her. She looks me over to make sure before she looks behind me and her eyes go wide. She looks back to me for answers, but her eyes land on my neck. “Hold up. Are you… are you mates with the Alpha?” She whispers. “Lilly, this is Alpha Xavier, my mate.” I tell her and he comes to stand beside me. “It is a pleasure Alpha.” She instantly submits to him. Ah, now I see. “Please call me Xavier. From what I have heard, you have been there for Freya during the past couple of weeks.” He tells her. Lilly looks up to him and then to me. “He knows?” She asks. “Xavier and his sister saved me this afternoon.” I admit. “What did he do?” She asks, but I can tell she is trying to stay calm. “He stabbed me with silver, again.” “WHAT!” She shouts. She starts to pace around the room mumbling to herself, getting angrier by the second. “Lilly stop. It is under control.” I tell her sternly. She stops instantly and bows slightly to me, whoa, hang on. She is submitting. “I am sorry Lil; you don’t need to do that.” I say quickly. “You used your Luna authority on her.” Xavier whispers in my ear. Oops. “I will teach you how to control it, don’t worry.” He adds. Once we have calmed down and explained everything that happened today, Lilly orders us a pizza in. I still cannot believe it myself to be honest, my life has done a complete 180. But for the better. While we are waiting for the pizza to arrive Amy turns up all excited, I completely forgot that she would have heard and been apart of everything earlier, when I became Luna. Lilly and Amy hit it off straight the way, and they started discussing ways to make Callum and his pack pay for what they did to me. While they were discussing everything and getting to know each other, I just sat between Xavier’s legs leaning against him. This is the life I wanted all along. I have my friends and my mate, life is good. I know I still need to deal with Callum, but for now I am not thinking about that. Tonight I am just going to enjoy the company I have. I turn my body around, so I am facing Xavier. “Did you, erm, want to stay the night?” I ask shyly. “Of course, you don’t need to be shy about it. And to be honest, I wasn’t going to leave you just yet.” He winks at me. He makes me giggle like a schoolgirl, making me feel all kind of emotions. We say goodnight to Lilly and Amy and head to my room, suddenly becoming nervous that I will, for the first time, have a boy in my room. When we enter, I look at Xavier and notice he is just looking around, taking everything in. It makes me more nervous. “What’s this?” He asks, looking and the big chest in the far corner. Oops, I should have moved it before we came in here, but I completely forgot. “Erm, its, erm. Nothing.” I say quickly, hoping he will drop it. He turns to look at me, squinting his eyes slightly. “Your lying.” He states. “Fine, it is my supplies.” I admit. I hate that I have to have basically a whole pharmacy in my room, because the beating I get daily. It takes too long to go to the pharmacy first before coming home, so I stock up. And of course, being a rogue, they don’t help me there. “Supplies?” He questions while opening the chest. His eyes go wide when he sees what is in there. “Why do you have like a whole hospital in your room? And the truth.” He asks through gritted teeth. He is getting angry. “It is so I don’t have to waste time going to the pharmacy every day.” I answer him honestly. “But why here? Surely the pharmacy or school nurse can help you?” I let out a big sigh, causing him to turn fully towards me waiting for my reply. “I’m a rogue, they wont help me.” “Was, not anymore. And that is no excuse, they should help regardless, that is the reason this place is on neutral grounds. So, everyone can get an education and help regardless.” He tells me. “But I thought you hated rogues too?” I ask quietly. I don’t want to anger him and make him regret claiming me. He steps towards me, closing the gap and puts his hands on my arms. “Yes, I hate rogues. But not the same as you. There are two types of rogues in our society, there is the innocent, like you. You still have your normal scents and can live life like normal. And then there is the other type, the ones that don’t think about right or wrong, and no longer smell like themselves. They smell like burning rubber and fire, it isnt nice. They are the type I hate; they kill without hesitation and cause so much damage.” He explains. “Oh.” Was all I could say. I am glad I haven’t had the misfortune to bump into one of the evil rogues. “Come on, lets get some sleep. We have a big day ahead of us tomorrow.” He says while removing his trousers and jacket. I instantly turn around blushing. “Erm yes, sorry. I will go get changed.” I tell him quickly running into the closet. I haven’t even thought about what will happen at school tomorrow, one thing I do know is I am scared.
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